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Dropbox list_folder limit does not work as expected

I have a curl call curl -X POST --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{ACCESS_TOKEN}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"path":&...
user1130906's user avatar
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Dropbox FileRequest API - Handling Token Issues - Working with Qualtrics WebService Tasks

I am working on a project that a user completes a Survey Form that is on Qualtrics' platform and has a Webservice task that calls the Dropbox API ( as ...
psycoperl's user avatar
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Issue listing team folders with dropbox javascript sdk

I need a critical help with question below. i am developing a backup and restore solution which backups data from dropbox and store in s3 bucket. I am using typescript lambda to achieve the same Now I ...
MAVERICK1985's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get last modified time of a folder in Dropbox using java api?

I know there is a method available for getting last modified date of a File (filemetadata.getClientModified). But, there is no method for getting last modified date for a Folder in FolderMetadata. How ...
Milindkumar Shinalkar's user avatar
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Access dropbox file - The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found

I'm new in this type of access. I wrote this code but i have the error in objet to recover the list of files in dropbox. Dim token As String token = "sl.B6........." Dim _command As String ...
Luca Geremei's user avatar
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Activity not launched using deep linking to display browser page - MAUI

I have a Xamarin Forms app that I'm converting to MAUI. For Android, I've brought across working Xamarin code that authenticates on Dropbox. It's placed in a MAUI service. But on MAUI, the ...
BillF's user avatar
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No code returned after oauth2 dropbox library

I following the example from dropbox api And I am stuck here: //set credentials const dropbox = dropboxV2Api.authenticate({ client_id: 'APP_KEY', client_secret: 'APP_SECRET', redirect_uri: ...
Toma Tomov's user avatar
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Prisma Client Error when trying to access Dropbox Sign API

I am using a Nest.js API (with ts-rest) to do CRUD operations using Prisma. In a "Contracts" route, I am trying to use the Dropbox Sign API to return some contract templates that I have made....
J-Loon's user avatar
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How to get the browser view file link of a file using Dropbox python API?

I am using the python api for dropbox and my question is the same as this one except I would like to get a link which shows the image in the browser. Not a link which downloads the files. So I have a ...
user3494047's user avatar
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NextAuth problem: how do I restrict access to Credentials logged-in user but also use Dropbox and Instagram Providers?

Nextjs/NextAuth project. The app is controlled by session based on a login via the Credentials provider. Dropbox provider is used to provide AccessToken. The problem is that the Credentials session ...
dwhynot's user avatar
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Trouble Obtaining Refresh Token Alongside Access Token from Dropbox OAuth2 in Local Environment

I'm trying to integrate Dropbox into my web application using OAuth2. My code seems to be working correctly, but I'm only receiving the access token and not the refresh token upon successful login. I'...
Benk I's user avatar
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How to use the Dropbox API to upload a LARGE backup

I'm writing a script to copy a large website (29GB compressed) and I cannot seem to get it to upload via the Dropbox API. curl -T 05-07-2024_11-01PM_files_backup.tar.gz -X POST https://content....
Stuart Gray's user avatar
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Access folders and content contained by dropbox namespace

I have a Dropbox account that is linked to a team. The folder structure resembles this: /[My Name] /Lorem Ipusm ... /My Company Team Folder /Topics /Topic A - File A - File B ...
craig's user avatar
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dropbox api video share_url authorization error

when using the api : like this const getRequest = await "
BILEL SALEM's user avatar
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Issues with MetadataV2 DropboxApi V2 ASP.NET

I have been trying to create a "login" for the students in the company I work with, which is not really a log in but more of a system so that students access their own folder (which has ...
CristianPol95's user avatar
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dropbox api create sharedlink not working

So, in my project I send an audio file to Dropbox through Dropbox package, and it works just fine, but I want in the response also a link for the uploaded audio file and this is not provided in the ...
Salah M. Wahsh's user avatar
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Is there a way to update Dropbox files through api?

