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Sending SQL alert when WITNESS is disconnected

I'm looking for some help setting an alert to fire when the 'mirroring_witness_state_desc' in the following query returns a 'DISCONNECTED' value. We've had incidents where the WITNESS server will ...
b0redj0rd's user avatar
5 votes
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Set database to single user mode for database involved in database mirroring session or an availability group

I'm trying to set a database to single user mode that is currently in an availability group or in a mirroring session. But i'm getting the following error: The operation cannot be performed on ...
Aditya Nair's user avatar
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SQL How to make principle db mirror and mirror db principle

I need to temporarily set up Idera SQL Compliance manager for the mirror database. but, the mirror database is not showing the required database since its being mirrored. So I am guessing I need to ...
Vel's user avatar
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An error occurred in a Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport connection endpoint, Error: 8474, State

Error Log Generated this Error: An error occurred in a Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport connection endpoint, Error: 8474, State: 11. (Near endpoint role: Target, far endpoint ...
Hamza Wac's user avatar
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Transaction log filling the drive if mirroring fails

I am having two mirrored SQL Server 2016 machines with mirroring set up. This is supposed to be hot-standby scheme. HDD size is 1TB, and database size is around 600GB (just one DB). This is 90 days ...
D.T's user avatar
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How to implement database mirroring using SQL on two geographically separate servers

Good Day I need to implement database mirroring on two geographically separate servers. I have been tasked with ensuring that there should be a backup of the databases that is not more than 1 day ...
Thato Matsunyane's user avatar
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How long does a sql mirror failover take to complete?

We are mirroring our database and I would like to know how long it would take to complete a failover from the time that I click "failover" in sql?
kodeman's user avatar
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Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the report server

I have 2 SQL Servers, 1 principal and 1 mirror on a remote site. On the mirrored server, the following error is being logged. Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the ...
GLeung1981's user avatar
3 votes
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SQL OLEDB provider: connection string to Failover partner

We're trying to connect to SQL with Database Mirroring enabled. We have 2 servers: DB1 (Principal) and DB2 (Mirror). We're using connection string: Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=DB1;Failover Partner=...
Baufix's user avatar
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SQL Mirroring - Queries to confirm health and to check back log

I'm after any sql queries that might be out there for being able to confirm the health of a mirror i.e working or failed. Also if there is a query out there where you can view current backlog. ...
user2841861's user avatar
2 votes
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Modify mirroring_partner_instance name in sys.database_mirroring

I have an issue with correctly failing over to the mirror database. When I am connected to the principal database (dbx) (mirroring is enabled and set up) and I fail over the principal database (...
Zonxwedop's user avatar
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SQL Server HA-DR for mirroring , How to recover mirroring when...?

what is the fastest way to recover databases mirroring after the primary server shut down and the mode of the primary db is in recovery padding or in mode not synchronize?
user3881234's user avatar
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SQL Mirroring 2008 R2

I have a mirror and witness setup with automatic failover setup. The server side of the mirroring works fine, when we take the network cable out the databases failover to the failover server. The ...
iamsmug's user avatar
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How to re-establish SQL Server mirror

I have a question regarding database mirroring. I've tried reading the documentation, I think I understand it, but - it's a production database and I really don't want to mess this up!! I have a ...
916 Networks's user avatar
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How intelligent is SQL Server Mirroring?

While working on my current development product I have setup SQL server mirroring between the primary data center and the secondary data center. In the primary data center the SQL .mdf and .ldf files ...
Phil Donegan's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 database mirroring

I have a little problem with the database connection. There are 2 database server: DBSA, DBSB DBSA (primary server) DBSB (mirrored server) I connect with the following Connection String : Data ...
MjeOsX's user avatar
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Database Mirroring doesn't work (SQL Server 2008)

I have a problem with the database connection. There are two database server: DBS1, DBS2 DBS1 (primary server) DBS2 (mirrored server) I connect with the following Connection String: Data Source=...
MjeOsX's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL Transaction Logs bloating with Replication

I am trying to setup a replication database that has a lot of read/writes, although the overall database size is about 35gb. A transactional replication server has been configured, however over a ...
user1527725's user avatar
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sql server 2005 mirrored database transaction log file maintenance

Ok so for standard, non-mirrored databases, the transaction log is kept in check either simply by having the database in simple mode or by doing regular backups. We keep ours in simple as we have SAN ...
Blootac's user avatar
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