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How can I have more information in a Predicate_Failure?

I want to be able to include information about my type in the Predicate_Failure message. Here's what I have that works: subtype Norm is Float range 0.0..1.0; type Component is (Red, Green, Blue, ...
Devsman's user avatar
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Ada design by contracts critical software

I have a question related to applying contracts in a critical environment. Imagine I have the following function to divide: function div (dividend, divisor : Float) return Float with Pre => divisor ...
Albatros23's user avatar
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How should I document a bean that's only supposed to be managed by CDI?

Here is my class: @Stateless @Transactional public class PostService { @Inject private PostRepository postRepo; @Inject private UserRepository userRepo; @Inject private SectionRepository ...
cidra's user avatar
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Weak precondition and strong postcondition problems?

in last exam, I've had question, I was unable to answer sanely. Question was "what problems might arise from too weak precondition?" Another question was "what problems might arise from ...
Timo Junolainen's user avatar
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Strengthening and Weakening of pre and post conditions

I have been reading into the topic of Design By Contract and so far have the following notes written: When strengthening a condition, it means to make it more restrictive and weakening a condition is ...
Boris's user avatar
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Benefits of using 'Design by Contract'

I am studying the 'Design by Contract' development methodology. However, I am having a hard time seeing its advantages. For example, it is said that one of the characteristics of this methodology is ...
Mike's user avatar
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rescue how to raise further or forget an exception

How do I raise an exception further in eiffel? I have 3 cases I want to retry a_feature local l_retries_count: INTEGER do some_potential_failing_feature rescue if ...
Pipo's user avatar
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Understanding Eiffel loop variant/invariant

I was trying to have a structure which talks himself about variants and invariants into Eiffel loops, but don't understand the variant part! from l_array := <<1,2,30,60>> l_index :=...
Pipo's user avatar
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eiffel: a statement for explicitly executing code when assertions are on

Sometimes the checks and contract constructions need an elaboration which wants to be avoided when assertions removed to improve performances and avoid doing useless things with the "only" ...
Pipo's user avatar
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Custom condition failure messages in Ada 2012

Is there a way to specify a custom error/on failure message for pre- and postconditions, by analogy with Predicate_Failure for predicates? I can't seem to be able to find anything in the official ...
Arets Paeglis's user avatar
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Design Dilemma - Context or Contract? (Java/Kotlin)

I have an Activity, a Presenter, and a Contract which both the Activity and the Presenter implement. The Activity will have some unique UI stuff, which must be called from within the Presenter. The ...
El Sushiboi's user avatar
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estudio does not check `require` when it should?

Eiffel Studio seems to pass through my requirements even if I have them enabled on project settings. And as far as I remember I was able some time to put a break point into the requirements... I don'...
Pipo's user avatar
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Node.JS service layer design

I have a very simple express js server that accepts a request from a client, performs some business logic and respond back to the client. The request - response pipeline is handled by a controller and ...
Derpveloper's user avatar
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I need a basic concrete example on how to use TDD along with Design by Contract

I have seen many questions like this and this. Some people see there is overlapping between TDD and Design by Contract and others say they are complementary, I am biased to the second one, so I need a ...
Drifter's user avatar
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Should precondition methods be public or private?

The precondition code in methods markStudent(...) and getUnitMark(...) makes use of other method of the class: isEnrolled(...) and hasCompletedAssessments(...). import java.util.ArrayList; import ...
llamaro25's user avatar
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How emphasize restrictions for input data in unit testing?

I have parametrized test, for example: import pytest from datetime import time def get_next_hour(time_str: str): t = time(*map(int, time_str.split(':'))) new_t = time((t.hour + 1) % 24, t....
Анатолий Панин's user avatar
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Tool/Technique for Automatic Unit Test Generation based on Method Pre-/Post-Conditions

I wonder if there is any tool that automatically generates unit tests based on a method's pre- and post-conditions (and class invariant). To be precise, suppose we are given pre- and post-conditions (...
RealNamesOrHandles's user avatar
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Is it possible to enforce Design by Contract checks at compile time?