I have configured upload and download APIs, but I am unable to find the update API in the documentation. When I re-use the upload API, it doesn't rewrite the file and gives a 409 error response. Does ...
Sunil Yadav's user avatar
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Dropbox API in Android studio exception caused by OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl

I am building an android app in Java for personal use, that would make use of the Dropbox api. When I run a basic local unit test, I can make the simple call, that returns my username with the dropbox ...
Keen's user avatar
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Why do many on-line tools that can work with Dropbox or Google drive have no support for MS One drive?

While looking for a decent in-browser Markdown editor that could be connected to MS One drive, I noticed an interesting thing. A few fairly popular editors have possibility to work with files stored ...
user21273895's user avatar
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Facing issue with Dropbox API after migrating spring boot version to 3.2.2

We have recently upgraded spring boot version from 2.7.0 to 3.2.2 and Java version to 21 But after upgrading the spring version, the Dropbox API has started failing on fetching Client details at ...
Yasmeen's user avatar
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How do I set up the redirect URI and Dropbox OAuth for an HTTP request in Azure Logic Apps?

I have been struggling to set up a URI for my Logic App. I think I am suffering from information overload trying to wade through all of the applicable information. I am trying to set up Dropbox ...
DryBSMT's user avatar
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Dropbox API (Python) - How to get access to Team and User files

I have a dropox business user which is member of the team. I would like to see the filesystem with the API like when I just login to Member and team files and folder. So I'm creating a ...
user1383029's user avatar
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A way to display a DropBox file in a web app

I know there is a way to embed previews using Dropbox Embedding, but this doesnt seem to work for me at all. The documentation I am referring to is this: Using the Embedder The anchor tag is simply ...
AlvinfromDiaspar's user avatar
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Getting error: "RequestInit: duplex option is required when sending a body" when using dropbox javascript sdk method filesUpload()

I am trying to implement dropbox api on a songwriting app in React. I am able to send user to verification and get auth token, and even redirect user back to the proper page, but I can't save the link ...
LeeDyer's user avatar
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How can i generate a dropbox api access token that doesnt expire?

Is it possible to generate an access token for DropBox API access that does not expire? By happenstance I discovered that the generated access token lasts only a few hours and is intended for ...
AlvinfromDiaspar's user avatar
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Dropbox access token without logging in

How to generate Dropbox access token without logging in button. I have created method to setup oauth2. However it demands to login every time to get a new access token and to refresh oauth2 after ...
Ziscom 18's user avatar
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Cannot upload data to Dropbox with react-native-blob-util

I am trying to upload a rather large file (~100mb, SQLite database) to Dropbox with react-native-blob-util. I authenticate with Dropbox to get an access token react-native-app-auth. The response I am ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Using the Dropbox API or their interface, is it possible to get a ‘last viewed’ or ‘last accessed’ timestamp for file activity?

I am attempting to get a list of timestamps for when files were last viewed or accessed, as in the file activity. Reading through the API documentation, I can see references to created and modified ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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I wrote this code too sort documents in my dropbox but it stops each time at a certain file (the 24th one)

import os import dropbox # Replace 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' with your Dropbox access token ACCESS_TOKEN = '' def main(): # Initialize the Dropbox client dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(ACCESS_TOKEN) # ...
totzillarbeats's user avatar
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What's Causing an Error in My Dropbox Access Token Retrieval Script?

I'm trying to create a script to get a data file from Dropbox. I'm using the code below to obtain a Dropbox access token, but it's not working and gives me an error. What could be the issue? function ...
subir biswas's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I make my bot upload a file to dropbox and then send me a link?

So I recently made a bot that can move files around where needed on my pc, however I would like some things in the cloud with direct access I also want to be able to share the links to the files to a ...
Daniel Lee's user avatar
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How to retrieve all files from dropbox version history?

