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android.util.SuperNotCalledException: Activity {} did not call through to super.onCreate()

In my android app I use Facebook Audience Network so my manifest.xml looks like this: <activity android:name="" android:hardwareAccelerated=&...
Marco Di Scala's user avatar
1 vote
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Flutter Xcode 16: Not able to run the app only build work

After updating to Xcode 16 I'm facing an issue with running the app on the simulator and also on a real device. FYI: Xcode 15.4 works fine I have tried that on a different Mac because the current one ...
Abood Helani's user avatar
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Flutter Facebook Audience Network does not show ads in production

I’m using Facebook Audience Network (FAN) in my Flutter app. Things are working fine when testing in both user and debug mode on the device. But when publishing it in the Play Store, the ads are not ...
krrskl's user avatar
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Meta Audience network Ads do not Show up in ios devices (Real Device) in Flutter without any mediation

Is it possible to integrate and show Meta Audience network ads in Flutter iOS (14+) without using any mediation platform like AdMob? If yes then what are the right steps for it?
Salman Ali's user avatar
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Facebook real ads integration in flutter app

I want to integrate real facebook ads in my flutter app. The package I am using is 'facebook_audience_network'. I have setup and registerd my app in Meta Audience network, also got my 'AppId' and '...
Ahmad Tariq's user avatar
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Meta ios ads sdk tesmode

I just want to test META ads sdk in my ios APP. I set every necessary parameter. FBAdSettings.setLogLevel(.verbose) FBAdSettings.addTestDevice("b602d594afd2b0b327e07a06f36ca6a7e42546d0&...
Bogdan Korda's user avatar
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Flutter - Facebook Audience Network Banner Ad Not loading, While Interestitial Ad Working fine

Recently, I was working on one of my mobile app and was trying to add facebook audience network plugin, But there is one strange issue is happening with my mobile app. I'm able to fetch interestitial ...
Jay Mungara's user avatar
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How do I get my app id in Meta Audience Network?

Meta has already been successfully linked as a bidding source in Admob for my iOS app. I'm trying to ad Meta as a waterfall ad source as well : image As you can see, this requires a System User Access ...
none's user avatar
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Will activating FAN break existing admob ads?

I have an app running admob ads. I'd like to integrate Meta Audience Network as a bidder, so I've followed the steps outlined for iOS at They ...
surnamet's user avatar
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Added FB mediation with admob but no ad's show

I have all validated admob account OK grpd OK integration of admob on my flutter app OK mediation on admob OK creation of account on facebook audience network OK creation of property and location OK ...
Nitneuq's user avatar
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Swift Show Meta Audience Network Native Ad

I am using Facebook's Audience Network SDK to show a native ad in my app. The question is: Where should we get the Bid Payload String to populate the field? Code: private func loadFacebookAd() { /...
Ryan's user avatar
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Meta audience network test ad setup not working in ios

I am not able to get test ads on my ios simulator. I already added below code before sdk initialization. let key = FBAdSettings.testDeviceHash() FBAdSettings.setLogLevel(FBAdLogLevel.log) FBAdSettings....
Abhishek Kotiyal's user avatar
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Facebook ads not showing in only samsung devices. Flutter Android

I have implemented facebook ads in flutter using facebook_audience_network package. I have completed all the steps as mention in documentation. ads showing fine in other android devices only not ...
PrimaryItCare's user avatar
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iOS app with FBAudienceNetwork on AdMob mediation: error "No such module FBAudienceNetwork"

I am trying to configure FB Audience Network with AdMob mediation on iOS, using Cocoapods, but I get a strange error: No such module 'FBAudienceNetwork' This is what I placed in the podfile: pod '...
Daniele B's user avatar
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Isn't supposed to have higher win rate with meta audience than with applovin max?

Recently I have realized that my app is making lower revenue, win and fill rate with meta audience network. I firmly believe that it is supposed to make higher revenue than with applovin max, how can ...
Carl's user avatar
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Could not find any matches for

Hello flutter developer i am using facebook_audience_network: ^1.0.1 plugin in my app for integrate facebook audience network ads .it was working fine even my app is live on playstore.Ads still ...
joshua's user avatar
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FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled warning always FALSE

Keep getting WARNING from Facebook Audience Network while doing testing: Warning: The value for FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled is currently set to FALSE so you're sending app events without ...
neobie's user avatar
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artQuickToInterpreterBridge crash in Android 10

I am experiencing a significant increase in crashes on Android 10 devices Here's a sample crash log backtrace: #00 pc 0x000000000013181c /apex/ (...
bin chen's user avatar
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Where do I find my facebook ad's placement ID?

