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Formatting output of PowerShell

I have a variable $Shares which stores the output of the command net view \\COMPUTERNAME /all 2>&1. The output looks like as below Shared resources at \\COMPUTERNAME Share name Type Used as ...
Biswa's user avatar
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SQL Server "BCP Error SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0 , Unable to open BCP host data-file" creating file on same server, different folder

I am trying to create and write out a file to a new directory on the same file server, but different file share. I have researched questions already on Stack Overflow and other forums, nothing has yet ...
Lisa Huckins's user avatar
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Removing users/groups from fileshare ACL with Powershell (Not Responding)

I have a PowerShell script designed to update Access Control Lists (ACLs) for a large directory structure based on a CSV input file. The script works fine for a small number of folders and files but ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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unable to mount a folder on N drive from windows to docker via compose

in my docker-compose.yaml I have tried everything including this current version: volumes: - "/N/gpt/llama/llama3-main/Meta-Llama-3-8B/:/data/Meta-Llama-3-8B/" - "/N/gpt/simple-api/:...
Quadgnim's user avatar
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NTFS permissions on fileshare

I have a fileshare with the following structure: \server\share\Users\username\folder\subfolder\file.txt I am trying to deny users to read and list folder contents at level \server\share but I need ...
Ivan Parra's user avatar
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Manage Access to file shares Azure

I created a file share system with 9 file shares that go to different people. I can't limit access or specify who should have access to what. I've read a bunch of documentation, but I don't think I ...
Gabgon's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Container App mounted volume - permission denied

My c# .net core 5 application running in azure container environment as azure container app with azure file mounted as a persistent volume suddenly started to throw UnauthorizedAccessException (see ...
Ashish Kumar's user avatar
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Trouble Mounting Azure File Share in Kubernetes with UAMI: "Failed to Get Account Name from CSI" Error

I'm facing an issue with mounting an Azure File Share in a Kubernetes cluster using User-Assigned Managed Identity (UAMI). Although I already have the Azure File CSI driver installed and it is running ...
Alex's user avatar
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Fileshare service for application

I need a filshare, SMB, quorum service for my applications, applications are both windows and linux based. I tried using AWS FSx Windows cluster but they do not provide auto failover for linux clients,...
Mayank Gaur's user avatar
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How to find backup vaults for an Azure blob container and file share using AZ CLI

I'm working on an automation project where I need to find the backup vaults configured for blob container and file share. I searched Microsoft documents but couldn't find anything to achieve my goal. ...
Digger's user avatar
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How can I copy one file from one folder to another within an Azure Fileshare using C#?

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Excel = ...
Anshul76's user avatar
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Azure NFS file share upload issues

I am working on creating a storage account and a nfs file share which need to be mounted on on prem linux server. which I have done successfully. I can read and write from onprem server. the issue is ...
green's user avatar
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Correct way to read and write files in Azure file share

I'm using Linux, I mounted a Azure file share named fileshare01. Then I wrote a program to create a file in the fileshare01 using C++ Here is my code ` #include <iostream> #include <fstream&...
Shivam Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred: The parameter is incorrect

cmd.exe /C "cmdkey /add:"******" /user:"*****" /pass:"**********`"" OS version Share Disk mount Error 1.Checked the network connection no block 2.Checked the ...
KT.DR's user avatar
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How to make All Folders, Sub-Folders & Files Read-Only EXCEPT for 4 Sub-Folders in a File Share?

I need some help! Heres the scenerio; I need to make all Files & Folders on one of our File Shares Read-Only except for 4 Sub-Folders accross many different folders on the share. All Level 1 Sub-...
Grant's user avatar
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1 answer

How to modify the file creation time of multiple files in single script

I'm stumped on this. I am making my way through a file share migration to SharePoint. There have been errors stating the "The item created time or modified time is not supported". No worries ...
IT GUY's user avatar
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PowerShell New-PSDrive doesn't persist

Scenario: I have created a scheduled task that executes the following PowerShell script with the intention of automating mapping a network drive (I have substituted sensitive values in some parts): ...
Christian Townsend's user avatar
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Unable to map azure file shares using azure pipelines to deployment group vm's

