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Maps used as context using contextily doesn't match with basemap

Both sources use the the same WGS84 Web Mercator projection, but the maps doesn't match: import contextily as cx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # Map source ...
Andreas's user avatar
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problem to transform from epsg:3116 to lat, long (epsg:4326) in dart-flutter

I was trying to convert from epsg:3116(gcm_magna) to epsg:4326(lat and long) using the lib but the outputs were inaccurate. Can some one explain me or correct me? var destProjection = Projection....
Carlos Salcedo's user avatar
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MapProxy: The requested tile is outside the bounding box of the tile map

Some context: I have a Map Proxy server with the following configuration: services: demo: tms: use_grid_names: true layers: - name: my_layer title: My example layer sources: [...
Ariel K.'s user avatar
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Which EPSG does SUMO use?

I want to connect sumo with unreal engine use real world map. According to this page (, Sumo simulation network uses multiple coordination system: x,...
Sleepingisimportant's user avatar
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Why can't I cut a buffer, both in R and QGIS?

My question is very straightforward. I am working with a large coordinates dataset (animal GPS tracks). I would like to create a buffer of a 50km radius around the point where all my tracks start. No ...
Devon's user avatar
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Wrong coordinate transformation with osr.CoordinateTransformation

I'm running a Python script (Python 3.9.16) in ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. I'm doing it through Docker, althouh I've doubble-checked in Jupyter Notebook and I'm obtaining the same result. I want to transform ...
Andrea Viñuales Navarro's user avatar
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Creating openlayers feature in the backend

I have a website where I render a map using openlayers, I save the features (polygons) on the map to the database so I can load them later by doing this: const format = new GeoJSON({ featureProjection:...
moadi's user avatar
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EPSG:4326 to EPSG:27700 conversion

I am projecting some EPSG:4326 coordinates into EPSG:27700. The results are not what I am expecting, so I am wondering if there my code is wrong. Do I need to specify some additional datum in the ...
felix_the_cat's user avatar
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How can I choose to not change the image size when reprojecting with Python rioxarray?

I have an image in tif-format of size 18346x10218 in coordinate system EPSG:4326 that I want to convert to a new coordinate system, which I do with the following method with rioxarray in Python. ...
Marcus K.'s user avatar
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OpenLayers transform EPSG

I'm preparing a project that visualizes MULTIPOLYGON data on an OpenStreetMap. I'm testing the solution on a sample area defined as MULTIPOLYGON(((497700.486018679 520452.398175831,497716.241129864 ...
rdz's user avatar
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QGIS - Incorrect distance measurement using EPSG: 25832

I have an issue regarding distance and area measurements in QGIS (includes buffer etc.). My CRS is set to EPSG: 25832 (Germany). Measurements differ substantially from those of my colleagues (using ...
Kevin_S2021's user avatar
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How can I use lon/lat in a netCDF with rlon/rlat dimensions?

I have a netCDF files with 5 coordinates but 3 dimensions : xarray.Dataset { dimensions: rlat = 183 ; rlon = 182 ; time = 1 ; coordinates: float32 lat(rlat, rlon) ; float32 lon(...
Meiko's user avatar
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Transform coordinates with PostGIS based on Proj4 transformation text

I am working on a project where I have to transform coordinates expressed in LUREF (LUxemburg REference System/Frame) to WGS84 (Lat/long) by using the bundle PostGIS of Postgres database. The Proj4 ...
mabkoz's user avatar
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Fundamental misunderstanding with crs and map projections in R

I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding with how using crs and map projections work in R. First let me show what my final goal is here. I would like to create something like the following: ...
Fish_Person's user avatar
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geopandas to_crs epsg:3347

import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) world.to_crs('epsg:3035').plot() changing to epsg:3347 gives ...
paugam's user avatar
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OpenLayers not showing Vector from WFS

I'm working on creating a web GIS app with OpenLayers. I'm having a difficulty with fetching data from WFS GeoServer. The data is correctly downloaded, however it is not being drawn in any way. It's ...
T3chnoM4ciej's user avatar
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geopandas to_crs() return ProjError: x, y, z, and time must be same size

How can I convert this geodataframe with polygons in it from epsg:32748 to epsg:4326? I have a geodataframe called poi_shp_utm_buffered which looks like this | | ...
Amri Rasyidi's user avatar
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QGIS: 2 layers using different CRS

