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Why is the installationpolicy of the PSGallery does not change even when Puppet states it changed?

I am generally new to Puppet, so would need a bit of a help with the following problem: I am trying to use this module: Added this to the manifest: ...
krapulax's user avatar
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Puppet-hiera-Function lookup() did not find a value-Windows

I installed dsc module and added AD user to Domain controller using puppet. Code below works fine when hard-coding password as plain text. Is it possible somehow to encrypt those passwords. I read ...
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Problems using the dsc_xaduser resource in Puppet

I have been scratching my head for a while trying to understand how to correctly craft a dsc_xaduser resource in a Puppet Manifest. If you have ever used this resource (or understand DSC good enough ...
Martin Surasky's user avatar
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How to purge unmanaged dsc_xfirewall resources with puppet on windows

We're trying to implement windows host firewalls with dsc_xfirewall and doing a normal puppet resource purge: resources { 'dsc_xfirewall': purge => true, } However, this appears not to be ...
Andrew Maier's user avatar
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Unable to apply DSC via puppet

Environment: Windows 10, with Powershell v5 Have following puppet manifest that should create a AppPool in IIS. class mywebserver { dsc_xWebAppPool {'DefaultWebAppPool2': dsc_name ...
Valera's user avatar
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Puppet DSC module: Could not evaluate: Convert property 'authenticationinfo' value from type 'INSTANCE[]' to type 'INSTANCE' failed

I'm attempting to use dsc_authenticationinfo => {"Anonymous"=>false, "Basic"=>false, "Digest"=>false, "Windows"=>true}, getting could not evaluate error below. This property is inside ...
FuriousD's user avatar
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How to use Powershell DSC for application installation?

Currently we are having application which will be in DVD. there will be setup.exe and user will click on that and fill the inputs it asks for . Inputs such as path where the application to be ...
Samselvaprabu's user avatar
5 votes
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Where does Powershell DSC find the module code?

I found an error in the Archive DSC module (MSFT_ArchiveResource.psm1). After copying the code, debugging it in the ISE and figuring out the two lines that needed to be fixed, I want to make the ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar