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Tracing in LMAX disrupter processing

I am looking for options to be able to fetch and track logs in the flow of handlers processing in LMAX ring buffer, i.e, for an particular message posted into ring buffer, get all its respective logs ...
Vishnukanth Reddy's user avatar
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How to wait for all Disruptor messages to be consumed in a test case

I'm trying to unit test an application which publishes/consumes messages using the Disruptor ring buffer. In the test I would like to Configure the Disruptor and it's EventHandlers Publish messages ...
lance-java's user avatar
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Limit number of active threads in LMAX Disruptor(RingBuffer)

I have multiple consumers of different types that can be run in parallel but I don't want all of them to run in parallel at the same time because I don't have that many CPU cores and performance would ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Why lmax disruptor architecture use 2 disruptor?

In " lmax disruptor architecture design" it is showing that , they are taking input and enqueing it in input disruptor and there are multiple event handlers like journaling ,un-marshalling , ...
Uttam Suthar's user avatar