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Flink GlobalWindow Trigger only process the trigger event

I have datastream keyby by an event property, that is then passed to a globalwindow, trigged when a specific event comes in, the issue is that when the window is trigged to process the events, it only ...
car_dev's user avatar
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Problems with sink on flink

[enter image description here][1] I could do this to try first, this works well this just print the data on another topic I trie to follow the same logic but don get the result package org.example; ...
edu90s's user avatar
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FLINK left join three DataStreams using cogroup

I'm trying to merge three stream into a single stream. Tried union but was unable to proceed as the schema's are different and if I merge the schema it becomes too large. So, I'm using **cogroup ** ...
Fed X's user avatar
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2 answers

How to select kafka topic dynamically in apache flink kafka sink?

I'm using KafkaSink as the sink in my flink application and I require to send stringifiedJSONs to different Kafka topics based on some key-value pairs (for example, a few JSONs go to topic1 and a few ...
Vinay Cheguri's user avatar
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How do I merge audio streams into one file using javax.sound.sampled?

I've been learning Java to build what equates to an audio file merger/mixer. The idea is to insert voice files into a 4 minute music bed. I am able to create individual streams and output to different ...
guitardave77's user avatar
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1 answer

Flink DataStream element not updating

I have a code like: DataStream<Sample> stream = ... => { x.setVal(10); return x; }); // Sample class looks like this: class Sample { int val = 5; public void ...
Mathew Pitcher's user avatar
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Flink Datastreams Evictor

I'm using Flink DataStreams to join 2 streams (a Book stream and a Publisher stream). I'm trying to remove elements by using evictor in case they are deleted from the database, which is indicated with ...
Diogo's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache Flink join different DataStreams on specific key

I have two DataStreams, the first one called DataStream<String> source which receive records from a message broker, and the second one is a SingleOutputOperator<Event> events, which is the ...
Alter's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Flink: How to update Source Function in Unit Test?

I need my Flink job to read from a local instance of a Source Function and update every time the Source Function instance's data changes within the unit testing code itself rather than a stream. ...
chrisgopherrong's user avatar
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1 answer

Having trouble getting readAllBytes() method to work

Other students in my class have gotten this code to work, but I get an error. I am trying to use the readAllBytes() method for an assignment and I can't get it to work. My teacher there is another ...
Constantine's user avatar
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Flink and Cassandra Connection Issue

Has anyone faced any issue with Connecting to Cassandra from a Flink Job when the Connection is made outside the Flink's DataStreams normally? Session session = clusterBuilder.getCluster()....
Samik's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Java Socket does not error but is not functional(?)

I have a very basic understanding of clients, servers, sockets, input and output streams, etc. related to having servers. However, my socket that I created does not seem to work. I used many unused ip ...
Christopher Lee's user avatar
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Read CSV file with 3 columns into Datastream. JAVA Apache Flink

I've been struggling for a while setting up a flink application that creates a Datastream<Tuple3<Integer, java.sql.Time, Double>> from a csv file. The columns in this file (columns ID, ...
user7432713's user avatar
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Flink map stream csv file into Tuple

I am trying to map a CSV file, already consumed by Flink and produced by Kafka, into a Tuple4. My CSV file has 4 columns and I want to map each row into a Tuple4. The problem is that I do not know how ...
Salvador Vigo's user avatar
8 votes
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Transform data stream using processor implemented via Flow APIs

I was going through the Community#DOC-1006738 from Oracle related to the concurrency concepts of Flow.Publisher and Flow.Subscriber. There on one can find the Sample code to transform data stream ...
Naman's user avatar
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-1 votes
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java socket(change the boolean in another class) and datastream

now i'm making chatting program. but there are some problems. first, in login process, when i send the id/pw to server, server sends that is right or wrong (protocol 3000 or 3001). then, client will ...
hohodduck's user avatar
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Send stream of Data from client program (running in VM) to server program(on Host OS) using socket programming in Java

A Client socket Program (in windows VM) generates integer from 1 to 10 as per below code public class ClientSocket { public static void main(String[] args) { try{ InetAddress ...
Amarjit Dhillon's user avatar
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Node.JS and Java PUB/SUB

