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How to Expose OpenTelemetry Prometheus Scraping Endpoint on a Different Port than the Main ASP.NET Core Application

I'm updating my ASP.NET Core application to use OpenTelemetry for metrics collection, transitioning from the Prometheus library. Previously, I had a specific server for my Prometheus metrics endpoint ...
Lucas Dalmarco's user avatar
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Any way to specify type of returned variable if that type is not exported by API in typescript?

I'm working with the OpenTelemetry SDK in typescript. I want to have a simple class like this: import { MeterProvider } from "@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics" class MyClass { private meter : ...
Nu Nunu's user avatar
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processing live metric data using opentelemetry dotnet

I would like to save realtime data using opentelemetry. But now it exports my data at a set interval, witch means that if my data changes in between intervals it gets lost. Right now i use the ...
LudoTielbeke's user avatar
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Azure OpenTelemetry Exporter duplicates logs

I have a simple python script to export logs into an app insights trace table by following this example, however, the log entries get duplicated. What could be the reason? # import ...
Bennimi's user avatar
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How to capture method-level traces in OpenTelemetry with Spring Boot Starter for Zero-code instrumentation?

I am trying to integrate OpenTelemetry with my existing Spring Boot application using the Zero-code instrumentation Spring Boot Starter. I followed the official documentation and configured the ...
Harshad Panmand's user avatar
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How to send traces to Elastic Cloud APM using OpenTelemetry OTLP (without using the Collector) in nodejs

I am trying to send distributed traces to Elastic Cloud APM and because I want to be able to send traces originating from multiple services, I cannot use elastic-apm-node as it only supports only a ...
Va5ili5's user avatar
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How to create logs from Streamlit app to Azure with OpenTelemetry?

I'm trying to use OpenTelemetry to send logs from a Streamlit app to Azure. I followed the Azure documentation for OpenTelemetry, tried different methods but it's not working. I'm not receiving logs ...
José Cordeiro's user avatar
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Enable Zero-Code Instrumentation for gRPC Endpoint Metrics in a Play Framework App with OpenTelemetry

I have a Scala application built with the Play Framework that exposes a gRPC endpoint. Here's the current setup: The application is instrumented with opentelemetry-javaagent. The OpenTelemetry data ...
Ivan's user avatar
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FastAPI Azure Opentelemetry logger does not map LogLevels correctly

Logs of my FastAPI app are currently written into AppServiceConsoleLogs table in Log Analytics, Azure. I initialize my loggers with (where LOGGING_CONFIG is just the logging config as Class): class ...
Bennimi's user avatar
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Datasource Micrometer not working with opentelemetry zero-code instrumentation

I am using the zero-code instrumentation Java agent in order to export traces from my Spring Boot app to Jager in otlp format. So far so good, but i need more than the autoconfiguration provided by ...
user24192264's user avatar
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Trace and Span IDs not showing in Spring Boot logs but visible in Grafana via OpenTelemetry

I am using Spring Boot 3.4.0 with OpenTelemetry Spring Starter for tracing and logging. I am exporting the logs using the OpenTelemetry collector to Loki, and the traces and spans are visible in ...
Shubham Goel's user avatar
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Is there a place where I can download an OTel Java SDK .jar file and include that in my java project? [closed]

I guess, first things first. Is there even such a thing (these days) as .jar file that I can include into my project and use the Otel APIs or is that a thing of the past and it is done completely ...
AChase99's user avatar
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Configuring Opentelemetry for aws lambda leveraging opentelemetry aws lambda layers

I am new to opentelemetry. I am trying to configure zero-code otel instrumentation for aws lambda, so that it could push matrices and traces to SingnalFX. Implemented lambda using nodejs. I have ...
GPD's user avatar
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Best Practice: OpenTelemetry Counter - Changing attributes vs distinct metrics [closed]

My question is about Counters within OpenTelemetry. When it comes to attributes when do you allow a value change of the attribute vs. publishing a different metric entirely. This is the example I'm ...
Michael Black's user avatar
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Is there OpenTelemetry agent that collects metrics at the process level?

