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how to retrieve unique identifiers from android 11 r (API 30) device? [duplicate]

I want to get unique identifiers like Android Device ID, IMEI, or MAC address from an Android phone with Android version 11 using Java. Can someone help? I need just either one unique identifier. This ...
matchaLover's user avatar
-2 votes
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iOS/Android: Legal way to get unique device identifier

We are working on Child Anti-Abusing App on behalf of the Slovak Republic. Currently we have an Android and iOS app available to the public thats successful in providing help and support. But we need ...
Tomas Ivan's user avatar
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Get Permanent Unique ID for android device

I have an application in which I want to identify the device with Unique ID, I have tried multiple solutions but doing after phone reset unique ID gets changed(like ANDROID_ID) I have used below ...
Amin Pinjari's user avatar
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A Stable Unique Id for Xamarin Android

I am developing an android app by using xamarin forms (in the future, maybe a uwp app will be developed, not an ios App). I've tried some libraries such as
boss's user avatar
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Identify users by google-play account [closed]

Hello, I am just developing for fun, and new to android and java. The users of my app should stay anonymous, but to prevent any bots or spam, i need to identify the user of the app.In order to ...
nkey's user avatar
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6 votes
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Android: Advertising ID vs. unique Android ID

Google is replacing the unique Android ID (similar to Apple’s old UDID) with a new Advertising ID. Users will be able to reset the Advertising ID. “Beginning August 1st 2014, all updates and new apps ...
Oli's user avatar
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Getting Unique Id from all java phones especially from S40 devices

I have requirement of getting an unique identification number programmatically from all j2me supported phones. As we already know getting IMEI / IMSI in S40 devices is almost not possible, bluetooth ...
AndosBerry's user avatar
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How to get Unique ID of Windows Phone?

I want to get the IMEI number of my Windows Phone in my application. How can I programatically access it? If IMEI won't get in my application, then how to access MAC address of my phone. In my ...
Nelson T Joseph's user avatar