Im using azure devops release pipeline. Im planning to map the azure Fileshare to all VMS in deployment groups. I have the script from the portal to map fileshare in local. Replacing the passkey value ...
User100289's user avatar
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STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED (0xc0000022): Could not connect to - Azure Netapps File Share (Network Drive) access with smbj JAVA library

Trying to read files from Azure Netapps (Network Drive). We successfully mount and read files with Window File Explorer. With the same credentials, we are trying with JAVA smbj library. While ...
Sathishkumar C's user avatar
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How to find who has deleted the file share folder from the storage account in azure

Some one has deleted the file share folder from the storage account in azure . It can be recovered as soft delete is enabled. But how to know that who has deleted the file?
Suri007's user avatar
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How to copy files from azure Devops to Azure file share storage account

I have a build pipeline which builds *.p12 files and been published a artifacts in the build pipeline How to copy files from azure Devops pipeline workspace or from published artifacts to Azure ...
Rahini P's user avatar
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How do I use the secrets in a secretproviderclass in my mounted azure fileshare?

Currently, I'm mounting a fileshare in my deployments through: volumeMounts: - mountPath: /new-folder name: new-mount readOnly: true and - azureFile: ...
dexter27's user avatar
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Databricks: No module named

I was following the answer in this question Load file from Azure Files to Azure Databricks to create the SAS token with the following code # Create a client of Azure File Service as same as yours from ...
mxmlnlrcn's user avatar
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Azure File Share Implementation in .Net Core Web API

Can any one suggest how to Upload a file to Azure File Share in.Net Core Web API? I'm using IFormFile to Upload File. Note: I'm trying to upload Excel(*.xlsx) File.
TechChoice 's user avatar
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SharefileClient's UploadRangeAsync overrides with blank spaces previous content when adding more text to a file (C#)

I'm creating a method to append new text to an existing file in an Azure File Share. This is the code: public async Task AppendAllTextAsync(string path, string text) { var ...
jlalamo's user avatar
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How can I set lease duration on azure fileshare leased file?

I am trying to set expiry for acquired leased as 1 min. This is my code var shareClient = new ShareClient(connectionString, "testfileshare"); shareClient.CreateIfNotExists(); var fileClient =...
SnehalPatil's user avatar
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Check the existance of path with .zip in the path

Is there any possible solutions for C# how to check if the file exists even if the file is located in the .zip directory? A possible path would be: "\\\ZIP-Bug-Study\TestResultMap\...
Ostap Filipenko's user avatar
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Azure sharing a folder of files on a File Share

I'm aware you can share individual files via HTTPs URL link + SAS token to access. Is it possible to share a link to a folder of files this way, or is there a better way to do this? Thanks
JamieH's user avatar
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Fileshare server throwing the error `The specified path is invalid` at the root of the network drive

I have a fileshare server \\ and am accessing data in it using C#. I'm calling the Directory.EnumerateFiles method to enumerate all the file under a directory. When I call a ...
Kartikeya Gokhale's user avatar
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sync NAS based fileshare with Azure Storage container C#

I have a organization internal fileshare which is NAS(Network attached storage) based. I need to watch fileshare subfolder and what ever files or folders added to it should be reflected in azure ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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Uploading Files more than 30 MB to Azure fileshare locaton from FTP using an console application(.net-C#)

I'm using a C# (.net core) console program to upload a large file (.CSV) (limit 30 MB) to an Azure Fileshare location from an FTP site. In some cases, I'm getting incomplete writes in the Azure ...
Nair's user avatar
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How to zip my file in azure fileshare using FileShareClient?

I need to zip my file in fileshare. I have gone through few process and they all suggested methods for blob. Any link or advice that would be helpful for me to proceed? I can't use Azure Data Factory ...
Psychonaut007's user avatar
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Why my program is not executing beyond await UploadAsync?

I am trying to upload a file through stream to azure file share. This is my function : public static async Task UploadFile(string shareName, Stream content, string fileName, string dirName) { ...
Psychonaut007's user avatar
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How to close SAS URI of fileshare after the work is done?

