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How to use BitsAllocated and PixelRepresentation to read image

I am using dcmtk to read dicom. In this dicom, the BitsAllocated=16, and PixelRepresentation=1. It means the type of pixel data is a signed int 16. Then, I use e->getSInt16Array(pImg) to read ...
Qiang Zhang's user avatar
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How to read the per-frame info from a multi-frame dicom

I am using dcmtk to read a dicom. This dicom file contains 100 image. Each image has a PatientPosition. How can I get these 100 PatientPosition? If DicomImage can provide the 100 PatientPosition? If ...
Qiang Zhang's user avatar
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How do I use dcmtk to create images in DICOM format?

I want to create multiple frames of images in DICOM format, and the format of the images can be viewed using dcmdump as follows: Tag Value (7fe0,0010) OB (PixelSequence #=2) (fffe,e000) pi (no ...
Lazyyedi's user avatar
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Save compressed DICOM image without having to temporally save uncompressed DICOM

I have a DicomInterface class that inherits from DcmDataset class. After setting the DICOM tags, I want to save the DICOM image with JPEG Process 14 transfer syntax. If I first save the DICOM file ...
Phạm Hồng Nhung's user avatar
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Use DCMTK to read a JSON-formatted DICOM dataset

OFFIS DICOM Toolkit (DCMTK) offers functionality to convert a DICOM dataset to JSON (see below) but can the toolkit be used to read a JSON-formatted dataset somehow? The C++ implementation can write ...
Maarten Bamelis's user avatar
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Create a new private tags in a DICOM file

I am currently trying to build a plug-in for Orthanc, an open-source server for DICOM Images. That plug-in will be a viewer that will need some metadata of the images to work properly. Metadata that ...
Broot's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I fix "unable to convert dataset from 'JPEG Baseline' transfer syntax to 'Little Endian Explicit'" while using DCMTK-Toolkit?

I'm trying to send an image as a DICOM-file ((0002,0002) Media Storage SOP Class UID 1.2.840.10008. --> Secondary Capture Image Storage) with the DCMTK-Toolbox storescu to the ORTHANC ...
Robert's user avatar
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How to get the Study Instance UID (0020,000d) from DOS and display it in a memo with Delphi/Delphi 5 correctly? (DICOM)

i'm currently trying to implement a procedure called "GetDosOutput" in Delphi 5/ Delphi 10. In this procedure I want to get the DOS output from a worklist query (via DCMTK toolbox) and ...
Robert's user avatar
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Count number of responses to a findscu query

What is the best way to get the number of responses of a findscu query? For now I am thinking of exporting the responses to an .xml file and count the tags. Is there a better way?
Phạm Hồng Nhung's user avatar
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Is it possible to let DCMTK's writeJson() write tag names?

I am using the DCMTK library in my program, which among others writes a JSON. With the DcmDataset::writeJson() function I can put the whole header in the JSON in one call, which is very handy, but the ...
alle_meije's user avatar
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How can I update all UIDs of a DICOM study while maintaining its structure?

I have a DICOM study with 3 series and want to refresh its UIDs (StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, SOPInstanceUID) to do some tests. All the data is in a single directory so it's not possible to ...
Daigo's user avatar
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finding the size of an item in a Siemens DICOM tag

I am tryying to read a multi-slice (Mosaic) DICOM image from a Siemens scanner in C++, using DCMTK to read the tag and information on the nibabel pages. As I understand, Mosaic images have a CSA ...
alle_meije's user avatar
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How to encapsulate the H.264 bitstream of video file in C++

I'm trying to convert a video file (.mp4) to a Dicom file. I have succeeded to do it by storing single images (one per frame of the video) in the Dicom, but the result is a too large file, it's not ...
BatSh's user avatar
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showing the full content of ImageType in DCMTK

I'm trying to read a number of Siemens DICOM images with DCMTK, some of which are mosaic images. I'm looking for a quick way to find those. What I can see with mosaic images is that this is specified ...
alle_meije's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiframe Ultrasound DICOM file creation

I am new at DICOM and DCMTK. I have a set of BITMAP Ultrasound data that I would like to save as a lossless DICOM file. After loadding the data in a queue frame_queue and setting all the mandatory ...
firehelm's user avatar
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DCMTK library says tag not found while dcmdump displays it

My program, for a Ubuntu 20 system using DCMTK 3.6.4-2, reads a dicom file (series) and gets the scale slopes from the corresponding tags, testing first whether they exist: tmpfile.loadFile ( filename ...
alle_meije's user avatar
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Problem reading the Content Sequence tag of DICOM file using DCMTK