I'm trying to fill the impression gap of my other ad provider with Facebook ads (Facebook audience network) to increase the income of my application. So far so good, the testing works, I see the ...
Adam Varhegyi's user avatar
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How to initialize Meta Audience Adapter in Android Studio?

i want to use Meta (Facebook) Audience Network bidding inside my app with Google Admob , i have done all that was written in documentation , but the problem is when i test the bidding with AdMob's ...
noorapps's user avatar
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Wrong state class error after updating FB audience-network-sdk:6.11.0

After updating FAN from '' to '' got following crash. I have already checked in my hierarchy there is no ...
Yaqoob Bhatti's user avatar
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facebook audience-network-sdk -> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError onAdEventManagerCreated when updating to recent versions

I'm using 6.5.1 with no problems: implementation '' bannerListener = new AdListener() { @Override public void onError(Ad ad, ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Add Meta Audience Network as an AdMob Mediation Network in Flutter

I'm trying to integrate AdMob mediation networks (specifically Meta Audience Network) into Flutter, I added the "google_mobile_ads" package ( ...
Francesco - FL's user avatar
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How to give more priority to Facebook ads in Admob facebook mediation?

I am integrating ads into android. I have integrated Admob using google tutorial. Now, I want to use Admob with Facebook mediation. I want to set priority to FAN. How can I put it in my project?
Raju Ahamed's user avatar
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Load ad from audience netwrok with bidPayload

I use audience netwrok to show ads in my ios app , i need to fix this warning interstitial = FBInterstitialAd(placementID: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID") interstitial?.delegate = self ...
sheko's user avatar
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Why Appodeal Flutter Plugin says "D/Appodeal(22704): Banner [Request Failed]: No ads in banner"

Banner Ads from Meta Audience Network not showing. Verbose Log in Flutter console D/Appodeal(22704): SDK [Response]: {"status":"error","message":"No ads in banner&...
Mohamed Ramees's user avatar
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Why there are no ad impressions on facebook audience network

So the problem is that till 29th May my Facebook audience network was getting impressions but i don't know what happened after that, now I am not getting a single impression from last 2 weeks. Can ...
Pratham Jindal's user avatar
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Admob limitation effects other bidding partners

When we have ad serving limit on admob account, it also effects other mediation partners like facebook audience network. However Admob says " limited ad serving applies to AdMob Network only and ...
Burk Apps's user avatar
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Integrating Facebook Audience Network in Xamarin

I have been trying to integrate Facebook Audience Network so as to load native ads in my Xamarin Native iOS application. When I debug my application the code enters method "NativeAdDidFail" ...
Malin's user avatar
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Applovin MAX Facebook Bidding : Does it Actually Works?

We have integrated Applovin MAX to use Facebook Bidding in our Andorid App. Since we have integrated & Tested The Integration, Under Test Mode FB Ads are Loading (when forced to show Meta Ads via ...
Techy Rakshak's user avatar
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You will need to set up login with Facebook to access the API

I've recently seen on Facebook/Meta audience network dashboard the following alert on the top. You will need to set up login with Facebook to access the API Starting in July 2022, you will need to ...
Blast's user avatar
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Facebook Audience Network gives very low bid response. Main reason "No Facebook profile found"

I have integrated my Android app to Applovin (MAX) platform and added Facebook bidding as described on documentation. Waited several days to collect some performance data. Now, when I look at bidding ...
Amidos's user avatar
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AppLovin Quality Service Gradle Plugin

I'm trying to mediate my app with MAX and I'm having trouble trying to integrating it on my Gradle file I have followed all the instructions here but I keep the error log below every time I try to ...
agega's user avatar
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Hot to integrate Meta(Facebook) Audience Network binding with Admob?

