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Unrecognized Data Type

I am follwoing the training in the (
Kawther Hamad's user avatar
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KeyError raised at input layer when trying to build a model with 2 inputs

KeyError: "Exception encountered when calling\n\n\x1b[1m140112707155856\x1b[0m\n\nArguments received by \n • inputs={'input_1': 'tf.Tensor(shape=(None, 256,...
Matrix24601's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to handle varying Feature Dimensions in Graph Neural Networks training?

I have a question about how to handle datasets with different feature dimensions when training Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). For example, in one dataset (Dataset A), the node features have a dimension ...
Bipul Bikram Thapa's user avatar
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Tensorflow model takes so much RAM in google colab

When i try to train this model and this model doenst even have many trainable parameters, in google colab it crashes because it uses all the ram, i have a dataset of mp3 files, each mp3 file is 128 ...
Andrei Arseni's user avatar
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InvalidArgumentError, Deep Learning with Python, Example 10.2.3

I'm trying example 10.2.3 from the book Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet. I'm getting an error on the line history = using Tensorflow 2.17. However, I don't get an error if ...
Mike M. Lin's user avatar
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Missing a required argument: 'dec_input' in Transformer Model

I am busy with a forecasting model, and have turned to Transformers to see if they will be able to perform better than other sequence models. I keep getting the error: TypeError ...
Tayla Corney's user avatar
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keep getting TypeError: load_model() missing 1 required positional argument: 'filepath' in tf version 2.15.0

I'm trying to load a model to use to for predictions, but it seems the model failed to load my tf version: tensorflow 2.15.0 model = load_model('model.h5') img_path = "app\model\test.jpg" ...
Tubagus Farhan's user avatar
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InvalidArgumentError: only one input size may be -1, not both 0 and 1 in TensorFlow model during prediction with single image input

I'm working on a TensorFlow model for face recognition, where I preprocess images, generate embeddings, and then store them in a CSV database. The model works fine when predicting on a batch of images ...
N1ne's user avatar
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Understanding the output of a simple neural network in TensorFlow Playground

I am learning about neural networks, so I started experimenting with Tensorflow playground. to understand the basics I set all parameters manually and didn't train the model afterward. specifically I ...
Robot12's user avatar
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Autoencoder Training Loss Doesn't Decrease Despite Cloned Code and Dataset

My first post on stackoverflow so thanks for any responses! I'm learning about anomaly detection using autoencoders and found a useful looking github repo notebook link here I've cloned the repo to my ...
oscartadhg's user avatar
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Attribute error with ELMo embedding for CNN model

Having an issue with implementing ELMo embedding with a CNN model. I originally has some tokenization and padding but removed these steps as I am not sure they are needed when using pre-trained ...
leakie's user avatar
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Tensorflow GPU crashing after first epoch

I am training a neural network model and when running the code : history = X_train, y_train_encoded, epochs=20, batch_size=32, validation_data=(X_val, y_val_encoded), ) The ...
Elyes Lounissi's user avatar
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Project a boolean mask from max-pooling regions back onto the input tensor

I’m working on implementing a custom max-pooling layer in TensorFlow and need help projecting a boolean mask onto the input tensor to indicate the positions that contributed to the max values in each ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Multiclass classifier using Keras from 'Deep Learning with Python' yields very different accuracy compared to what's in the textbook

Below is the code for multi class classifier from Chapter 4 in 'Deep Learning with Python' by François Chollet. The textbook mentions this code will yield >95% training accuracy, but my environment ...
Thirumal's user avatar
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Invalid Argument Error in Tensorflow (Keras)

I was trying to run a deep learning project related to lip reading based on this Youtube video. The entire code is on github. The developer used the following versions of modules: opencv-python -4.0....
Mohit Bansal's user avatar
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Tensorflow model weights not loading correctly

i'm trying to load a tensorflow neural network in c++ for a chess engine. the model was trained in python and i'm converting the weights to a binary file, but the dimensions are wrong when loading in ...
scar17off's user avatar
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Model Always Classifies Images as Cats with High Confidence Despite Hyperparameter Tuning [closed]

