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Modifying a file, Merging the branch without deleting branch, then reverting that file to it's original state

I have two branches I call production and testing_branch. During the month, merge requests are made to test, end of month we test the testing_branch, and if all good merge into production. I want to ...
Ciaran's user avatar
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Can I define an alias for a git remote?

I have a git remote named foobar: [remote "foobar"] url = [email protected]:joeuser/foobar.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/foobar/* but I am also user to calling it foo-...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Can I checkout an unfetched remote git branch, with a single command?

A very popular question here on SO is: How do I check out a remote Git branch? but the answers there either assume the branch-of-interest is already fetched, or suggest that we git fetch first. My ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Git repository gets large due to version control of a large file

I have a JSON file in a git repository, which takes up a lot of space(1.3MB), since apparently, git stores the whole content for each version of that file, according to what is said here: https://...
Wballer3's user avatar
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git reset on intermediate commit: is the last commit really lost?

I have a branch2 branching from another branch1 with no additional commits on branch1 so the branch tree is actually linear. Now I found out that the last commit in branch1 should be actually the ...
user2609605's user avatar
-1 votes
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Powerbi Rest API Groups licence information and git integration

I am able to authenticate and create a powerbi Workspace (group) through a python script using an application account (tenant_id, client_id, client_secret). I would like to perform some HTTP calls to ...
Amine Chatt's user avatar
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Prevent Submodule Recursion on Initial "git pull"

Every day in WSL, the first time I run git pull in a repository with submodules, it does a bunch of extra stuff by recursing into the submodules. When doing this, it inevitably fails. Then I have to ...
Jeff G's user avatar
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Git apply: how to ignore changes marked as "Binary files ... differ"?

I'm storing lots of deb's and rpm's as diffs from a few selected "seed" packages. The diffs are generated using git diff and applied using git apply. I only need the source files in the ...
patraulea's user avatar
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Preserve ignored untracked files across checkout

I picked up an external project, which I will be developing from now on. As a failsafe measure, I made 2 branches: One without a .gitignore, so as to not lose untracked files, called gitignoreless. ...
Andrea Bardelli's user avatar
-4 votes
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.env is doesn't ignore in my react project [closed]

I have already run the command mentioned below, and I have added the .env file to the .gitignore file. How can I resolve this issue? ls -la | grep .env -rw-r--r-- 1 leojake leojake 173 Dec 17 14:...
HlaingHpone's user avatar
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Is there a way to revert a merge if neither target nor source branch exist anymore?

So this is a bit silly, but yesterday I merged a branch where the target branch seems to have been deleted at some point and the source branch has been configured to be removed after a merge. I am a ...
auf keinsten's user avatar
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Git diff locally compares the "content" vs Git diff on github (eg - creating a PR against another branch) compares commits? [duplicate]

For eg - Lets say you have Branch A and Branch B that have the same content since Branch B was branched off from Branch A. Now, lets say we rebase master into Branch B - git rebase master If I do a ...
Saadman Islam Khan's user avatar
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How to make Oh-My-Zsh perform tab completion with files for Git?

It works fine with other commands. For example, ls + Tab displays options appropriately. However, when I do something like git add ./sr + Tab it doesn't autocomplete the src directory that I'm ...
Sean's user avatar
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git rebase removed "cherry picked" commit that wasn't cherry picked [closed]

I had a situation where I merged a branch A into main, and then realized that I shouldn't have done it. So I created another branch B that reverted a portion of what I had merged in A, and merged that....
Stephen's user avatar
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Github failing to push due to memory capacity exceeded [closed]

I have tried the common bash script to push in batches, used lfs, tried pushing with https and ssh, deleted some files, my push just contains 2 ipynb files, any hints anyone I have been encountering ...
Ruchika Gupta's user avatar
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Exclude almost all nested submodules from one submodule

I've found this 5 year old answer that almost answers my question, but not quite. My git repo contains several submodules, many of which contain submodules themselves. I want to be able to run git ...
T. J. Evers's user avatar
-6 votes
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bringing back the previous version alive with minimal Production Downtime? [closed]