Does OTel agent linked below provide a drill down of utilization metrics at the process level? If not, are there any alternatives or ongoing work in this area? We've found process level metrics ...
user236215's user avatar
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Filter out OpenTelemetry traces that has no logs

I have this very simple standard Weather Api example controller where I've enabled OpenTelemetry: using OpenTelemetry; using OpenTelemetry.Trace; var Builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); ...
Athena's user avatar
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Unable to build the project with opentelementery extention

I have spring boot project which is on version 2.7.7. We have some dependency on otel telementery for that we have used some part of build.gradle like below. id "com.github.johnrengelman....
Nikita Pawaskar's user avatar
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How libraries logs depenencies when then don't directly reference Application Insights?

In Application Insights, I can see dependencies like SQL, Http, etc being logged and associated with http request. I wonder how are these logs produced, when those libraries does not reference ...
Liero's user avatar
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Setting Pod Name as cloudRoleInstance in Application Insights with OpenTelemetry in Python

I’m using OpenTelemetry to send logs from my Python application to Application Insights. The application is running in an AKS pod, and I want to set the pod name as the cloudRoleInstance in the ...
Marija Vukadinovic's user avatar
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Spring Boot starter - OTEL cannot send data to otel-collector

I do have very basic configuration of Spring Boot (3.4.0) application with opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter and otel collector. Unfortunately when I try to send metrics and logs to local Otel ...
Maciej Bodus's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry trace not propagating from Spring Boot 3.2.1 (opentelemetry-javaagent 2.10) to Airflow 2.10.2 REST API

I am using Spring Boot 3.2.1 with the opentelemetry-javaagent 2.10 for zero-code instrumentation. I also have Apache Airflow 2.10.2 set up with OpenTelemetry configured. When my Spring Boot ...
Juyoung Jeong's user avatar
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Is there a way to print these optl logs to files?

In mentioned code i am trying to save these logs periodically to txt files. I have referred and checked docs but unable to find it. These logs must be saved every 30mins. Adding the files for flask ...
Bhavesh Gupta's user avatar
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Setting up Prometheus and Jaeger with docker-compose

I have successfully integrated Prometheus into my monitoring workflow, monitoring my grpc services. But Jaeger is missing and tbh I have no idea what I could be missing. This is my otel-collector ...
Fernando Correia's user avatar
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gRPC Observability in Python for aio.server

I would like to publish metrics of my gRPC services for a prometheus server. The names of metrics must commit opentelemtry semantic conventions. I have installed grpcio-observability and follow its ...
Pablo Campillo Sánchez's user avatar
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opentelemtry heap and gc metrics

I am a little bit new on java with opentelemtry, but I would like to know if you could help me with a problem that I am facing. I am trying to instrument my springboot application with opentelemtry ...
Jorge's user avatar
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How to propagate trace context with Dapr PubSub RabbitMq

I have two services talking to each other through RabbitMq. Service A publishes messages directly to RabbitMq and Service B uses Dapr with the RabbitMq pubsub component. Both services are instrumented ...
sergi's user avatar
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Otel Collector, TailSampling and SpanName

I'm trying to use OTEL Collector to filter out Traces from being emitted to my store. I am using otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:latest, with tail_sampling I have an event which runs about 1200 ...
James's user avatar
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Custom metrics for opentelemetry together with spring-boot autoinstrumentation?

Im setting up OpenTelemetry to capture metrics from my app. For reasons, I find it easier to use the spring-boot auto instrumentation
blanche's user avatar
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Clear Logs in .net Aspire

I'm using .Net Aspire on my server to monitor Logs. now after 2 days it has 8000 logs and it became laggy. How can I just clear Old Logs builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry() .ConfigureResource(res =...
SinaMN75's user avatar
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How to configure an OpenTelemetry Collector to pre-aggregate metrics across multiple resources

I have a service deployed on multiple instances, all reporting metrics to a common collector. Each instance is identified by a triplet (service.namespace,, However, ...
AlexisBRENON's user avatar
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Why am I unable to assign an PeriodicExportingMetricReader instance to an otel SdkConficguration

I am trying to build a bespoke OTEL package for our internal applications, but run into a weird type mismatch error, that I cannot explain to myself. export class OtelConfigurator { otelEndpoint: ...
Marco's user avatar
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Open Telemetry-go | How global a MeterProvider really is?