I am trying to train a model on images using the code below. My directory structure is as follows: The PetImages folder, which is approximately 1GB in size, is located next to my script. ...
Akagami Shanks's user avatar
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Value Error: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 444, but received input with shape (None, 708)

I'm trying to train a FNN model for credit card fraud detection. My categorical features are merchant, category, city, and state. I also standardized my numerical features using StandardScaler. I ...
Aiden's user avatar
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Im trying to run this code: cnn = BatchNormalization(renorm=True)(cnn)

But This error occurs: ValueError: Unrecognized keyword arguments passed to BatchNormalization: {'renorm': True}. And I need this "renorm=ture" . Is there any other method to do so? I tried ...
Argho DebDas's user avatar
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How to load a Keras model without importing Keras in a Python desktop app?

I have a trained Keras model saved as model.h5, which I would normally load using keras.models.load_model("model.h5"). I'm currently developing a Python desktop application with a GUI and ...
yamato's user avatar
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TensorFlow InvalidArgumentError: Concatenation dimension mismatch in ConcatOp - Shapes do not match

I keep getting this error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- InvalidArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-50-...
Md. Imrul Kayes's user avatar
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How to Control Memory Growth When Using TensorFlow in Multi-Round Training?

I'm facing an issue related to memory growth when using TensorFlow for a multi-round training process. Specifically, I have a model training loop in which I generate training and evaluation data in ...
Lekang's user avatar
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Low GPU utilization (0-5%) with high memory usage in model training

I'm working on a machine learning project using TensorFlow (version 2.10.1) to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on sEMG signals. While my model utilizes nearly all of the GPU memory (10.8/12 ...
Arthur M.'s user avatar
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Tensorflow Keras: Running an input through a non-sequential base model without the last activation layer

I have a Transformer-Decoder layer that includes non-sequential flow of inputs with Attention layers looping for 12 times. As below: def get_model(): input_shape = (n_chans, embed_dim) input = ...
Stooges4's user avatar
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How to apply concrete dropout during inference time with batch size > 1 in Keras

I am trying to implement the concrete dropout method for a regression task, as described in Gal et al. (2017) (the paper). I am implementing it in R with the new Keras3 R package and a tensorflow ...
Thomas Brazier's user avatar
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How to update a sequential retrieval model to accept the categories as a parameter?

I followed the Tensorflow Sequential Retrieval tutorial here. The model currently accepts a list of item IDs preferred by the user like so # create a model that takes in raw query features index = ...
Hisham Bawa's user avatar
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summary() function not working in cnn (ValueError: Undefined shapes are not supported.)

I'm trying to make a classification network for IDing pictures from the cifar10 dataset. When I try to use the summary() function, I keep getting this error. ValueError ...
Noah Co Rodriguez's user avatar
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Unwrapping an intermediate functional layer in Keras

I want to use the AblationCAM method, using Keras. I want to use the AblationCAM method, which requires creating a new model with the input of the original model and the output of the selected layer. ...
Houda SAIFI's user avatar
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Arcface model can't be loaded

i'm working on face recognition system where i used arcface as its algortihm, and i download the arcface model from github in this link
sadmiaw's user avatar
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Key Error when trying to extract layer activation in TensorFlow sequential model

I have a Sequential model that is trained on the MNIST dataset. After training, I am trying to create a new model to output activations from the hidden ReLU (Dense) layer. I reshaped the test image ...
Hero Chhabria's user avatar
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Custom Encoder and Decoder Layers within Keras Model Show As Unbuilt

I have a subclassed tensorflow.keras.Model Seq2Seq model with custom layers. However, when I try to run a test script to build and compile the model, running model.summary() gives: Model: "...
Biggles-2's user avatar
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Do steps round down when it's fractional?

