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Cannot load two temporary extensions at the same time in Firefox?

I load a temporary extension(with a content script) in Firefox by "about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox" and this extension works fine. Then I load another temporary extension(with a ...
William's user avatar
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Creating a tab from inside a devtools extension returns successfully with a tab id of -1

I'm working on a devtools extension. Inside the JS code of a devtools panel I'm trying to create a tab; the tabs.create function returns successfully but the new tab id is -1 and, of course, no new ...
Koas's user avatar
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load the extension as Firefox starts

I am trying to load the extension in firefox which I have build in windows. Here I have downloaded the firefox nightly source code and made my own extension. Now, I want to load the extension as soon ...
NAN's user avatar
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Content Security Policy blocking Google API for addon

I am writing an addon for Firefox and have problem with Content Security Policy. It needs accessibility to Google API when I press button on it, so I have added following script tag to popup.html <...
Atex's user avatar
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JavaScript for Firefox Add-on/Extension: "failed to execute script: Error: Permission denied to access property "document" on cross-origin object"

I am looking forward to receive some help on this little but tedious problem of mine that seems I am not currently able to solve since a few weeks so far. I am trying to develop a very easy/simple ...
steo's user avatar
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Firefox add-on background script stopped in new Firefox version

My Firefox add-on background script stopped working in the latest version of Firefox. I've been using this add-on without changes for over a year now and it has been working perfectly so something in ...
Tommy28's user avatar
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Performance tab "Not supported for current toolbox target" when debugging WebExtensions

What I'm trying to do: debug some performance issues of a WebExtension. What I'm doing: Go to about:debugging. Go to This Firefox. Choose any extension and press Inspect. At this point, I expected ...
Ainar-G's user avatar
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Manifest.js not adding css file [Firefox Extension]

I am writing a custom Firefox extension and even though my manifest.json has the appropriate tag for including a CSS file, it is not being rendered. If I inspect the web page, the css file isn't in ...
Prajwal V Bharadwaj's user avatar
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Firefox Javascript code Works in console but not through the extension [duplicate]

I have a simple playback speed setter for any HTML tagged videos (YouTube). I get this error when I click on the 2.25 button to try to set the video playback speed to 2.25: "Cannot set properties ...
James Grey's user avatar
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how set badge text after loaded site on my extensions firefox

I am trying to create an extension so that I can display the number of hidden input tags (<input type="hidden">) as a badge text in Firefox (like the image ==> ) But I have two ...
Mohammad Nikouei's user avatar
3 votes
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View requests made by Firefox extension / add-on [duplicate]

How do I view requests and errors made by a Firefox extension? They don't show in the usual tab Inspector tool. In Chrome, it's chrome://extensions/ > Details > Inspect Views (background page) ...
user984003's user avatar
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Extend time duration for displaying "PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR" error in Mozilla Firefox?

When a site receives high traffic, the tab in Mozilla Firefox stops loading and displays this error message "PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR" as shown in screen shot. What I want is, the tab should ...
John's user avatar
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WebExtensions: browser.webRequest.onCompleted never fires

I'm using the Firefox WebExtensions API with the following background script var log = console.log.bind(console) log('hello world from browser extension') //
mikemaccana's user avatar
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React (add-on) Tab absent in Firefox -> webIDE -> developer tools

I have my react app in kaiOS based device. I have webide running the app on my device. I want to be able to debug the app and see the react states/props just like a normal react app running in chrome/...
Karun's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to include a JavaScript source map file in a Firefox WebExtension?

When attempting to use a library with a source map from within a WebExtension, I encounter this error. Source map error: TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. Resource URL: moz-...
user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How to access add-on content script in Firefox console?

I have developed an add-on for Firefox and Chrome. It has content scripts. I want to access them in the browser tab's console (on Firefox the Web Console). For example, I want to enter a global ...
zhm's user avatar
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chrome.proxy API for Firefox WebExtensions

Does Firefox WebExtensions support an API to change proxy preferences (like the chrome.proxy API)? Does Mozilla have plans to add it?
Aakash Gupta's user avatar
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How do I see the console.log output of a background script in a Firefox WebExtension?

Does anyone know how to see the output from a console.log() call in a background script? I can see the output from the same in a content script. Here is a simple script that I am testing this with: ...
Graham's user avatar
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How to open the correct devtools console to see output from an extension script?

I am trying to test sample code for web extension for browsers. But, it doesn't work. I checked the console for Google Chrome and also for Firefox. It doesn't print anything. The following is my code: ...
harish's user avatar
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