I am trying to draw a map of tree protection orders locally. I have a .shp file which uses CRS: EPSG 4326. I can add this to a project and see something that looks sensible, but with no context of ...
Carrie Pailthorpe's user avatar
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How to create Geopandas buffers for locations around the World

I have a location dataset (points long & lat) for events that happened around the World. I want to create 5km rings around these locations using Geopandas.buffer function. As explained in a ...
virginia's user avatar
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Transform laltitude and longitude in python pandas using pyproj

I have a dataframe as below: df = pd.DataFrame( { 'epsg': [4326, 4326, 4326, 4203, 7844], 'latitude': [-34.58, -22.78, -33.45, -33.60, -30.48], 'longitude': [122.31, 120.2, 118.55, ...
kitchenprinzessin's user avatar
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Proj4: How to convert coordinates from EPSG 4326 to EPSG 31370

Need to convert coordinates of Leaflet.js Map from EPSG 4326 to EPSG 31370. What I did till now: Defining EPSG 31370 proj4.defs["EPSG:31370"] = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=51.16666723333333 +...
Muhammad Yasir Ali Khan's user avatar
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proj_create_from_database when reading a raster with terra package

I am trying to read several rasters using the terra package; first I get a vector with the file names and then I use the rast() function to read the files. Land_variables_files <- list.files("...
Lore_Bernicchi's user avatar
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GeoPandas: Changing the CRS in a GeoDataFrame created through iteration

I'm having a bit of trouble changing the CRS in a GeoDataFrame created by iterating over a larger dataset. The epsg is set to the correct value (5070, an Albers Equal Area projection using meters) but ...
James's user avatar
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GDAL/PROJ fails to get SRS for gdalwarp

I'm having an ongoing issue with latest versions of GDAL (3.5.2, 3.6.0). I have an application that depends on the GDAL library for a number of functions, in this case merging multiple rasters and ...
Joseph T. Richardson's user avatar
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Combining WMTS and WMS in OpenLayers for custom projection

I want to combine two layers for my map, ortophoto map and on top of that, polygons showing parcel boundaries. For ortophoto I have available WMTS and for polygons WMS. Projection I need to use is ...
user2801516's user avatar
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Raster and Shapefiles not lining up using Geopandas, Rasterio, and Contextily

I am trying to get a DEM raster to line up with a shapefile in Python, but it will not show up no matter what I do. This is for lab exercise, the entire rest of the exercise relies on these lining up, ...
MrBlueSky's user avatar
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datum conversion from NAD27 + NGVD29 height (ftUS) to NAD27 + NAVD88 height (ftUS) using python

I am using python pyproj to convert xyz values of Louisiana, USA region from NAD27 + NGVD29 height (ftUS) to NAD27 + NAVD88 height (ftUS). So, I am not changing the horizontal projection (because it'...
ZVY545's user avatar
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Offset of 170m when plotting a map with Cartopy add_wms in EPSG 2056 (LV95) from SwissTopo

Using Matplotlib and Cartopy, plotting a map from Swisstopo is shifted by about 170m. The official coordinate system of Switzerland is EPSG 2056 ("LV95"). I create an axes in matplotlib with ...
Jörg Rychen's user avatar
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features at "wrong" position / flipped after EPSG:31287 -> EPSG:4326 transformation

I am currently trying to convert WFS2/GML3.2 data in EPSG:31287 to geojson using openlayers 6.15.1. For geojson I am trying to convert it to EPSG:4326/WGS84 using the following Typescript snippit: ...
user2923748's user avatar
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Is there any python method that is able to extract value of key between [ ] sign in a long string?

I am using geodjango ,and i would extract the value of "EPSG" from the long string returned from a code as below: PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_42N",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM[&...
Alae Tube's user avatar
-1 votes
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Follium map : my European locations are plotted in Africa

I would like to use Folium map to plot markers. My locations are in France. I have latitude and longitude information. So I create POINT geometry in order to implement them in Folium map. df = pd....
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Does sgo R package give accurate UK latitude and longitude?

Newbie here, so please be gentle with me! My council has released some data about tree protection orders (TPOs) in EPSG 27700 format. So an example would be 448098.4741, 271753.1604 I want to convert ...
Carrie Pailthorpe's user avatar
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Geopands to_crs() dropping z values

I've got a csv of metadata (metadata_df) for some images I'm trying to process. I extract the geometry in the metadata to make a Point geometry object, then create a geodataframe using this geometry &...
E. Case's user avatar
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How do i create 1mile buffer for each point geometry and project it to a map?