Reading Design by Contract tutorial I stumbled upon the following line: Contracts in Eiffel are not just wishful thinking. They can be monitored at run time under the control of compilation options....
user7860670's user avatar
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Returning Null vs Exception vs Contract

What would be considered an acceptable way of dealing with returning a record from a DB with the following 3 potential outcomes: Db connection works, finds a user and returns a populated user object ...
Royal Wares's user avatar
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Eiffel: Unknown identifier on attached check into require statement

require valid_item: attached item as l_i and then l_i.valid_for_insert or l_i.valid_for_update why do I have an unknown identifier here with l_i??!!!
Pipo's user avatar
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Eiffel: is there a way to express a double implies clause in eiffel?

Like double bind in psychology, is there a way to tell that one expression implies another and reversely? valid_last_error: attached last_error implies not attached last_success_message ...
Pipo's user avatar
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Can I rely to ISE Eiffel as a programming language to offer web services through a DB connection [closed]

I'm actually working for a little company of 10 people on the area of solar panels solutions in Chile. Am working on linux since 20 years now. When I studied programing I studied a lot with Eiffel ...
Pipo's user avatar
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Dbc - anyone actually dare not to check preconditions in the called routines?

I know that DbC mandates that the caller is responsible for the precondition (parameters or maybe values of member variables) and I have just read, in one of the books, that actually few people are ...
John V's user avatar
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Storing input value to check wether postcondition holds true when applying Design-by-Contract

I make use of the assertthat package quite often to check postconditions in functions. When reading more about the idea of Design by Contract I stumbled upon the idea to make checks of output in ...
symbolrush's user avatar
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Java Cofoja not working in eclipse

I tried to setup Cofoja in my eclipse project as described here. When I try to run my project with Cofoja I always get an IllegalArgumentException. [ FATAL ERROR while ...
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Code Contracts is not supported in Visual Studio 2017, How to implement it with PostSharp?

At the time of writing this question CodeContracts by Microsoft, the Visual Studio extension that implements Design by Contract for .NET is not supported in Visual Studio 2017. Looking at the ...
jpchauny's user avatar
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How can assertions be placed before a class initialisation list?

Is it possible to assert something about the parameters on a class constructor before the initialisation list is called? class Foo { int m_lower; int m_upper; unsigned int m_delta; ...
Arc's user avatar
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Should a Repository throw an exception if no change is to be stored?

During the stipulation of the contracts of my Repositories I started to wonder about an essential contract of any Repository: What happens if Update is called with a an entity on which no change is to ...
Luca Nate Mahler's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Contract: Access hostname and port in contract response for URL generation

we are trying to provide a contract with the following characteristics: import Contract.make { request { method(GET()) url("/v2/...
swinkler's user avatar
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Does Perl 6 natively support Design by Contract?

It is listed as a language with native DbC support on the Wikipedia beside Eiffel and Spec#, but I can't find any mention whatsoever in the docs or in the test suite.
catemperor's user avatar
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How to configure Eclipse (Java) to recognize custom assertion when checking against potential null pointer

I have the following piece of Java code: public void silence(final Object key) { final Chain chain = (Chain)getChain(key); checkPrecondition(chain != null); chain.silence(); } The ...
FreeSpirit64's user avatar
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Is "A requirement that should be satisfied by the function before it ends." a right definition for postcondition, in Python?

