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Enterprise logging 5.0 file rename

I am new to Microsoft enterprise library logging and i am using one in my current project. I see it is creating new files on the first logging entry renaming old by adding todays time stamp. How can i ...
Ashwini Kolekar's user avatar
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Plugins in the Enterprise Architect Not Working

I am creating an ADD in in my Enterprise Architect , I created the Addin, it was built successfully in visual Studio, Butwhen I Open EA For the testing of my Addin, it shows error: Error - Missing (...
Salman Ahmed's user avatar
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EnterpriseLibrary.Data.NetCore(6.3.2) auto creates SqlDatabase class object instead of OleDatabase

This is my app.config <dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="DefaultConnectionString"/> <connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnectionString" ...
Xuân Quang's user avatar
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EnterpriseLibrary.Logging severity level setting in app.config

I'm maintaining a windows service that is written a long time ago and the first author has left the company way before I joint. I want to reduce the eventlog records by leveling up the severity from ...
Circle Hsiao's user avatar
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.net framework 4.7.2 and Microsoft EnterpriseLibrary v5 version incompatibility?

I have my projects currently targeting .Net Framework 4.5.2 and using Microsoft EnterpriseLibrary.Data 5.0.505.0. If I change my projects target to .Net Framework to 4.7.2 I receive the error 'System....
sircrisp's user avatar
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Error when converting VB.NET App to from 32-bit to 64-bit

I’m working on converting a desktop application from 32-bit to 64-bit. The application consists of 3 layers which are VB.NET Standalone Application Broker Service WCF Service The VB.NET '...
Harsha W's user avatar
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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary Caching Error in GetCacheManager

I am trying to implement enterprise library caching and logging. I have the latest version (6.0.1304.0) of EnterpriseLibrary.Logging and EnterpriseLibrary.Common I have the latest version (5.0.505.0)...
Jey's user avatar
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EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance() equivalent Updating Project from Enterprise Library 5 to 6

Alrighty, so I'm working on an older application that was built using Enterprise Library 5 and am updating it to use the latest version (6.0.1304). However, I'm running into an issue in a few of the ...
Daniel Carriveau's user avatar
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Enterprise Library 5.0 Logging exception on startup

The application is running on multiple clients. Today I had an incident, where after a power failure, the application was not starting again. Following are the exceptions from the event log Faulting ...
AFrueh's user avatar
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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging 4.0 RollingFlatFileLogger rollover causing service to freeze

I am using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging version 4.0, and I have the following loggers configured in my Service.exe.config: <configuration> <configSections> <...
RoadieRich's user avatar
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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data CreateDatabase error

my company got a project from another company which has closed. All we need now is change connection strings to our DB, which is full similar as prodaction DB. I changed the server address to ours, ...
Stern's user avatar
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ParameterCache.SetParameters is not populating the parameters

We have upgraded the Oracle client 19 to 11 and after that our application is stopped working and throwing error "An OracleParameter with parameterName 'parametername' is not contained by this ...
John's user avatar
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Dot net test fails to restore EnterpriseLibrary.Logging Nuget in Azure DevOps

My AzureDevOps YML Looks like this: - task: NuGetCommand@2 displayName: "Restore Test Solution" inputs: restoreSolution: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\TestSln\*.sln ...
Abdul Hye's user avatar
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Asynchronous Database call to MySql Database gives error

I am using Microsoft.Enterprise Library with MySql database. I am trying to call a database method asynchronously. My method is like below.. public static async Task<DataTable> ...
Bezhas's user avatar
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C# EnterpriseLibrary trouble obtaining an Output Parameter

I'm writing a Stored Procedure that captures certain notes a user does in a Web Application. The procedures stores the notes, and I need the output parameter to notify the user if his/her notes have ...
Ivanovich's user avatar
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Want a common EnterpriseLibrary for .NET Core MVC (common database file)

Currently, I am learning .NET Core and updated my site from ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core MVC. In ASP.NET MVC, I used Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary for handling the database related tasks. But ...
Hardik Sanghavi's user avatar
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DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() Returning Encrypted Values

I have an existing Class Library application (.Net Framework 4) that uses the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data DLL (v2.0.50727) and I'm getting confused on something. There's a function in ...
dhead61's user avatar
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Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client in EntLib 4.1 error "Connection string is not well-formed"

