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Automatic deletion of the source branch after merging in Bitbucket

The ui shows the process of merging the admin_assessment branch into the main development branch. However, the issue is that even if I don’t select the "Close source branch" option, the ...
Deeksha Shetty's user avatar
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Bitbucket: Hide "import/package" changes in diff in pull request

I was wondering if there is a Bitbucket Plugin or something similar that detects import/package changes in a pull request and either hides those lines or if the file is only consisting of these ...
Ashman's user avatar
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Conflicts when merging after rebasing in a working branch

I have a feature branch derived from master which is some months old now. I want the latest commits from master in my feature branch so I am rebasing. However, I am doing this in a new working branch, ...
John's user avatar
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Only allow cross-fork PR from specific Bitbucket branch

So there's this org which has a certain highly regulated Bitbucket repo R in a centrally-governed project C. We maintain a synchronized fork of C/R, T/R, in our own Bitbucket project T. To make a ...
Judge Mental's user avatar
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git reports merge conflict although files are the same

I have a master branch and development/Server branch in git. I created Pull Request and trying to merge development/Server to master branch but I am facing conflict. I am getting conflicts for 2 files:...
Veljko's user avatar
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Bitbucket: why allow 1 but not 0 commits behind the target branch?

In Bitbucket (cloud), one can configure a merge restriction to require a PR branch to be at most a certain number of commits behind the target branch. An interesting use case I see is to require the ...
Milo's user avatar
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GIT recognize file as new when modifying key value using python in windows

I have python code which modify key value in json file: with open(filename_write, 'r') as jsonFile: data = json.load(jsonFile) data['test']['ariel']['version'] = value with open(filename_write, '...
arielma's user avatar
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How to create multiple Pull requests for the same changes on multiple branches

Let's say we have three different branches: Main Branch - Here the developer pushes new code changes for new features Release Branch - This is the Production Branch Demo Branch - This branch is used ...
Mr. Extinct's user avatar
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Finding the deleted files between two commits

I'm currently writing a script in bash to find the deleted files between a pull request and the latest tag of the destination branch of the pull request. My idea is to get the commit id of both the ...
CodeLover's user avatar
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for a given Bitbucket Pull Request , i need to find out Target Merge Branch of this PR

For a given Pull Request , i need to find out Merge Target of this PR , whether this PR will merge one branch to another branch or one branch to main master branch. is there any git command ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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How to push changes from remote server to git? [duplicate]

I have some code changes on my remote Ubuntu server. I haven't made any pull/push requests from bitbucket since very long. Now I need all my code that is on my remote server in my bitbucker repo. How ...
HTML's user avatar
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I need help trying to replicate the flow I follow when using Github on Bitbucket

I have both accounts and projects on both services. I try to replicate my Github flow on bitbucket projects but so far it has not been possible. The git management is the same, but the issues or ...
chopi321's user avatar
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Bitbucket automatic merge pull request from release branch

I have question. How do you deal with "Automatic merge" option from bitbucket. My problem: So bug detection on release/1.1 have pom version of release branch. If I create pull request to ...
Arczi's user avatar
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Is there a Jenkins Plugin for creating a PR to BitBucket repo?

I have a repository on BitBucket, and I'm using a Jenkins pipeline script to build AMIs using packer. Once the AMI is built successfully, I need to make changes to the code in the repository and raise ...
Heyb's user avatar
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Export Pull Request as pdf

When learning new things about programming, i find it useful to study pull requests. And what i mean by that, is study the diff offered in the browser. When using Bitbucket, i have tried many ways to ...
user1584421's user avatar
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Do I need to delete the branch after it gets merged in the "main" branch?

We are using Github for our project. The original owner of the project is making commits directly to the "main" branch, while I have created a branch named "freelancer/kamal" and I ...
Kamal Choudhary's user avatar
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transfer repository from bitbucket to github including open/close Pull requests

We are looking to move away from bitbucket to github but the only requirement is to keep all the history including open/close Pull requests and code reviews. I've been searching for a while and I'm ...
Eduard Jacko's user avatar
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Pull Request displays a 'git --diff...' command?

