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horizontal list and advanced data grid flex

I am trying to use advanced datagrid inside a horizontal list in flex. But I am not able to specify a correct item renderer for it to work. First of all is it even possible to do so? I am getting just ...
user2732517's user avatar
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ActionScript: Searching for Images in a folder

I have a component in mxml that takes a string as input and has to search for images using that string in the current folder and display the images in a HorizontalList. Any easy way I can do this? I ...
Tahsin M's user avatar
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1 answer

updating HorizontalList icon in flex 3

i have a HorizontalList filled with a dataProvider (ArrayCollection) like : [Bindable] [Embed(source="assets/empty.jpg")] public var empty:Class; private function init(nbr){ var myArray : ...
Nabil Moutana's user avatar
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1 answer

Flex - Remove horizontallist rollover color

I'd like to remove the rollovercolor of a horizontallist (my component has a background image). I've tried using a css style sheet by setting the "roll-over-color" property to "transparent"... But I ...
BS_C3's user avatar
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1 answer

Horizontallist control with XML dataprovider

I'm using a HorizontalList control with an XML file as a data provider. This is how the XML looks: <data> <zone name="Europe"> . . . </zone> <...
BS_C3's user avatar
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1 answer

Horizontallist variable width

i want to populate a horizontalList component from a xml file, the width value will be inside the xml file as well with all the data. actually i have this code: <mx:Model id="epg" source="epg.xml"...
Daniel M.'s user avatar
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Flex - Saving a new order of items of a HorizontalList through AMF

I've been working with the drag-and-drop of items inside an Horizontal List in Flex. It works fine, but now I need to save the new order through AMF in my database. I'm pretty sure it's quite easy, ...
Alberto Marcone's user avatar
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1 answer

resizing item renderer when horizontalList resizes

I have a HorizontalList that is resized at runtime. The problem is that the items are not adjusting their height to the height of the HorizontalList. I use an item renderer (vBox) which has its height ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 answers

Centering item renderers in a HorizontalList

I am trying to center itemRenderers in a horizontal list if the number of items in the list is less than the maximum visible number. Has anyone found a good way to do this? See an illustration of ...
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1 answer

How can I load something from MySQL to an HorizontalList in Flex

How can I load text from MySQL to an HorizontalList in Flex3 ? I am using : <mx:ControlBar x="10" y="40" width="460" height="230"> <mx:HorizontalList id="dataGrid" ...
Bonfocchi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Flex - Change position of scrollbar to the top of a HorizontalList component

By default, the Horizontal ScrollBar of a HorizontalList component will be at the bottom. Is there a way to reposition it so it is at the top? Just for clarity, I do not mean moving the scroll ...
adam's user avatar
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