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DSC v3 for Linux And Integration with Azure

hope this post finds you well! I'm trying to figure out how to implement DSC for Ubuntu and RedHat machines on Azure. From the looks into the documentation of DSC v3. From the looks of it, DSC v3 is ...
Thanos's user avatar
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winget configure configuration.dsc.yaml - to set windows group membership

I have the following configuration.dsc.yaml file: # yaml-language-server: $schema= properties: assertions: - resource: Microsoft.Windows.Developer/...
Sam Hasler's user avatar
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PowerShell DSC, what happens when I remove settings in the .mof file?

I have a DSC config that I wrote which sets three registry keys. I noticed that when I compile this DSC, it generates a .mof file which has three settings blocks in it, like so: instance of ...
FoxDeploy's user avatar
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How to Stop or Cancel a Running Windows DSC Operation That Never Returns?

I'm working with Windows Desired State Configuration (DSC) using Ansible's win_dsc module. However, I encountered an issue where a DSC operation initiated by Ansible hangs indefinitely, causing the ...
onknows's user avatar
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How to Sign a JSON Using USB DSC Hardware

I am working on a project where I need to sign a JSON object using a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) stored on a USB token. I understand that the private key is not directly extractable from the ...
Anil Unni's user avatar
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Is it possible to reference one Desired State Configuration file within another?

I am in the process of setting up a repository, and I would like to use Desired State Configuration to help others setup their development environment. I would like to create a .dsc.yaml file for a ...
Rory L'Estrange's user avatar
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I need to get the ResourceGroup and ResourceID of the Associated Azure VM of my DSC node

I have two nodes registered in resourcegroup1 when I run Get-AzAutomationDSCNode. Both nodes have the same name "Node1" but belong to different resource groups. Node1 - resourcegroup1 Node1 -...
Ayanda ezekiel's user avatar
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Convert Azure desired state configs (DSC) powershell scripts to JSON or YAML

Convert Azure desired state configs (DSC) PowerShell scripts to JSON or YAML Is there a way to do convert DSC .ps files to json or yaml. I am trying to covert DSC first to python but that is also not ...
Deepak's user avatar
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The command dsc (Azure BridgeToKubernetes) is failing when running on Git Bash or Windows CMD but working on WSL in isolation mode

The command dsc (BridgeToKubernetes) is failing when running on Git Bash or Windows CMD but working on WSL in isolation mode and working in non-isolation mode. I am connecting to the remote cluster ...
Srinivas Chinthanippu's user avatar
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PowerShell DSC Conditional Statement issues

Working with PowerShell DSC and having an issue with conditional statements inside the Configuration file. The code is below. I get the following error: VERBOSE: [AT20BLDTESTDB01]: LCM: [ Start ...
Nathan Heaivilin's user avatar
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Azure: How to use custom module in State Configuration

I created a class based DSC Resource as a Powershell Module and successfully uploaded it to Azure Automation/Modules. It has a green icon and seems to be added successfully. Now I want to use this ...
Alex F's user avatar
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Winget Configuration error when using xPSDesiredStateConfiguration DSC module

So I have a winget config file, here is everything but the problem block omitted: # yaml-language-server: $schema= properties: resources: - resource: ...
Devo8604's user avatar
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Get-DscConfigurationStatus Invalid namespace

I'm trying to execute some scripts that utilizes DSC and it seems to be failing pretty hard. From all the documentation I've found, I believe I'm following the right steps and installing it, but ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Azure SecurityPolicyDSc error - 'the array index evaluated to null'

I am trying to apply various custom Policies to Windows VMs on Azure. Most are unproblematic, however when trying to use the module SecurityPolicyDSC, specifically the AccountPolicy resource, I get ...
tjohnson1878's user avatar
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How do I provide configuration name dynamically during DSC compilation?

I have configuration named sqlconfig defined in file called sqlconfig.ps1 which I want to compile while passing DSC data structure and name of configuration itself to it. Sample code is below $sqlData ...
Gregory Suvalian's user avatar
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Is it possible to have common configuration in DSC configuration block?

I'm wondering if it's possible in configuration block which contains 2 nodes to have also configuration which will be common between 2 nodes without duplicating code (some sort of include ...
Gregory Suvalian's user avatar
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How do I create accounts in AD Users container using DSC?