Based on my understanding those are the required steps to integrated binding Audience Network: Completed the Audience Network Setup Integrating Facebook Audience Network with Mediation Add a Network ...
Ilya Gazman's user avatar
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UIKit ViewController ===> into SwiftUI ContentView

Trying to integrate Facebook audience Network ad placements into my SwiftUI project. The tutorial published by Facebook assumes the use of UIKit only! With zero experience in UIKit, need your kind ...
Al Mizal's user avatar
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FAN ads: Interstitial ad failed to load: No fill on one network, on other works

While testing my ads on my Android 7.0 tablet I'm getting Interstitial ad failed to load: No fill on home WIFI and if I share internet via WIFI from my phone, ads load correctly. Where could be an ...
PCKing's user avatar
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Move your apps to bidding (Audience Network)

You need to move your apps to bidding before the deadlines so they can continue monetizing with Audience Network. after this message came to my dashboard I click (Move apps to Bidding) button and did ...
md sohan's user avatar
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can we have native ads in ionic(angular)?

Is there any possible way I can show native ads(Admob/Facebook) in my ionic 5 app. if that is not possible is there any way to implement ads inside app content. My app is a content-based app and I don'...
Raj's user avatar
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FacebookAds: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent

I am using Facebook Audience Network for monetize the app, but recently I got massive issue in crashlytics after upgraded targetSdkVersion to 31, i use this dependency implementation ('com.facebook....
Nanda Z's user avatar
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Age control in Facebook audience network ads

I recently started using Facebook audience network for monetization in my android app ( I used to use AdMob). I just have one problem, my app's age rating on google play is +3 , however I can't find a ...
morad toka's user avatar
3 votes
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Admob mediation open bidding on Facebook Audience Network, Ad not loading

I was trying to implement Facebook Audience Network on Admob mediation. I couldn't load bidding ad from Admob, but waterfall ad is loading. This is what i get in test suit. It always gives : I/Ads: Ad ...
noob coder's user avatar
1 vote
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How to integrate Facebook Audience Network using ad mediation (without Admob) in Flutter?

I am new app development. I integrated admob in my flutter app but unfortunately I was banned from admob. Now I decided to go with Facebook Audience Network (FAN). FAN now only allow Meditation and I ...
Mohamed Ramees's user avatar
2 votes
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Facebook Audience Network showing Ads only when the testing is enabled but not showing ads when the testing option is disabled

I had completed all the process of Facebook Audience Network Implementation for showing ads in my app. I also created a google admob account which was approved by the google team. I also selected ...
Noor's user avatar
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Using Admob mediation, why is my impression rate so low with Facebook Audience Network (bidding)?

Fairly recently I added Facebook Audience Network into my iOS app's AdMob mediation setup. I've confirmed that the Admob adapter is initializing the FAN adapter properly on device & using the ...
Vik's user avatar
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Crash after updating Facebook Audience Network 6.5

I had recently updated SDK of Facebook Audience Network to 6.5 and am suddenly facing crash, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: (Wrong state class, expecting View State but received class com....
Mahima Seth's user avatar
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Facebook Ads Mediation with AdMob using Expo

Been struggling with Facebook ads on my app (developed using Expo managed workflow) I never successfully display any Facebook ads and I would like to try mediating FB ads using AdMob. I created ...
Rex's user avatar
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Facebook Audience Network ads are not working when the app is downloaded from Huawei AppGallery

I have an Android app that has been published on Play Store & I integrated Facebook Audience Network (FAN) ads into it. Since most of the new Huawei devices don't have Play Store, I published the ...
Changer's user avatar
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4 votes
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setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled is not found in Settings Class of FBSDK?

I am trying to make setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled to true as mentioned in Facebook Advertiser Tracking Enabled like this // Set AdvertiserTrackingEnabled to true if a device provides consent Settings....
Islam Alshnawey's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms implementation of Facebook Audience Network

I'm struggling with implementation of Facebook Audience Network in my Xamarin.Forms app. Available nuget package is old and has obsolete metods. I was able to implement ads by my own, test interstital ...
Arkady's user avatar
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AdMob Mediation - Facebook Audience Network "We haven't received a bid request" (Swift)

So I'm trying to implement FAN using mediation via AdMobs. I have taken the necessary such as: Adding adapters Ensuring my app has been accepted/verified by Facebook Creating a mediation group ...
SwiftUser's user avatar
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