I have a script that uploads data to Dropbox every hour. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and the script has been overwriting the existing file with each new upload. Consequently, I only have one data ...
Mengyang Cao's user avatar
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I cannot upload an audio file to my dropbox using the package SwiftyDropbox

I'm new to the coding!!! Here is my code! I tried to let the user recording then uploading the audio file to the dropbox. I have already applied for the Dropbox API and got the App Key!! My version is ...
Vivi's user avatar
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Set expiration date for dropbox file link

I currently try to automate some things I do with dropbox. I use python to upload files to dropbox and send a link to the file to my clients. The catch is that the link has to expire after 30 days ...
ConfusedGerman's user avatar
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Laravel 9 send files to multiple dropbox accounts with scheduled command

I have to send files to multiple dropbox accounts(users), so i need them to store some details related to account(tokens, to send files) and store them in database and later use that data to send ...
senthu's user avatar
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How can I generate access using C# in Dropbox

I have a DOTNET Core Web API, I need to have 1 API which will generate the access token this access token will be used for the further processes like Uploading files, etc. How can I get the access ...
Yogesh Shinde's user avatar
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How do I use the Dropbox npm package to upload data from an express server

I have a file on a server which is updated pretty regularly by calls to an API. When it is, I would like to send a copy of that file to a location on Dropbox. I've been following the documentation for ...
Darohan's user avatar
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How to import Typescript definition of Dropbox API types?

I'm making a browser app in VS Code in Typescript that uses the Dropbox SDK. This import works: import { Dropbox, DropboxAuth, DropboxResponse, DropboxResponseError } from 'dropbox'; This upload code ...
Richard's user avatar
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Dropbox filesListFolder says my path is invalid

I'm using the Dropbox Javascript SDK to call dropbox.filesListFolder({ path: 'apps/my_app' }) and Dropbox returns the 400 error Error in call to API function \"files/list_folder\": request ...
Richard's user avatar
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Get Download Link for Public Shared File From DropBox

I have been trying to get a file that is publicly accessible from Dropbox. It is not shared to my account but can see the folder and download it fine. Can also access the folder via https://api....
harri's user avatar
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Non-scoped apps cannot specify token scopes when using dropbox api/oauth

Anyone know why all of a sudden a dropbox registered app that's been working fine for years would suddenly show {"error": "invalid_scope", "error_description": "Non-...
Dan G's user avatar
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Unable to list files in shared Dropbox folder using Python and the Dropbox API

I am trying to use Python and the Dropbox API to list the files in a shared Dropbox folder. Here is my source code: import dropbox import os # Replace "ACCESS_TOKEN" with your Dropbox ...
muratowski's user avatar
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Authorization to upload files to Dropbox on company's business account

I have a C# (.Net Framework 4.8) desktop application that we were, at one time, using the static Dropbox token to send up files to our account. We use this application to zip and upload a file to ...
ErocM's user avatar
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Dropbox Python API - Team Folder Access

I am trying to connect to Dropbox to read in a csv into my python program. I can currently connect, but I can't access the folder I want to access. I configured my app to have all access. When I click ...
courtneymickelsen's user avatar
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Dropbox API Post API gives response Something went wrong

I'm trying to use Dropbox API to get some metadata info of a file inside my dropbox. Here is my post code std::ostringstream stream; curl_slist* headers = NULL; CURL* curl = curl_easy_init(); ...
Pandorax's user avatar
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How to trigger a github webhook from Dropbox

Dropbox gives the possiiblity to create a webhook here that is sent when a file is added to a folder. Reading the doc it seems that you can't configure much the information that are sent and there is ...
Ruggero Turra's user avatar
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DropBox API how to get the Access Code Generated using Postman

I am having a problem automating on how to get the access key generated(refer to access key generated image below) using Postman without manually place the path in browser and manually get the ...
jp romo's user avatar
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How to send `files_upload_session_append_v2` in parallel? (Dropbox API, Python)

I want to upload a large file to Dropbox via Dropbox API in a parallel way (so it will be uploaded faster than in a sequential way). The documentation says By default, upload sessions require you to ...
Magician Artemka's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there anyway for my python script to automatically get access token for working in Dropbox API

I am trying to build an python application for my server to run 24 hours and overwrite a file in dropbox every minute. When I built this application it stopped working after an hours for new token. I ...
Sufiyan Ashraf's user avatar
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Retrieve thousands of files and folders without throttling

I'm trying to generate a nice big array for each user that contains all the files and folders the user owns as well as the users that each file/folder is shared with (e.g. users: ["John Doe":...
Jono Suave's user avatar

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