I've got a section in my DSC-configuration that creates new accounts in a specified OU. (Input parameters are omitted in the example below.) Please ignore that I'm currently handling passwords with -...
Dennis's user avatar
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Schedule Task created using DSC, not able assign USERS group for running the task

TaskName = 'EXCEL-Auto' TaskPath = '\CustomTasks' ActionExecutable = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\...
Azure_CloudServices's user avatar
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DSC Certificate Update - Method C_GenerateKeyPair returned CKR_General_error with Error Code [5]

I am trying to Update My DSC is Expiring Soon But geting Error now Following the Same steps given in Video but Getting Error After Login trying to update ...
Divyanshu Maurya's user avatar
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Azure DSC extention. How to use additional items in a archive

I'm trying to use DSC extension for Azure VM. I have created zip archive with main PS file, and included additional archive to the main archive, with couple additional files After DSC extension is ...
Roman R.'s user avatar
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Read file content and output result by Desired State Configuration

I use DSC, and try to read txt file and get it output to the console, and frankly - futile. I have tried to use Script resource, but neither GetScript no SetScript helped to me. Maybe do you guys know ...
Roman R.'s user avatar
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While deploying the DSC configuration getting error: "The PowerShell DSC resource X from module Y does not exist at the PowerShell module"

While deploying the DSC configuration I am getting below error: InvalidOperation: The PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_AADGroupsNamingPolicy from module <Microsoft365DSC,1.23.726.1> does not exist ...
Kadir Ansari's user avatar
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How do I resolve scheduled task created using DSC can't be started manually?

I've tried setting up a scheduled task using DSC (Desired State Configuration) that starts at "creation time" and restarts if it's stopped within 5 minutes using the configuration below... 1....
Dennis's user avatar
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Applying HSTS settings using WebAdministrationDsc/WebConfigPropertyCollection?

I'm using Windows Server 2019, Posh5.1, WebAdministrationDsc 4.1.0, and WebConfigPropertyCollection. I see I have to use 2 passes for the resource to do this way for multiple properties, so I ...
QuilleyPowers's user avatar
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Azure AutomationAccount DSC scripts debug

I am running a DSC script from an Azure automation account to configure Windows VMs. It downloads files from a storage account in Azure to hosts for more configurations. If I hardcode the storage ...
user3739312's user avatar
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Passing secure parameter to PowerShell DSC script from Bicep template

I am using a Bicep template to deploy a virtual machine with a PowerShell DSC script that adds a Log Analytics workspace to the Log Analytics agent. The script uses a secure parameter (workspaceKey1) ...
Adrian's user avatar
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How do I update an array in an array in a hashtable in Powershell?

I'm using Powershell desired state configuration and have a separate definition document (psd1) I load into memory via $ConfigData = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$Path" where I'd like to ...
QuilleyPowers's user avatar
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Why is the installationpolicy of the PSGallery does not change even when Puppet states it changed?

I am generally new to Puppet, so would need a bit of a help with the following problem: I am trying to use this module: Added this to the manifest: ...
krapulax's user avatar
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PowerShell Desired State Configuration - Conditionally Create resources

What I am trying to do is the following. Our server host 4 different web applications through an IIS Website ( maybe more in the future ) . Depending on the customer they may have 1 or more of those ...
mpac99's user avatar
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Merge multiple configuration files using powershell

My Powershell script receives multiple Microsoft Office365 DSC policy configuration policy files as input in a folder as below: file1.ps1 Configuration EXOSharingPolicy { param ( [...
autobot's user avatar
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DSC to create multiple apppools

I am trying to create multiple app pools using DSC. If I try to make the $AppPoolName accept an array I get the error: Exception calling "ValidateInstanceText" with "1" argument(s):...
Adrimus's user avatar
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3 answers

DSC Configuration 'AD' completed with error(s). Following are the first few: WinRM cannot process the request

I am getting below error while triggering a dsc configuration in a AD VM. VMExtensionProvisioningError","message":"VM has reported a failure when processing extension '...
Hariprasath's user avatar
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Desired State Configuration File Resource Fails

I am trying to use desired state configuration to check whether or not a file exists in a specific location on the virtual machine that the configuration is applied to. The code compiles but when I ...
Malkie's user avatar
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The password supplied to the Desired State Configuration resource is not valid. The password cannot be null or empty

