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Google fonts and cross-browser Unicode

I'm using a google font (Source Sans Pro) in one of my projects. I have a class where on hover ::after I show an arrow. The problem is except from Safari, Chrome and Firefox both showing a different ...
SARN's user avatar
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Font-embedding: what is wrong here?

I'm still pretty new to html and css, so I might be overlooking things. Been entertaining myself trying to create a little website and arrived at embedding a font to it. It is working in firefox, yet ...
PSZ_Code's user avatar
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@font-face not working in any browser

Not exactly a new topic, I know, but reading through all the @font-face related postings I still can't find an answer to my problem. I'm new-be so I'm assuming there's a terribly embarrassing major/...
rapha's user avatar
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Custom Font Embedding DOES NOT WORK Cross-Browser

I have have "Gulim", a custom font, embedded into my website at (you can see it on the homepage, if you see Arial, it does not work on your browser.) Unfortunately, this font does ...
Hugo Cornellier's user avatar
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Preloading @font-face fonts?

Is it possible to preload or otherwise cache @font-face fonts, most likely with javascript, before the page loads so you don't get that ugly jump when the page finally does load?
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