I am using this code: var fileSas = file.GenerateSasUri(Azure.Storage.Sas.ShareFileSasPermissions.Read, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2)); in the above mentioned code I am making this fileSas accessible ...
Psychonaut007's user avatar
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Cannot connect file share from azure to windows laptop, port 445 is blocked

When I tried to connect file share to my windows laptop, it said that port 445 is blocking. Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you for your kind help. Error: if ($connectTestResult....
Jennie's user avatar
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How I can check lease status before acquiring lease on file in azure fileshare?

Below is my code to acquire lease on file in azure fileshare. Before acquiring lease, I need to check lease status of file. var shareClient = new ShareClient(connectionString, "testfileshare"...
SnehalPatil's user avatar
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Test-NetConnection: The term 'Test-NetConnection' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program

I would like to connect to a file share from the azure portal to my windows laptop. However, the related error is shown below. $connectTestResult = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName storagetestmy3.file....
Jennie's user avatar
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Is there a way to share a file with an http link (not https)?

I need to share a link so when people get connected to a server on a game, they can download online the mod file quickly. Unfortunately, the game doesn't support https url so doesn't support any ...
Will Smith's user avatar
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Xcopy /O /X throwing access denied error on command prompt

I'm using below command to create new folder by copying contents of the existing folder and command prompt throws Access Denied error. Command: C:\Users\Kundur.Rudresh>Xcopy C:\test D:\test /O /X /...
Rudresh Kundur's user avatar
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The following Code snippet doesn't return ShareUsageBytes

Get-AzRmStorageShare -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup" -StorageAccountName "StorageAccount" -GetShareUsage This is the code I am using, but with stand-ins for the actual RG and ...
Greyjedi's user avatar
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File Shares Azure AD without Azure AD DS

Im, looking to move on premise file servers into Azure as File Share but need to maintain the ability to mount them as network drives for the users. we want granular control and would like to use ...
Seb Gedge's user avatar
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Matillion: Delete files from Azure Blob Storage Container and Windows Fileshare

I have a use case where I am Transferring XML files from Windows fileshare to Azure Blob Storage and then loading data to Snowflake Tables. I am using Matillion to achieve this. The Windows Fileshare ...
shiv.r's user avatar
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Reading an on premise file share from Java based azure web app

I have a java based azure web app which is trying to connect to an on premise file share and read a file from there. If I try locally its connecting with my ID. but when I am hosting it in the server ...
Sharon's user avatar
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Powershell - How to use Start-Process to call file from share/pass args in single line

To preface this, I am self teaching and brand new to scripting in general, let alone powershell. After a cumulative 12 hours, my Google fu has run out. I had a series of programs tailored to different ...
Mungle's user avatar
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2k views core blazor: Images / files on network share work for 1 minute, then stop working

My app stores and retrieves photo images from a network share. My dev machine is Windows 2018 running Visual Studio 2019 on VMWare. Images serve great when the app first opens. Then after around 1 ...
mike g's user avatar
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How to remove files before a particular time period from azure file share

How to remove old files from Azure storage account's ** File Share** .Any AZ CLI command or a code that clears old files from file share in Azure ?
Muhammad Ali Nazarudeen's user avatar
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NFS Share Access Problem from Azure Data Factory

Want to connect a NFS Share to Data Factory. After inserting our share hostname, user and password, when we click to test connection, we receive the following error: Error occurred when trying to ...
Sarlken Konig's user avatar
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Use the smbj module without authentication in Java

there is a little amount of actually useful examples for SMBJ on the internet and didn't find one for establishing a connection with an smb file share using Java & the smbj module. Can someone ...
TeluTrix's user avatar
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How to create a leader board in python

I'm trying to make a game with a leaderboard, and I have the code that writes the high scores in a file, but when multiple people play the game, they have separate leaderboards. so basically, i'm ...
Haha6733's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect Azure File share (Storage account) from C# console code using Managed Identity

I was trying to upload a file to Azure file share using my C# code. using the Managed identity. The code will be deploying to an azure VM which has managed identity with the Storge account. how to ...
Jack Johns's user avatar

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