When ever I try to create buffer, it covers the whole area and a big dot is seen. Here, I am trying to make buffer on points which are located in Travis county, Texas (Austin) gdf_2017 = gpd....
code8848's user avatar
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Python: correcting offset of points on google maps (due to satellite image tilt)

I'm using the google maps static api to get top view satellite images of objects of which I have the surface coordinates (LoD1 / LoD2). the points are always slightly off, I think this is due to a ...
ArieAI's user avatar
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Using pyproj to transform shapely data is giving me strange results

I've got a polygon which looks something like this in WKT: POLYGON ((-2.5079473598836624 51.34385834919997, -2.5081726654409133 51.34353499032948, -2.507909808957454 51.343441165566986, -2....
Tom's user avatar
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Openlayers: Why is (0, 0) in the bottom right for me?

I'm displaying the coords of where the mouse is on the screen, only it appears the coordinates are centered such that the x-axis is negative and the y-axis is positive (0, 0 is at the bottom right of ...
Oliver Armitage's user avatar
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Losing the crs when writing to .gpkg with geopandas

When I write my .gpkg I am losing the CRS. I have tried setting the CRS with .set_crs, or adding the CRS when writing the .gpkg (which creates a fault - "fiona._env - WARNING - dataset filename....
Heather Kay's user avatar
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How to convert EPSG:28992 to EPSG:4326?

I have a list of coordinates which i need to convert to longitude and latitude in the folowing way: What are the math transformations and formulas used to achieve this?
Toni Vukasinovic's user avatar
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GeoTools transform from CRS in meters to CRS in degree (WGS84)

I am trying to use GeoTools to transform between two coordinate systems, one in meter and the other in degree, but no matter what i try the converted values are not correct. I have tried to follow ...
aweis's user avatar
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Transforming coordinates from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:32633 using Proj4js

I'm trying to transform coordinates from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:32633 using Proj4js. I added this script and the code is as follows: <script src="
Lucijan Troha's user avatar
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EPSG:3857 coordinates system compatibility with Azure Maps

Is EPSG:3857 coordinates system compatibility with Azure Maps? I am working on some project which require a geoJson to be loaded over the Azure maps but its not able to identify the coordinates ...
Sarthak Vashisht's user avatar
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QGIS does not change y and x coordinates to decimal degrees

I'm not quite familiar with QGIS, but now I have used too much time trying to find a solution of my probably trivial question. So I have data for Danish administrative areas. So far I have calculated ...
Emil Nyboe Blicher's user avatar
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How can I display the global UTM grid on a map in openlayers?

I want to display the global UTM Grid on a map in openlayers. There is no proj definition for the whole system, just the individual zones. For the projection of my map I want to use EPSG:3857.Im using ...
T.G's user avatar
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adehabitatHR home range estimation is too small

I have lat/long data of two animals tracked in Western Australia and I'd like to find their home ranges using adehabitatHR. library(sp) library(rgdal) library(raster) library(adehabitatHR) library(sf) ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Translate EPSG 3035 to EPSG 4326(lon lat) from shapefile

I have a dataset in a shapefile with CRS: EPSG 3035, which is the extent is xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin. I'm struggling to translate it into long and lat format. Do you know how to solve this? Thanks
Syu's user avatar
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How to convert epsg:28992 to epsg:3857 in python for a shapely polygon

The title says it, how do i change the coordinates of an shapely geom from epsg:28992 to epsg: 3857 in python.
Jake's user avatar
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Find lat/lon coordinates using azimuth,inclination and measured_depth(MD) for a wellbore/pipeline

I'm trying to find out the missing lat and lon points for a oil pipeline so that it can be 3D-plotted for our project.I am using a third-party api which provides me with the starting lat and long of ...
Austin Eapen's user avatar
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CRSError: Invalid projection: epsg:4326: for geopandas

I am using anaconda for geopandas. However, everytime I try to use epsg:4326:, it gives an error. CRSError: Invalid projection: epsg:4326: (Internal Proj Error: proj_create: SQLite error on SELECT ...
Lyliie's user avatar
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How to transform EPSG:6249 coordinates to "standard" lat/lon coordinates?

I have a set of coordinate points in a format refer to as "MAGNA-SIRGAS / Cali urban grid" or "EPSG:6249". Each point coordinates are labeled as North and East. I would like to ...
user404332's user avatar