I have been dealing with this error for the past day, where any Powershell DSC resource that uses a PowerShell credential object fails with the following error: The password supplied to the Desired ...
Juan M. Elosegui's user avatar
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Azure AVD post configuration automation

I work for a little to medium size client with an azure eco system and try to find a good way to make configuration to AVD after there creation. I know there are tools like ansible but for the little ...
Mamquam's user avatar
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PowerShell DSC Exclude property from drift test

I'm using the xWebAdministration module to create IIS sites and application pools. When creating the site, a physical path needs to be specified. This path is changed with each deployment of the site ...
Confounder's user avatar
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Expand variable in PowerShell DSC File resource content property

I have $Node.NodeName, $Node.Environment, $Node.Role defined in the following DSC config file. They don't appear to expand to the correct values in the MOF file and instead shows: HOSTNAME: System....
Confounder's user avatar
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Powershell DSC - MSFT_RoleResource

I have a problem related to MSFT_RoleResource, I have recovered a DSC script that you can find below: The compilation in .mof works as shown below: Once the compilation is finished I want to make an ...
Nicolas Snow's user avatar
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AzureRM Automation DSC Configuration

I'm trying to configure Azure DSC Configuration, but I am running into two issues. I continue to get this error message Error = 'invalid character 'c' looking for beginning of value' JSON = '...
user18582981's user avatar
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Why won't my DSC configuration let me pass a [ref], and what's an alternative?

I'm trying to pass a variable to my DSC configuration, and have it modified inside it, then returned. To do so, I wanted to use a ref var. Like so in my powershell script: configuration My_DSC_config {...
jimothy.tutle's user avatar
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Dynamically adding SQL Logins to DSC for Azure Automation Credentials

I have a SQL Server on a VM being setup using a DSC file. I have been able to use SQL Login in the past ( but that only allows me to use it ...
lottol's user avatar
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DSC Extension for linux. Error in the

Could u please help? During the DSC Installation for Linux I'm receiving the following issues: OS: Linux (ubuntu 20.04) I'm using the following script for extension provisioning: $vmname = 'ds' $...
Boris Zaikin's user avatar
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How do I use a required module in a custom DSC Resource when using PsDscRunAsCredential

I have created a custom PowerShell DSC resource that relies on a separate module being present on the node. I have the module on all nodes for all users (C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules). ...
dgmyrs's user avatar
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Is there a way to reference a parameter value within the same PSD1 file?

Let's say that I have a PSD1 file, with the following code: @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $env:COMPUTERNAME Tags = @{ Environment = "dev" ...
naa2785's user avatar
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PowerShell DSC, Server 2019, .NET 3.5 failing to install from source

I am trying to use DSC to install .NET 3.5 from source, as my server is not able to reach out directly to MSFT. But it is failing with error code 0x800f0954. Here is the code: WindowsFeature NET_3_5 { ...
naa2785's user avatar
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xSCOM throws an Exception when running DSC on Azure VM

All, I am trying to automate infrastructure where I am using Azure DevOps CI / CD Pipeline for deploying VM and using DSC to configure / install SCOM using Module XSCOM As per my colleague, ...
Manan Shah's user avatar
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Delete directory content using Azure Automation DSC

I am using Azure Automation DSC to deploy some basic configurations on my Azure VMs. However, I am struggling to delete recursively all the content of C:/Temp directory and leave the directory as an ...
milan.j.stevanovic's user avatar
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Could not find the module 'cChocoInstaller' when I try to compile my DSC configuration

I'm trying to get Chocolatey installed to manage packages on a a windows VM using Powershell DSC. I've prepared my configuration file Configuration chocandfirefox { Import-DscResource -ModuleName ...
reticentKoala's user avatar
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DSC add user in local group

In DSC configuration i shoud add local user in group, but before that how i can check if user exists or not, and only after that add in group User User { Ensure = "Present" # ...
Vadim's user avatar
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Running DSC in against azure windows vm using terraform

I simply want to run a configuration file or a powershell script against a windows vm using terraform. I dont have a windows box. I dont want to use an automation account or use azure blob storage or ...
Kisaragi's user avatar
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