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how to retrieve unique identifiers from android 11 r (API 30) device? [duplicate]

I want to get unique identifiers like Android Device ID, IMEI, or MAC address from an Android phone with Android version 11 using Java. Can someone help? I need just either one unique identifier. This ...
matchaLover's user avatar
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Android: Advertising ID vs. unique Android ID

Google is replacing the unique Android ID (similar to Apple’s old UDID) with a new Advertising ID. Users will be able to reset the Advertising ID. “Beginning August 1st 2014, all updates and new apps ...
Oli's user avatar
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How to get Unique ID of Windows Phone?

I want to get the IMEI number of my Windows Phone in my application. How can I programatically access it? If IMEI won't get in my application, then how to access MAC address of my phone. In my ...
Nelson T Joseph's user avatar