I use the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client and installed the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess through Nuget. Here's the app.config configuration: <configSections> <section name="oracle....
ptn77's user avatar
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Adding a record using angularJS in c# getting this error " POST : 500 internal server Error"

Adding a record using angularJS in c# getting this error " POST : 500 internal server Error". Tried to change the Method from POST to GET at that time the error dint occured but also the record was ...
BKM's user avatar
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how to remove app.config in application code

I am writing a Dll project in which I am using EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.NetCore for in memory caching. This package require a app.config. Now when I call this DLL in my console application, I am ...
jiten's user avatar
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Can't Get Byte Array from SQL database using Enterprise Library

I'm working on a web API using Enterprise Library 5.0.505 AND I'm having trouble getting a byte array from a database. My insert statement works just fine using DbType.Binary but when I try to return ...
Jake Riegert's user avatar
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Replacing connection string with a method in factory pattern

I am planning to replace the factory created connection string which is from web.config with a function generated connection string. I am confused where to make this change? Connection String in Web ...
SmartestVEGA's user avatar
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Will .Net framework 4.8 support Microsoft enterprise library v6.0?

Since some of our applications are written in .Net framework 2.0 & 4.5, We've plan to migrate our applications to .Net framework 4.8 and we have used MS enterprise library v3.0 & v5.0 and ...
user1882485's user avatar
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Enterprise Library Logging - Visual Studio - MONO - MacOSX - NotImplementedException

I'm trying new VisualStudio for Mac (Mono with With Microsoft Enterprise Library 6.0.1304. Unfortunatly im not able to use it since an "NotImplementedException" is raised. I have been ...
Florin Berardi's user avatar
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Can I use ILogger<T> with Enterprise Library Logging?

I'm migrating an application into an existing .net core application. The existing application uses ILogger<> for logging while the migrating application uses Enterprise Library. Can these co-...
Brian's user avatar
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EnterpriseLibrary.Data.NetCore - Parameter discovery is not supported for connections using GenericDatabase

Using enterprise library for .Net Core for data access EnterpriseLibrary.Data.NetCore 6.0.1313 with ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2 web app with SQL Server 2016 and calling ExecuteSprocAccessor is not working ...
user2024871's user avatar
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User defined SQL type equivalent in Enterprise library

I'm trying to pass parameter which is a table type in SQL Server. I'm unable to find compatible c# type. I'm passing multiple parameters to stored procedure and one of the parameter is user defined ...
Manish Dhariwal's user avatar
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Enterprise library 6 logging to database and email not working on server

I have configured email and database logging using Enterprise Library 6, on a .NET 4.5 MVC application. It all works well when run in Visual Studio. However, when deployed to the server it does not ...
AAV's user avatar
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InvalidOperationException - The type LogWriter cannot be constructed. You must configure the container to supply this value

When I am trying to log something from a BizTalk orchestration I am getting below error message in the eventlog. Error using Info(System.String,System.String): Resolution of the dependency failed, ...
Aliya's user avatar
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Logging.Logger does not contain a definition for SetLogWriter

Copied code from here: public class LoggerBlock { protected LogWriter logWriter; public LoggerBlock() ...
NealWalters's user avatar
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Enterprise Library recent version or related

I'm looking for an application block for data access, logging and exception management like Enterprise Library but i saw than the lastest version of MEL are a little obsolete (2013) Did someone know ...
Gustavo Andrés Cadavid Gomez's user avatar
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Activation error occurred while trying to get instance of type database

This issue relates to web service application that uses Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary. When I test one of the APIs and get to DAL portion of the code I get an error at this point: using ...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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How to Fix a Reference not resolved exception on Project

I'm working on a Test Project using «Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common», «Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.Logging» and «Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary....
kaisfarza's user avatar
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Environment variable treated as string in app.config

I'm not able to use any environment variable when declaring listener fileName for Microsoft Enterprise Library - logging block It is getting treated as a string "I find a folder with the name %temp% ...
et3rnal's user avatar
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IBM DB2 Core: Connection string for ASP.NET Core 2.1 and Microsoft Enterprise Libraries

