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iOS ipa and app file size increased after building with xcode16

iOS App size got increased after generating build with Xcode 16. I have compared the .ipa file contents generated from Xcode 15.8 and Xcode 16.1 version, there was huge increase of size which is ...
Madhu's user avatar
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2 answers

Ilibrary "" not found after upgrading to react-native 0.76.1

I started migrating my react-native project from 0.73.0 to 0.76.1. I've had to keep the new architecture to false since some of the packages I use don't seem to support it. The project works fine in ...
David Camargo's user avatar
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React Native Hermes-engine Sandbox error in Xcode: rsync.samba deny file-write-create during build

When I try to run the app on the iOS simulator (iPhone 15, iOS 17.5), I encounter a sandbox error related to rsync.samba. The specific error messages are: Sandbox: rsync.samba(18075) deny(1) file-...
Abdullah Jaspal's user avatar
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Cannot read property ‘IsAndroid’ of null / (react-native-sound)

I’m working on a React Native with version of 0.74.5 versión. Also I’m using react-native-sound library with the version 0.11.2 I pretty much have a blank project. I’m willing to play a mp3 file when ...
OscarG.'s user avatar
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Blank white page after bundling complete in React Native

After loading my react native app I get this error message: Error: React Refresh runtime should not be included in the production bundle., js engine: hermes ERROR Error: React Refresh runtime should ...
szabolcs_42's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Asset validation failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Invalid Executable. The executable hermes.framework/hermes' contains bitcode

if a build the app it is correct. archieve is also correct. but when i upload app to Test Flight i get this error o MacOS 15 , Xcode 16 . <IDEDistributionContext: 0x7f9ef32a6d50; archive = "&...
Engr.Aftab Ufaq's user avatar
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Issue Loading GGUF Model with ctransformers: RuntimeError on from_pretrained()

I'm trying to load a GGUF model (Hermes-3-Llama-3.1-8B.Q4_K_M.gguf) using the ctransformers Python package. I'm using the following code: from ctransformers import AutoModelForCausalLM llm = ...
Alhusain Alharthi's user avatar
5 votes
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ReferenceError: Property 'TextEncoder' doesn't exist

I'm using react native 0.72.4 I'm getting this error: Reference Error: Property 'Text Encoder' doesn't exist at multiple places in my app. I didn't use it explicitly but my npm packages like qr-code-...
VIGNESH KUMARAN's user avatar
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Open debugger doesn't work in React Native 0.74

I have created a new project with latest version but open debugger is not working for me due to which i am facing a lot of issue in debugging. I have tried already following but Xcode crashes with it. ...
Muhammad Ashfaq's user avatar
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ReferenceError: 'BigInt' doesn't exist (Hermes); Invariant Violation: AppRegistry module not registered (Hermes)

**I was working on a React Native project using version 0.64.1. I attempted to upgrade to version 0.74.0 but was unsuccessful. As a result, I decided to revert to the original version, 0.64.1, and ...
SurajTopal's user avatar
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Error error: library "" not found, js engine: hermes

when I try to run : npm run android i got the following error: **ERROR Error: Exception in HostObject::get for prop 'RNSModule': java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "...
jhcpadrino's user avatar
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FRIDA Access Violation Error in Intercepting HermesRuntimeImpl::call

I am currently working on intercepting calls to HermesRuntimeImpl::call in a react native Android application using Frida. My goal is to extract arguments passed to this function and perform ...
Thuwarakan Mohanraj's user avatar
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Convert a Hermes tracing profile to Chrome tracing profile without downloading from device

I have a somewhat aging react-native project running Flipper 0.125.0 that supports Hermes. For some reason, on every single platform, the command... npx react-native profile-hermes ./cpuprofiles ......
c.fogelklou's user avatar
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React Native iOS XCode build error: "[CP-User] [Hermes] Replace Hermes for the right configuration"

I face this issue and I do not have any clue about what is cause the problem. It's about a React Native App, I didn't install anything from days or change code. It's happen from the moment I update my ...
OVER-C's user avatar
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