Using DCMTK, I am trying to get the entire node of Content Sequence of .dcm SR files to extract measurements related to obstetrical scans. I use C-Find query. I am able to get the entire Content ...
DORI's user avatar
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DCMTK reading pixelBuffer or image attributes (rows, columns) returns 0

I successfully compiled DCMTK and used in the Xcode project on macOS 10.15. I can read/decompress JPEG images, but I am not able to read some DICOM files. Using DicomImage *di = new DicomImage(dfile, ...
Jared's user avatar
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In Powershell is there a convenient way of dumping all dicom element that belong to group

I am working in powerwshell and I am wondering if there is a way that I can dump all tags that belong to a group. For instance, if I know there is a Private Creator tag at (0029,0010) is there ...
franklinCat's user avatar
6 votes
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DICOM Worklist Returning No Match In DCMTK wlmscpfs

I have setup DCMTK's wlmscpfs on Ubuntu 18.04. The worklist files are converted from dump file to .wl files via dump2dcm. So far the worklist files have been returning successfull matches when queried ...
Jordan's user avatar
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How to filter out elements with a particular property (or keep elements without that property)

I'm processing the output from dcm2json, which converts the metadata from medical imaging data in the DICOM format to JSON. The values for this metadata is mostly strings, integers, floats, and ...
Spanky Quigman's user avatar
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How to change the default network socket timeout in DCMTK?

The default network socket timeout in DCMTK is 60 seconds. How to change it to 30? I could see the code written as below, but could not change it to 30: extern DCMTK_DCMNET_EXPORT OFGlobal<Sint32&...
Dipesh Pokhrel's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use DCMTK binaries to send Modality Worklist to modalities without receiving Query from them?

I am using DCMTK storescp.exe to receive images from a CR modality and then process/save them in my DB. Is it possible to use other DCMTK binary to manually send the PatientName and PatientId to CR ...
niyo66's user avatar
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How to read binary data from dicom file?

How to read raw image data from uncompressed DICOM file and dump it to a file. I just use the following code for compressed files. using dcmtk library dataSet->findAndGetElement(DCM_PixelData, ...
gregory jithin's user avatar
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Cannot find DICOM attribute (0020,4000 [Image Comments])

I am writing a script using pydicom to automatize ultrasound medical reports. However, I cannot find the 0020,4000 [Image Comments] attribute. I have tried with different images from different ...
Brainsdead's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trouble getting `storescu` working by accessing from external IP aws/nvidia clara

Set up Nvidia Clara on a AWS instance in through Kubernetes. I run my dicom adapter through clara and it is running on POD. I activate the listener by running storescp -v --fork -aet DCM4CHEE 104 ...
The BrownBatman's user avatar
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DCMTK dcm2json produces invalid JSON for broken DS or IS values

DCMTK dcm2json produces invalid JSON for broken DS or IS values see The JSON will contain values like this example: "00291003": {"vr":"IS","Value":[F]}, ...
Michael Hobbs's user avatar
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Difficulty using 'findscu' then 'movescu' then repeat iteratively over multiple accession numbers

I have written a code that is used to pull DICOM files from my internal server, but I am having difficulty running it repeatedly for different accession numbers. Summary of the workflow: Given a ...
gkuling's user avatar
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How to create a Anatomic Regions in Study Code Sequence

I'd like to edit a DICOM file with dcmodify to add an 'Anatomic Regions in Study Code Sequence' element (TAG: 0008,0063) but I'm unsure how to do this. I can add the tag but what do I then add as ...
PaulN's user avatar
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why does GE PACS use Modality with c-find in StudyLevel

I use the c-find of DCMTK to query GE's pacs with study root, study level. And the condition is studydate = 20181112, Modality= "" to query PatientID. I know that Modality is a tag under series level....
chenzongxi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to differentiate CT images from two different manufacturers using DCMTK commands?

I am trying to pull images from a server. I am interested in pulling CT images for a specific patient. I am executing the following DCMTK commands from the command prompt (windows): 1) I get the ...
jorge's user avatar
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DCMTK movescu error: response suceed but no file received

I am new in DICOM and DCMTK. I was trying to retrieve dcm files from a private PACS server( with movescu command in Windows platform. The incoming and outgoing message were normal but no ...
fenley's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Does the makefile of dcmtk3.6.3 in ubuntu14.0 have -g to debug?

