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How to add rows to dataframe in pandas

Building a scraper for news: import feedparser import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime archive = pd.read_csv("national_news_scrape.csv") pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)...
elksie5000's user avatar
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Not sure why URL isn't being passed into a scraper of RSS feeds

Just want to scrape news feeds from RSS. import feedparser import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime archive = pd.read_csv("national_news_scrape.csv") # Your list of feeds feeds = [...
elksie5000's user avatar
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How to scrape data into PythonAnywhere database

I have a database on PythonAnywhere and credentials in place. The aim is to scrape a whole load of news websites and chuck the data into a new website using Flask. Here's my code for a section of my ...
elksie5000's user avatar
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Using Python to get Substack posts without scraping

I want to create a dataframe of Substack posts from all the newsletter I subscribe to. But using feedparser + Substack's RSS feeds only seem to go back ~20 posts—even if a particular newsletter has ...
user53526356's user avatar
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Import RSS with FeedParser and Get Both Posts and General Information to Single Pandas DataFrame

I am working on as a python novice on an exercise to practice importing data in python. Eventually I want to analyze data from different podcasts (infos on the podcasts itself and every episode) by ...
user1260086's user avatar
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How to parse multiple feeds from csv file with feedparser?

I'm trying to parse multiple feeds (500) from the list in CSV file and save results to another CSV file. Problem is that parser go over only one feed in the list. writer = csv.writer(open('items.csv'...
PiotrK's user avatar
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Get Feeds from FeedParser and Import to Pandas DataFrame

I'm learning python. As practice I'm building a rss scraper with feedparser putting the output into a pandas dataframe and trying to mine with NLTK...but I'm first getting a list of articles from ...
Nick Duddy's user avatar