I'm facing a strange behavior with Git and BitBucket. I created a Pull Request in order to merge my branch into the mother branch. There is no conflict, however at the bottom of some source code files,...
the_muton's user avatar
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What is the correct way to force update `main` with a branch that rewrote the commit history? [duplicate]

Edit: Thank you all for the answers. Just forcing an overwrite of remote files is what I knew would happen with git push --force but I was more caught up with not preserving the commit history of main ...
gregfolker's user avatar
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Workflow: git with feature branches, rebase, pull requests (not open-source project)

We have 5 developers in a team submitting pull requests regularly (daily) to master branch of a single repo. Typical workflow is like this: Clone repo from server Create local feature branch from ...
David Wasser's user avatar
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How to know what branch was merged to a master branch?

We are using Bitbucket Pipelines for our CI/CD solution. We use two triggers on-pull-request and on-master-branch. On-pull-request created/updated trigger we deploy a new infrastructure with a prefix ...
Laimonas Sutkus's user avatar
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This is a large pull request. Large pull requests can only be viewed by loading files individually

I recently installed composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ~1.0 in my app and created small line of codes of vue components and blade.php files. When I tried pushing my changes and created a ...
modi's user avatar
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How to resolve a conflict locally without actually merging the pull request

I currently have a branch that is in a pull request back into the master branch. There is a conflict with a couple of git markers that I would like to delete. But I do not want to continue with the ...
SDG's user avatar
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Delete commit from pull request and branch in bitbucket [duplicate]

I accidentally committed my stash to my branch and it got included in the Pull request. My commits are: ba5de90 -- Stash commit f129038 -- final correct commit I created a pull request including both ...
Rick's user avatar
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Deleting Directory from Pull Request Git

My directory was previously called Thisfolder, but I wanted to rename it as thisfolder. I did this, but now there are both directories (Thisfolder and thisfolder) in my pull request. I can't simply ...
webdesignnoob's user avatar
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How to create Bitbucket pull request in Visual Studio 2019

I want to create a Pull Request in Visual Studio 2019 for a Bitbucket repository but I couldn't find anything for that. I used these extensions: Visual Studio Bitbucket Git Web Links DevDiary But ...
H Hooshyar's user avatar
10 votes
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Programmatically create Pull Request on Bitbucket?

Update: Well, I was running this in a Bash script, but I wanted to see what error code I was getting, and now I can see I am getting a 401 Unauthorized. I am using my username and I created Personal ...
PainIsAMaster's user avatar
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Resolving merge conflicts through a pull request

I have two branches, Master which reflects Production, and a current release branch (let's call it Sprint) serving as base branch for all developers for the ongoing release. On both the branches, I ...
Katana's user avatar
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Azure-pipelines when triggered on a bitbucket pr doesn't appear to run on a merged git ref

I have a azure pipelines run that looks like the following: trigger: - master pr: - azure-pipelines-test steps: - script: echo "Build Sourcebranch $BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH" displayName: ...
Andrew Spott's user avatar
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Branch A created from Master and branch B from branch A. How to Merge Branch B to master? and what to do with branch A?

Branched out of master and created branch A to work on some test features. After all tests were passing in branch A, wanted to move all the code to be thread safe and work with the well known ...
Raziv's user avatar
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Why does pushing a new branch pointer to the Git remote result in a pull request?