I'm using this Microsoft.EnterpriseLibrary port for .Net Core. It requires a configuration file app.config with the connection string specified in it. I tried using the same connection string I use in ...
amedina's user avatar
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Enterprise library logging block doesn't log

I installed Enterprise Library 6 via NuGet and then used the Enterprise Library Configuration Application Block Console to set up logging to rolling flat file and event log. I then created a static ...
Legion's user avatar
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dotNet core (console app) with Enterprise Library Data (EnterpriseLibrary.Data.NetCore) and JSON

I am trying to use: EnterpriseLibrary.Data.NetCore .nuget\packages\\6.0.1313 .NET Core 2.1 I have the ...
granadaCoder's user avatar
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Some Enterprise Library dependencies are not copied to the main project

I have a project (FWIW, it's a WCS project), let's call it WcfProj. WcfProj references another project, let' call this ClassLib. ClassLib references few Enterprise Library DLLs; e.g., Common, Data, ...
CodeAddict's user avatar
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Configuring Enterprise Library with .NET Core 2.1

I am in the process of migrating a solution from .NET framework 4.7.1 to .NET Core 2.1 and am having issues with Enterprise Library 6 (Using EnterpriseLibrary.Data.NetCore Nuget Package) I am ...
Ben Maxfield's user avatar
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How to solve EnterpriseLibraryCoreExtension issue while upgrade enterprise library version 5.0 to 6.0?

I'm getting the EnterpriseLibraryCoreExtension is not defined error while upgrade Enterprise library version 5.0 to 6.0. Code: container.AddNewExtension(Of EnterpriseLibraryCoreExtension) When I ...
Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Issue with executing stored procedure with an OUT refcursor when using ODP.Net managed with Enterprise library

I am trying to execute multiple (3) stored procedures one by one using managed ODP.Net with Enterprise Library. Each stored procedure returns an OUT cursor, each of which has been named "cur_out". ...
Hitesh's user avatar
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Restore RijndaelManaged key without using EntLibConfig.exe

I am working with an older application which uses the Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block for data encryption. Currently with every new server which is setup we have to manually run ...
Brettski's user avatar
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Stream record containing large byte array from SQL Server

I want to stream a record from SQL Server. The record contains a byte array (image) and metadata about the image. All I've seen so far is how to stream the column, not the record. I have 2 questions:...
Big Daddy's user avatar
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How to release Logger file handler when using with Enterprise Library?

First, I followed the instructions as stated here Everything works well. Except one thing when i deployed to Azure. When there is logging taking place, the file created seems to be 'locked' by the ...
zeroflaw's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging

I have COM-Interop enabled C# library (DLL) where I configured App.config to enable enterprise logging. But as soon as my BootStrapper.Run is called from COM dll, I keep getting the below error though ...
RJN's user avatar
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Legacy System: Is there some possible database connection leak with this code?

We have this legacy system that uses the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary library from Microsoft: One method looks like this: try { IDataReader dr = DB.ExecuteReader(...
Stephen H. Anderson's user avatar
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EnterpriseLibrary.current.GetInstance for ValidatorFactory class with upgraded nuget package (6.0.1304)

I am facing an issue with EnterpriseLibrary.current.GetInstance for ValidatorFactory class. I am upgrading nuget package to 6.0.1304. please suggest similary methods to implement using nuget ...
Sujay Kulkarni's user avatar
3 votes
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VS Enterprise .NET Build Extensions version of System.Net.Http overrides intended 4.3.3 nuget version

I'm currently using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise edition. The issue I'm running into is that every time I install the latest System.Net.Http nuget package (4.3.3) into a project, the System.Net.Http ...
TheDude's user avatar
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entlib wcf integration is throwing exception when trying to pass argument by reference

using the Enterprise Library in a WCF service application, we encounter the following exception when we try to use validation on an operation that has arguments passed in by reference: The operation ...
René Schindhelm's user avatar
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Enterprise library 6.0 configuration editor for Visual studio 2017

For our new project(Using Visual Studio 2017 and .net Framework 4.6), a decision has been taken to use Enterprise Library 6.0 for Logging, Exception Handling and DB access. I have a lot of resources/...
Thavudu's user avatar
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