I have begun experimenting with training machine learning models and encountered some confusion around the concepts of epochs and steps in the training process. While researching online, I came across ...
Rafa's user avatar
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`TypeError: Unsupported integer size (0)` when attempted to save custom Keras model

I have a subclassed tensorflow.keras.Model Seq2Seq model with custom layers. However when I try to save it via method, it throwing the following error: File "/home/...
Biggles-2's user avatar
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Model is unable to overfit, even with a tiny dataset

I'm trying to create a CNN that can predict the position of up to 5 objects. Each point has 4 values: x and y coordinates, a presence value(0 if it's a padding value, 1 if it exists) and a depth value(...
qkasriel's user avatar
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tried changing the output of vae model to satisfy loss function but something doesnt work

I tried to create a VAE model which generally contains a custom loss for which GradientTape() or a class is used for implementation. I didn't want to use these methods and instead tried a workaround ...
Tanishk Gopalani's user avatar
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gradient becomes none after apply mask on trainable variable

When I implement the following code, gradient of x becomes none after apply mask on trainable variable. After removed the mask the gradient is able to be calculated. I am wondering what the reason of ...
Tian Lan's user avatar
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Simple Gradient Descent in Python vs Keras

I am practicing neural networks by building my own in notebooks. I am trying to check my model against an equivalent model in Keras. My model seems to work the same as other simple coded neural ...
AdamS's user avatar
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Model Can't Predict Correctly Even Though Has A Good Classification Report

I have tried to run this model from the link: When I did it on colab with similar dataset (but smaller, ...
Eff Zoee's user avatar
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I need to write complex-value neural network in tensorflow but I get an error

I have complex input to into the neural network, and I also need the neural network to have complex weights, but when writing the code, I get the error as below: ---------------------------------------...
Sajjad's user avatar
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Tensorflow 2.1 Keras error, the metric has not yet been built

i was stacking 5 pretrain model sort of like transfer learning. I was facing issue about The metric has not yet been built error issue and I not sure how to solve it. i am using tensorflow 2.17 ...
Clarence Ng's user avatar
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TensorFlow 2.17.0 Error: tf.where() not working as expected after update

After updating TensorFlow to version 2.17.0, I'm encountering an error in a part of my model that previously worked fine. The error occurs when using tf.where() to create a gate based on a probability ...
Xixao's user avatar
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0.0 loss function while training transformer

I'm trying to complete Kaggle competition I created some sort of transformer model where I train 2 models on keywords column and on hashtags (which I extracted from text column). Here is a model for ...
fergotin's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: pose_cfg.yaml

I am trying to train my DeepLabCut network on some animal videos I have using departmental resources - GPU. I have activated my environment, made sure there are no broken requirements, no matter what ...
Stefani Dimitrova's user avatar
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Tensorflow fit() function: steps_per_epoch = 1 causes oscillations in loss

I have a simple convolutional neural network that takes an input of size (5,5,3). The code of the training is added below. As you can see input is generated randomly and, only a single entry is used ...
a.j's user avatar
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How to create graph for higher order derivative in Tensorflow

My target is to forcing gradients to be statistically indistinguishable across tasks in a multi-task model by exposing them into a discriminator (inspired by Adversarial Learning, training weights to ...
Irene Ma's user avatar
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Get the output of an intermediate layer in Keras for GradCAM for a subclassed model

I am trying to get the output of an intermediate layer for a resnet-style model that I developed using Keras and TensorFlow. My model consists of nested keras.Model objects. For clarity, I am adding ...
Arijit Dey's user avatar
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High AUC on training data but incorrect predictions

I am doing a model that have two outputs: 1 categorical and 1 binary. After training the model, it has a very high accuracy on training data, and low accuracy on validation data. I wanted to see which ...
Manh Duc Dong's user avatar
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Layer expects 2 input(s), but it received 1 input tensors

I am trying to build model to predict posts likes, the model takes text and content type which is one hot encoded column. I have made a TensorFlow dataset but when trying to fit the model I got this ...
Abdulaziz Snobrah's user avatar
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ValueError: Cannot Reshape Tensor When Training ENet Model with Discriminative Loss Function

I’m currently working on a lane detection project using instance segmentation and following this tutorial. I’m attempting to train an ENet model with a discriminative loss function, but I'm ...
sippathamm's user avatar
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How to modify tflite model?

Although many model have sigmoid layer, the embedded system sometimes not supported this layer. So, I want to remove this layer and then call this in my codes. Could you tell me solution if you know ...
김지송's user avatar

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