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2 answers

Replacing letters in a string using javaScript

function dnaStrand(dna){ const compl = dna; dna.includes("A") && compl.replace(/A/g, "T"); dna.includes("T") && compl.replace(/T/g, "A") dna....
Mumo Mwendwa's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Using Javascript to remove navbar links to current page. Why does it only work sometimes?

I am using include to load my main navigation and footer onto all the pages of my website. I am attempting to use javascript to, on page load, change the color of the current page's menu item as well ...
Theopholis's user avatar
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1 answer

JS redirect function

I am trying to create a function that changes the redirect link of a button if the url contains the word "TicketPreDateable". So I have a button like this one: <div class="col-12 col-...
Paul Nouvel's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I link a Javascript file into another Javascript file

There are two files here in the same folder. I am trying to invoke a function named greet of app1 in app2. app1.html <script> function greet() { alert('hello from App1') } // greet() ...
Yash's user avatar
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Disable javascript function "add class on scroll" on subsite with php included header

I'm trying to disable a JavaScript function on certain subsites that change navigation background and text-color on the scroll. It's defined in the header.php which is included in all sites, but at ...
Manaka's user avatar
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1 answer

output elements of an array containing particular letter in javascript

I'm new to javascript and I'm struggling with getting the syntax right on my function to pull elements from an array containing the letter 'i'. let teachers = ["Arrington", "Kincart", "Alberts", "...
even444's user avatar
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1 answer

Method .includes() is not a function error

I am studying through Eloquent Javascript, and I have the following code as one of the exercices. class Group { constructor(){ this.arr = [] } add(value){ if(!this.has(value)) { ...
Adriel Tosi's user avatar
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1 answer

Why can't I call any functions from a separate .js file?

If I have the following main.js file: require('./test.js'); $(document).ready(function(){ testFunction(); }); and then the cooresponding test.js file in the same directory as main.js: function ...
jros's user avatar
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1 answer

Why my toggle visibility javascript function is not working?

I have this folder structure: htdocs/ - a.php - plugin/ - b.php - website/ - c.php - js/ - common.js I have these functions on common.js: function togglevisibility (id) { ...
Chen Li Yong's user avatar
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4 answers

Javascript - include another script by using the <script> tag?

So I have a function that writes a string into a div. The string is declared as content, which consists of html code, like this: <h2>This is a test result</h2> <script type="text/...
Zyyk Savvins's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Wordpress - Custom page includes second custom page causing problems with functions file

Alright so I have a custom page template designed with javascript and php (lets call this page1). The javascript inserts a second custom page (page2) template which displays content inside a div ...
Sweepster's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Including javascript file dynamically and then calling function dynamically

I've included a javascript file dynamically, here is the file When I call the Zaarly.Anywhere.Open() function I get this error Zaarly.Anywhere is undefined If I ...
Uzair Farooq's user avatar