You have a Jenkins job that deploys a PRODUCTION WEBSITE with Webhook trigger enabled for that project's GitHub repository. Jenkins master runs this job on an agent. On the next merge by the DEV team, ...
PRAVIN R's user avatar
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Shouldn't `git stash push` followed immediately by `git stash pop` be a no-op? [duplicate]

My git status was in this situation when I accidentally ran git stash push: >git status Changes to be committed: modified: m.txt new file: p.txt deleted: h.txt Changes not staged ...
user200783's user avatar
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How to clone/download a specific clang version from

I want to clone/download clang-r428724. I tried: ┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/Documents] └─# git clone
Sunil Kumar Das's user avatar
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How to use a GitHub PAT with Poetry?

One of my projects is using Poetry and has a private GitHub repository as a dependency. When I try to run poetry install it fails due to the URL being HTTPS. How do I configure a personal access token ...
Sean's user avatar
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Git alias to rebase onto commit before message

Here's a common workflow: Make some changes and commit, e.g. git commit -m 'add action buttons' Make a bunch of interim commits Realize I want to fix that first commit Search for the commit SHA in ...
Big McLargeHuge's user avatar
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Pull Request link not showing in Visual Studio 2022

We have an Azure DevOps Server 2022 update 2, and a source working with Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11.6. The repository's source control is Git in the DevOps server. The push operations don't have ...
Davood Ramezani's user avatar
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git, blob is a snapshot, my question is why git use this word: snapshot? It is really a copy of the source code [closed]

as a newbie, I have a question that blob is a snapshot. why to use such word: snapshot? I thought this word was very strange and profound. However, it is actually just a copy. we can use copy and it ...
JianWill Wang's user avatar
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Move Git SSH connection to a new computer [closed]

I currently using a computer to connect to Azure DevOps Git for working on a repository I have there. I am about to change computer to a new one, and I want to move the SSH connection from this ...
Roy Leibovitz's user avatar
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Is it possible to force `git add -p` to use a different diff algorithm without changing the repository config? [duplicate]

If I do the following: git config diff.algorithm patience git add -p then git add -p forms its diffs using the patience algorithm. Is there any way to force git add -p to use patience as a one-off ...
LSpice's user avatar
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why is git file not tracked in git?

In my git project, the file dir-name/file.txt is not tracked by git, but I want it to be tracked. In git status the file is not listed in the tracked files and not in the untracked files. git add dir-...
J. Doe's user avatar
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git config meaning of new entry

I have found the recent snippet in a .git/config file [diff "rails_credentials"] textconv = bin/rails credentials:diff what does this imply?
Jerome's user avatar
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Git filter only right root

Given repository with two roots how can I filter commits descended from only one of them? A--C--D (HEAD) / B I tried git filter-branch --commit-filter 'git commit-tree -S "$@";' -- B..D ...
Marcin Wisnicki's user avatar
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Grepping across multiple git branches [duplicate]

I made some changes in a git branch of a very busy repository. Got distracted with other features and bug fixes, switched branches a few dozen times, and never pushed that change to the master. And ...
Michael's user avatar
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How do I get "git reset" to also automatically reset submodules?

I'm working on some projects with a number of submodules, so it's nice to be able to reset the submodules when working on the main project. One way to solve this is by adding a flag to the reset to ...
Compholio's user avatar
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$REMOTE point to different branches in git merge vs. rebase?

I want to configure kdiff3 to use a specific order for windows (from left to right): $REMOTE | $BASE | $LOCAL. However, I encountered an issue where $REMOTE differs between merge and rebase commands. ...
Pavel's user avatar
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How do I make JetBrains Rider put tests project in the main solution folder?

I have recently moved from VS to Rider, and I can't figure this out. I am trying to create unit tests for my solution with xUnit, and that creates a new project in the same solution, but it ends up in ...
Justin8051's user avatar
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Sort branches but show current branch first

Can I sort branches by -committerdate, but also always show the current branch first? git config --global branch.sort -committerdate Shows more recently committed-on branches ahead of the current ...
Nils's user avatar
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I can't get token file to be ignored by git [duplicate]

I accidentally added my token file(tokens/webhook.token) to my first git commit and now i can't get .gitignore to ignore it. I have tried git rm --cached tokens/webhook.token but it keeps wanting too ...
Niels Groen's user avatar
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using git-repo - how to get started?