I pushed a reference to a branch to the remote, that I'd renamed locally, like this, using a git bash command line: git push origin new-branch-name:refs/heads/new-branch-name I got the following ...
Chris Halcrow's user avatar
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Bitbucket workflow

I want to know the flow for git and bitbucket with branches. Lets say I have the following branches created on Bitbucket: Master Feature1 Feature2 On phpstorm I cloned the repository and now I ...
RipChol's user avatar
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Git Pull Request removes changes from another PR

Unfortunately, I can't post a link to a repo, but I'll do my best to explain what's my problem. Let's say we have some repo REP. On REP we have master branch. From Jira, I create a new branch A and ...
Jacob Tobiasz's user avatar
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Maintaining an Azure DevOps repo in sync with bitbucket after a successful pull request on Azure DevOps

I am using a bitbucket repository and I have a pipeline (let's call it P1) that is triggered when users commit to the repository on bitbucket. The main task done by P1 is to sync the code from the ...
ccoutinho's user avatar
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Git child branch removes updates of parent branch

Ok, I am having a for my feeling strange problem with git (using BitBucket). I have the following ( example ) development-branch child-branch Now in the child-branch I did a lot of rework, but in ...
Wilco's user avatar
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can't create pull request from bitbucket pipelines

I want to set up a step in my pipelines where I can automatically raise a pull request from develop branch to master branch (as part of the release process). However, I cannot seem to find the ...
Anum Sheraz's user avatar
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Bitbucket - Working on reverted merged pull request and creating new Pull request for same branch

I recently moved from SVN to Git/Bitbucket and working on code that is maintained in Bitbucket. I am looking for solution to work on reverted merged pull request- Background scenario: I have Branch-...
Divya 's user avatar
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How delete a local branch after merging it through a pull request? git-flow, bitbucket, sourcetree

My environment in local: Git connecting with Bitbucket Sourcetree with git-flow Steps I create a feature x in Sourcetree then I add the code. I do a commit including the option to create a pull ...
e-israel's user avatar
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Is there any way to migrate a pull request from a bitbucket hg repo to a github git repo?

I have an old pull request lying around in my bitbucket hg repo that I'd like to try and integrate, but in the mean time I've migrated the repo to github and converted it to git. Is there any way to ...
ekolis's user avatar
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Ignore some files during branch merging

I have two branches master and develop. Each branch contains a same file named "db.config" having a separate db credentials for production(master) and staging(develop).   Master branch also have ....
Jawad 's user avatar
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Create a pull request from specific commit until now

I have used git for a while to push and pull commits and branches, but I'm new to pull requests. I need to create a pull request from our development branch. This pull request needs to contain all ...
Martijn's user avatar
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How to get the git description of the existing pull request

How can get the description of my pull request in git with a command? I can get only the commit ids of the PR
smnag's user avatar
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Resolving conflits during pull request using intellij

My team uses individual feature branches for each developer, then merge the code to develop branch through a pull request and then merge the develop branch to testing branch through a pull request. I ...
sss's user avatar
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In this quote from Bitbucket, what is the difference between "source" and "your update", and between "destination", and "original code"?

I'm reading about resolving merge conflicts in Bitbucket here: It says "When you create a pull request Bitbucket ...
gkeenley's user avatar
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Can I commit in my branch before pull request is approved?

I am working on a branch of a project, say A. I create a pull request for the branch to be merged in master. Can I commit on my local repository before the pull request is approved. On this branch I ...
deepdark's user avatar
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Pull request from local to remote on the same branch

I am working with bitbucket. I have made changes to a particular branch on my local machine. Is it possible to make a pull request on the same branch? I have not found anyway to do it just yet but I ...
stigward's user avatar
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How can I find commits pushed without a pull request?

In my project, it is required to add changes to the master branch using pull requests from feature branches. Currently, the repository is configured to forbid direct pushing to master, but in the past ...
pkalinow's user avatar
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How do I remove the .exec extension git applies to files?

I messed up so I downloaded an old commit and tried to build from some old code that functioned as intended. I see the files (Podfile, License Gemfile etc) now have a .exec extension and when I push ...
KarmaDeli's user avatar
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Change bitbucket pull request username

I want to change my local git username (bitbucket). I have already change the username for commit using : $ git config --global "John Doe"... it works fine for the commit, but for the ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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How to create a pull request with 2 source branches and 1 destination branch in two parallel project modules?

So lastly I have been working on a Java web app, built using servlets. This app consists of a project and many subprojects. I have been having some problems when creating branches. Let me explain a ...
Nana's user avatar
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