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3 answers

How to copy files from azure Devops to Azure file share storage account

I have a build pipeline which builds *.p12 files and been published a artifacts in the build pipeline How to copy files from azure Devops pipeline workspace or from published artifacts to Azure ...
Rahini P's user avatar
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SharefileClient's UploadRangeAsync overrides with blank spaces previous content when adding more text to a file (C#)

I'm creating a method to append new text to an existing file in an Azure File Share. This is the code: public async Task AppendAllTextAsync(string path, string text) { var ...
jlalamo's user avatar
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How I can check lease status before acquiring lease on file in azure fileshare?

Below is my code to acquire lease on file in azure fileshare. Before acquiring lease, I need to check lease status of file. var shareClient = new ShareClient(connectionString, "testfileshare"...
SnehalPatil's user avatar
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How to remove files before a particular time period from azure file share

How to remove old files from Azure storage account's ** File Share** .Any AZ CLI command or a code that clears old files from file share in Azure ?
Muhammad Ali Nazarudeen's user avatar
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What is my current storage account and file share?

How do I figure out what storage account and file share is currently being used by my cloud shell? Get-AzStorageAccount just gives a list of all the storage accounts...
user2736158's user avatar
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Uploading all Sub-Directories and Files to an Azure Storage Account File Share Using VB.NET

How can I upload all files and sub-directories within a root directory on my PC, to my Azure Storage Account File Share (files, not blobs)? The idea being that I want to effectively "clone" all files ...
Dominic Whitham's user avatar
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Create multiple file share dynamically under existing storage account

I am learning kubernetes(AKS), I am playing around azure. I have a scenario where I need to create multiple file share in azure storage account and I am able to create with set of commands but the ...
Hitesh Ghuge's user avatar