First - I have read lots about using REPO with android. None of those things I have read help. I am specifically trying to use REPO out side of android and there seems to be no docs for that situation....
user3696153's user avatar
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Actions is currently unavailable for your repository, and your Pages site requires a Jekyll build step. To continue building your site on pushes, [closed]

Build and deployment Actions is currently unavailable for your repository, and your Pages site requires a Jekyll build step. To continue building your site on pushes, you need to enable Actions. Learn ...
KIRAN KUMAR K's user avatar
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Forward some arguments in git alias but not all

If I write git config --global '!git bar "$@", all arguments provided to git foo will be forwarded to git bar while preserving spaces within arguments. For example, git foo hi &...
H.v.M.'s user avatar
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List differing Commits in PR does not work in GitHub Action [duplicate]

I am trying to list commits that are differing between the main branch and my current branch in a script that's also being utilized by a GitHub action: $ git log --pretty="format:%h" --right-...
Jazzschmidt's user avatar
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Git tab in Rstudio doesn't match Project Directory

I am trying to launch my quarto website from GitHub. I have set up the project and all the website pages via quarto documents, but now that I try to commit the files to the github repository, none of ...
flâneur's user avatar
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Poetry install failing with SSLError: Max retries exceeded on GitHub HTTPSConnectionPool

I am encountering an error when running the poetry install command in my Python project. The error message is as follows: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with ...
Nadav's user avatar
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Git LFS Server Error when Uploading RTF File

I want to track a single .rtf file of 55 MB using this command: git lfs track "folderA/folderB/file.rtf" I've also tried adding in a --filename flag. After some time, the server errors out ...
BobDidley's user avatar
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How can I view manual changes so far in an ongoing merge?

In Git, my merge is still ongoing (no commit yet). 98% of the changes that show up in git diff are related to what MERGE_HEAD (and parent history singe merge-base) brought. 1% is my work from HEAD and ...
Charles's user avatar
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imGui cloning master or docking repo from github even after forking

when cloning directly from cmd or even github desktop the imGui repo (both master and dokcing branch): git clone repo -b master ...I get this error: Cloning into 'myapp'... remote: Enumerating ...
shahzeb hafeez's user avatar
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How to find the most likely revision of a project which was used to start a fork?

I have a modified Klipper installed on my 3D printer, but they didn't cleanly fork the original repo so I don't know on which revision they based their changes. I would like to backport features from ...
FarO's user avatar
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How to organize git cherry-pick action?

Let's say I need to move several feature commits to the release branch. Should I move them from their immediate commits, not merge commits? An example of what I mean is in the image I want to move ...
zimch's user avatar
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the active solution or project is controlled by a different source control plug-in

I've searched the internet in all corners but didn't find a solution. Every time I start a new instance of VS 2022 (Version 17.12.3) and try to open a special solution which is under GIT SourceControl ...
a-x-i's user avatar
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How to make Oh My Zsh display the output of `git branch` in a "normal" way? [duplicate]

On my Linux server when I use the git branch command it just displays the branches and the branch that I'm currently on. On my macOS when I use git branch it takes me to a separate window thing and I ...
Sean's user avatar
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git, create a branch from old commit and add some new commits

Let's say I have a branch with 5 commits in main: The older: A Then: B, C, D And the latest: E I need to rollback to the hash "B", but also, I need the changes of the commit "D" ...
pmiranda's user avatar
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How do I rebase the remote branch onto the local branch when doing git pull?

I want any extra remote commits to be added after any commits done locally. I have achieved this by doing git fetch origin git checkout -B newmain origin/main git rebase main git push -...
Mårten Svantesson's user avatar
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How to tell Git to use textconv for diffs but not for blame?

I have a repository with lots of 3rd party files located in subdirectory vendor and a few hundred files that I maintain. I have following .gitattributes file: [attr]BINARY diff=binary -merge -text ...
Mikko Rantalainen's user avatar

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