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Apple Touch Icon - Are .ico files allowed?

Seems like nobody has asked this question before or I just can't find it. Are .ico files allowed on Apple Touch?
Plamen Dobrev's user avatar
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Why is .ico preferred over .png for favicons?

I just noticed that I inadvertently saved my favicon as a png. and nothing bad happened. What is gained by saving as .ico. This is obviously the way it is done ( as I've looked at many favicon links ...
api implementor - johnny's user avatar
306 votes
3 answers

Favicon: .ico or .png / correct tags? [duplicate]

In a HTML5 document, which favicon format do you recommend and why? I want it to be supported by IE7 and all the modern browsers. Also, when using .png, do I need to specify the type (type="image/png"...
Richard's user avatar
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HTML PNG as ICO without conversion

I want to use a png as an ico in html, how could I go by doing this? I can you can use a png by some code such as: <link rel="ico" type="png/ico" href="link"/> What is the correct way to use a ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Firefox 3.5 - 3.6 Favicon Generated on PNG format TEST

I have done a favicon.ico for a quick client request, redone my cache but in my firefox it seems to show a blank favicon in the navbar, not sure if its my machine or not as tried on a offline native ...
james's user avatar
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