According to docs, a meterProvider is essential to build instruments, and that's clear to me. Right after the initializing example of metric initialization, we have the topic aquiring a meter with ...
ramon perez's user avatar
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Filter metrics by tag value using .net OpenTelemetry

I'm using .net OpenTelemetry for metrics instrumentation in a .net8.0 console application. services.AddOpenTelemetry() .WithMetrics(builder => { builder ...
Mhd's user avatar
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How to write logs via File Exporter in non OTLP JSON format

I would like to export logs to a file using OpenTelemetry Collector File Exporter , also i would like to format the logs in logfmt format. I was able to export the logs to a file but i am unable to ...
Genadi Postrilko's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry: Span for Message Delivery Time Between two Services

I'm trying to trace an application based on the actor model (independent units communicating using messaging). Each actor is modeled as a service, and I'm sending the SpanContext with each message. I'...
raphaelhetzel's user avatar
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trace_id is not passed to worker threads using opentelmnetry with jaeger

I am trying to integrate my service with opentelmentry to trace the service flow . Tracing tool : Yaeger Note : I cannot go with javaagent becuase yaeger-exporter is not supoprted in latest version of ...
mpsimham's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.3+ and Open Telemetry export to Google Cloud Trace?

I'm trying to get Open Telemetry to export traces from my Spring Boot 3.3.5 application running on GKE. I've tried follow the guide here which says to use: <dependencyManagement> <...
Johan's user avatar
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How to implement opentelemetry customProcessor in an autoinstrumented java service

We are using opentelemetry java agent in our monolith application (non-spring) and would like to customize span with onStart method of Span Processor. Agent version: 2.7.0 Dependencies used are ...
Raushan's user avatar
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How to properly integrate Opentelemetry while using fork process model for multiprocessing in python django app

We have a python/django application, in our app we are connecting to snowflake data warehouse and we have long running requests for reporting (sql queries are being used to fetch data from snowflake). ...
Danish Dullu's user avatar
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.NET Azure Function Kafka Propagator

I am using latest .NET 9 for Azure Function and want to use distributed tracing accorss different Kafka messages that are created by Azure Functions and are read by other Azure Functions. So far I am ...
user3079834's user avatar
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How to instrument http.ServeMux with OpenTelemetry?

I'm looking for a quick way to instrument http.ServeMux for OpenTelemetry. My mux handles multiple routes. For Elastic APM, I can do it quickly like: rootMux = apmhttp.Wrap(rootMux) But with ...
Victor L's user avatar
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How to assign log messages to service in Instana via OpenTelemetry?

I am integrating OpenTelemetry to our C# stack and I am stuck with logging. I can emit logs, and those are correctly assigned to trace via traceId, and I can browse them accordingly, but they are not ...
Miro Hudak's user avatar
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opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter rabbitmq instrumentation

I'm using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and I see the following Out of the box instrumentation: Their ...
Life of MAK's user avatar
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How can I add request-specific span attributes for requests in a WebFlux Application

I am trying to add additional attributes to my OpenTelemetry Spans, i'm running Spring Boot (3.3.4) with web-application-type: reactive enabled. I need to add specific pre-defined attributes and also ...
sedreviver's user avatar
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Add kubernetes pod labels to splunk logs using k8sattributes processor

How to add pod labels to splunk logs? Can't get the syntax right and the documentation doesn't seem to cover it. I'm using the otel-collector in daemonset mode, running in a kubernetes cluster and ...
user1681190's user avatar
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opentelemetry missing trace

I am trying the opentelemetry auto-instrumentation. But it appears that the trace is being lost when using CompletableFuture.handle. Could anyone please assist me with this issue? @GetMapping("/...
user1684689's user avatar
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Springboot Opentelemetry service name

We are using Springboot and micrometer based implementation for Opentelemetry with Jaeger as the collector. Everything works as expected in terms of sending the traces to Jaeger. One of the ...
sg2000's user avatar
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is OTEL_SPAN_EXPORTER a valid exporter in OTLP?

This grafana document talks about OTEL_SPAN_EXPORTER. OTEL_SPAN_EXPORTER=otlp,...
R...'s user avatar
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Ensuring .NET Metrics Appear at Prometheus /metrics Endpoint

When using the Prometheus Exporter for OpenTelemetry metrics in .NET 8, the /metrics HTTP GET endpoint only displays metrics that have been recorded (i.e., written to at least once) and whose ...
itstudes's user avatar
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Can W3C traceparent be set by Java OpenTelemetry SDK

I am working to set the traceparent header in OpenTelemetry I am using the JAVA OTEL SDK and wanted to know if there is a Java based solution to ...
Prabal Rakshit's user avatar

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