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GCP : Fetch CloudRun URL via Python client API

I want to fetch a CloudRun service's URL via a Python client if its possible in GCP ? Is there any API / sample code / python client that has the capability? Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks, ...
Raghav Arora's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build can't find Python venv... For Java Spring Boot project

I have a usual Java 11 Spring Boot application that is deployed to Heroku at the moment. I can deploy the app manually to AppEngine via a local call to gcloud app deploy However, I'm struggling for ...
Gaket's user avatar
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Can Google Cloud Build run python scripts and display the output like it would running locally in terminal?

I am attempting to build a very basic CI pipeline that runs basic tests on code when it is pushed to Cloud Source Repositories. At the moment I am simply trying to get Cloud Build to run a simple ...
Miles Bush's user avatar
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How to deploy multiple functions from a monorepo using Cloud Build but only one at a time

I am trying to set up a monorepo with multiple cloud functions written in Python. I am currently using Cloud Build and structure like this: . ├── deployment │ └── cloudbuild.yaml ├── └── ...
Michal's user avatar
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Ci/CD using Google Cloud build with Django on App Engine failed

Background: Trying to automate my build process using the new Google Cloud Build with Django on standard app engine. I started with Django polls example provided by the good Google folks here: https:/...
A.Kumar's user avatar
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Google Cloud Build via cloudbuild.yaml times out randomly

I have two Google App Engine instances, as well as the queue.yaml and cron.yaml files deployed automatically on push to master branch via Google Cloud Build triggers. The trigger runs the following ...
Jan Morawiec's user avatar
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How to use the gRPC Python Plugin with Docker and Google Cloud Builds?

TL,DR; What Linux Docker image would be fastest / lightest to run the Python gRPC plugin when generating API descriptor files? Should the aforementioned API descriptor become a Cloud Build artifact ...
Jack's user avatar
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