In "Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist", the author defines postcondition as: A requirement that should be satisfied by the function before it ends. He also states: Conversely,...
Mahmood Muhammad Nageeb's user avatar
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Preconditions and postconditions in interfaces and abstract methods

I'm trying to implement my own programming language, and i'm currently doing lexing and parsing. I'm nearly done and want to add native support for class invariants, preconditions and postconditions. ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Making sense of non-null and nullability annotations

I am not clear about how we properly use the annotation about nullable i.e. NonNull and Nullable. I am not really comfortable with something like the following: public void foo(@NonNull ArrayList&...
Jim's user avatar
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Validating input parameters

I'm trying to decide if I should use exceptions, asserts or boundary checks in some of my code. The program contains a lot of calculations that is dependent on user input. The program is running on ...
Q-bertsuit's user avatar
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Design-by-contract finding pre-conditions

I have to create a Calculator in Java, based on this Interface. public interface CalculatorIF { int add(int x, int y); int sub(int x, int y); int mult(int x, int y); //double div(int ...
koin's user avatar
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Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) violated via Design By Contract (DBC)?

I'm writing a framework in PHP, and have run into a pattern which smells bad. It appears that I'm implementing a contract (q.v. Design By Contract) that violates the Liskov Substituion Principle (LSP)...
e_i_pi's user avatar
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Nemerle - How do I write a method signature with a generic constraint and "requires" condition?

Using Nemerle, I want to create a method that has a generic type constraint and a 'requires' pre-condition. What is the proper order/syntax for these, with respect to the return type of the method? ...
JamesFaix's user avatar
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How to document/assert when inheritance induces a precondition for some final types only

Consider this simple base class Foo having a function foo calling a pure virtual function foo_, documented with Doxygen : class Foo { public: /** \brief This function logs x and does the job */ ...
Caduchon's user avatar
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Iterate through a matrix with openJML

I have a class with a matrix initialized with all 0 and 1 in a specific position: public class MatrixTest { /*@ spec_public @*/ int[][] griglia; //@requires true; //@ensures griglia[2][3]...
gbalduzzi's user avatar
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Is an exception a valid postcondition?

Consider the following interface: public interface AISPI { public Path getPath(Entity entity, Entity target, World world) throws NoPathException; } Granted that entity, target, and world are all ...
LuqJensen's user avatar
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XML inside an string element vs independent elements

What are the conceptual and technical disadvantages of this request/response structure: A) <xs:element name="OrderRequest"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> ...
Kevin Macejko's user avatar
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How can a unit test "test the contract" on a method that returns void?

Java 8 here but this is a general unit testing question that (is likely) language-agnostic. The syntax of writing a JUnit test is easy, but deciding on what tests to write and how to test main/...
smeeb's user avatar
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Interface of read_character and last_character in STD_FILES

According to a std_files.e that I have found, read_character requires not end_of_file, but it doesn't specify any post-condition; and last_character has no preconditions. Therefore, what happens if ...
Eleno's user avatar
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What are preconditions and postconditions?

I'm learning how to program but one thing I can't quite get my head around is preconditions and postconditions. Is an if statement before calling a function considered a precondition, or is there a ...
Simon J's user avatar
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Common Lisp idioms for argument checking and other paranoia?

This question is about coding conventions, best practices, and style in production, mission-critical Common-Lisp code. I perused Google's Common-Lisp Style Guide, but didn't find anything clearly ...
Reb.Cabin's user avatar
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Checking preconditions on parameters in public methods

I'm going to ask your Point of view about a design matter. The question is basically the following: a public method of an object should always check preconditions in its input parameters or is it ...
Enrico Massone's user avatar
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How to use offline bytecode writer with Cofoja?

I'm trying to do offline instrumentation of my code using Cofoja (contracts for Java). I cannot seem to get the contracts in the compiled class file using the offline bytecode writer (this feature is ...
akagixxer's user avatar
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Design by Contract in Swift

Does Swift provide a native Design by Contract support? I understand that it can be done during runtime through assertions, but could it be done during compile time? Or, are there any external plugins/...
avismara's user avatar
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Braced list initialization of a container of abstract class in C++

I would like to do something similar to this: #include <list> #include <iostream> #include <functional> class Abstract { public: virtual void foo() = 0; }; class Concrete : ...
Luke Skywalker's user avatar

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