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Vuetify fast fail is not preventing the form from being sent

Vuetify fast fail checks and displays the error message, but the form is sent anyway. <script setup> import { ref } from "vue" const firstName = ref('') const firstNameRules =...
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Unexplained C# crash from NTContinue

I have an unexplained C# managed code crash, despite using try/catch. Really Appreciate if someone could help explain what happened! The crash exception code is: FAIL_FAST_SET_CONTEXT_DENIED_c0000409, ...
ymike's user avatar
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Do you have any tips to effectively use Java Assert?

I don't see much of the developer using Java Assert, but I am very keen in using them. Could you share some tips to effectively use them?
Mohan Narayanaswamy's user avatar
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Way to abort execution of MySQL scripts (raising error perhaps)?

I need to write setup scripts for MySQL (usually run using 'source [file]' from mysql console) that depend partly on existing data, and there are differences in environments, meaning that sometimes ...
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