I want to debug the code of dcmtk3.6.3 with vs code in ubuntu14.0. But i don't know whether the original makefile had the -g parameter. I try to debug,but it does not work. So, should i add the "-g" ...
chenzongxi's user avatar
2 votes
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Why can PACS return 0000,0092 values through c-move-rsp

I use dcmtk3.6.3 send c-move command to pacs. And dcmtk receives the c-move-rsp which get an error with "(0000, 0902)". I know the reason for the error,but I don't know Why can PACS return 0000,0092 ...
chenzongxi's user avatar
2 votes
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DCMTK Understand the "DIMSE No valid Presentation Context ID" error

I'm currently developing a simple application for querying/retrieving data on a PACS. I use DCMTK for this purpose, and a DCM4CHEE PACS as test server. My goal is to implement simple C-FIND queries, ...
B.Oudot's user avatar
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What is the matching VOI LUT function value for EFV_Default in DCMTK library?

I'm using Dcmtk library and I used the getVoiLutFunction() and this function return three different enum outputs (EFV_Linear, EFV_Sigmoid, EFV_Default), and for my current CT image I get the the ...
ZSmain's user avatar
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DICOM pixel data lossless rendering and representation

I quote : DICOM supports up to 65,536 (16 bits) shades of gray for monochrome image display, thus capturing the slightest nuances in medical imaging. In comparison, converting DICOM images into ...
ZSmain's user avatar
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How to convert a DicomImage(Dcmtk) with depth=17 to a Mat(Opencv) object?

When using this code I don't get the result that I want (see the picture). DicomImage *image = new DicomImage("/home/000001.dcm"); cv::Mat inputImage(int(image->getHeight()), int(image->...
ZSmain's user avatar
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GDCM C-Move issue with studies containing documents/reports

I don't think I"m going to get the answer I want but I figured I would ask before giving up with GDCM. I've built a tool using the GDCM library to do some Query/Retrieve on our local PACS. During ...
Shensmobile's user avatar
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DICOM fail to use c-move : Move Request Failed: 0006:0317 Peer aborted Association (or never connected)

I am running the following command with the find-SCU tool from the OFFIS DICOM toolkit (dcmtk): movescu -k 0010,0020="PAT004" ip_adress 104 -aec serverAET -aet myAET --study -ll debug -od data And ...
fi4720's user avatar
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Dcmtk dump, reduce time by not loading everything

I'm working with DICOM images and use DCMTK to make some process. My problem here is that I have to retrieve only certain tags of batch of images. But the process take too long. I'm using dcmdump -M ...
Atnaize's user avatar
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Incorrect received value callingPresentationAddress in dcmqrscp under Windows

TL;DR: When I run dcmqrscp under Windows 7 x64 (official current 3.6.2 binaries), the server does not recognize IP of incoming echoscu clients. Instead the value of callingPresentationAddress is set ...
Bartłomiej's user avatar
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DCMTK movescu not working for file retrieval

I am new in DICOM and DCMTK. I was trying to retrieve dcm files from a public test server ( with movescu command. But it's not working. I was able run findscu successfully ...
Nafis Abdullah Khan's user avatar
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Called AE Title Not Recognised error in echoscu

I was trying to test the connectivity of dcmqrscp. I have used the following command for starting dcmqrscp. dcmqrscp --config C:\Dicom\config\dcmqrscp.cfg Please find the below config file that I ...
Mittal's user avatar
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OFFIS DICOM - dcmdump v3.6.0 - (0002,0010) Transfer Syntax UID

I use OFFIS DICOM dcmdump tool to extract information from a DICOM image: I use dcmdump.exe -M -L +Qn to dump the DICOM information. Output looks like ...
user avatar
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findAndGetString() in DCMTK returns null for the tag

I am developing a quick DICOM viewer using DCMTK library and I am following the example provided in this link. The buffer from the API always returns null for any tag ID, eg: DCM_PatientName. But the ...
jxgn's user avatar
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How to properly convert dicom image to opencv

I have problems converting .dcm image from dcmtk format to opencv. My code: DicomImage dcmImage(in_file.c_str()); int depth = dcmImage.getDepth(); std::cout << "bit-depth: " << depth <&...
user7428910's user avatar
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Dicom image not converting with dcmtk

The image on not converting to other image formats. I tried following commands (after ...
rnso's user avatar
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Difference between dcm2pnm, dcmj2pnm and dcml2pnm

The title says it all. What is the difference between dcm2pnm (, dcmj2pnm ( and dcml2pnm (http://support.dcmtk....
rnso's user avatar
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How to load a dicom image using DCMTK 3.6.1

I am trying to load a monochrome dicom image file using DCMTK with the example code provided in the docs The file I am trying to compile is dcmtest....
pdiffley's user avatar
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