I'm trying to build an application that the communication will be done by a node.js server. This node server will receive messages from others peers. My node.js code is: var zmq = require('zmq'), ...
Victor's user avatar
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Problems running Flink tutorial RideCleansing

Hi my Flink friends, I have several problems regarding the execution of my first Apache Flink Job. I did all the steps of this "1-handsOn-Tutorial":
MelD's user avatar
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1 answer

BLE Connection dropping

I am trying to stream data using BLE but the device does not stay connected. Currently, we can connect and print out all the UUIDs of services and characteristics and establish connection. It connects ...
miaolegemi's user avatar
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Server Side Android Application failing to start

this is my first question and ive been stuck on this unknown problem for day now. The app was running successfully till i added some new code to make a custom listview component and to read some ...
Ankit Dhame's user avatar
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Reading data from a socket java

So, I'm trying to read data from a socket. I have established a connection and sent a message to the other socket which is listening for such, but it doesn't seem to recieve anything. Client code: ...
Alon and Idan's user avatar
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Not able to write to file - java

Pretty sure this should be really easy, but I can't write to a file. No I/O exception is thrown nothing. I was having a similar problem reading earlier and I tried a hundred different ways until ...
Dylan Kidd's user avatar
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Combining text- and bit-information in a file in Java?

Alright, so we need to store a list of words and their respective position in a much bigger text. We've been asked if it's more efficient to save the position represented as text or represented as ...
MrJalapeno's user avatar
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get data stream java - working with java stream api

i got an assignment working with data stream and java. what i need to do is write a java class connecting to Data Streams given and API for it. URI:http://<hostname>/ws/DataStream HTTP ...
Berko's user avatar
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Add ByteArray to integer

In the following java code-snippet you'll see this line packetLengthMax += bytes.toByteArray()[43]; My question is: How does this work? byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[265]; int packetLength = 0; int ...
Peter's user avatar
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Android and servlet communication and displaying

I have a android app which sends the model name and String to java servlet which then adds it to a the servlets webpage's combo box. this is not happening right now, following exception is seen in ...
Drihan Nanayakkarra's user avatar
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ObjectInput/OutputStream from Java to Android

I'm developing a Java SE application that does save its content as a Serializable object through a ObjectOutputStream. My question is, reading a ObjectInputStream in a Android native app will ...
Marcos Vasconcelos's user avatar
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How to read the data from datastream

Please help me out on how to read the stream of data in java. My requirement is to make the telnet connection to the router. This part is accomplished. From the router, Have to connect to the xxx ...
Sathesh Subburaj's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating an efficient way of sending integers over a network. TCP

How can I convert integer values to byte arrays and then send them over a byte stream to the client program which converts the byte array back to an integer? My program is a pingpong game. Once run ...
xtré's user avatar
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Understanding Data Streams and handling their exceptions

This is how I write out my file. BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filetoreadfrom)); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(filetowriteto); ...
user2677821's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Datastreams floating point Java

If the next statement is true: DataStreams uses one very bad programming technique: it uses floating point numbers to represent monetary values. In general, floating point is bad for precise ...
Rollerball's user avatar
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Java based library for sensor data collection [closed]

I'm looking for an embeddable Java library that is suitable for collecting real-time streams of sensor data in a general-purpose way. I plan to use this to develop a "hub" application for reporting on ...
mikera's user avatar
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3 answers

Data Stream catches exception

I wrote up this class based on some examples I found online for Data Streams and I'm getting an EOFException at the end of each run. When I looked it up it said the end of the stream had been reached ...
user1588867's user avatar
5 votes
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what does this mean 'Parsing a text file or data stream' and does it apply with serializables

This is my second post and I am getting used to the function of things on here now! this is more of a theory question for computer science but, my question is what does this mean? 'Parsing a text ...
Lukeg101's user avatar
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Max & Min in stream of integers

Given a stream of integers (I can only go through them once), what is the best solution to find maximum and minimum? I suppose that in case I have enough time to proccess each number the easiest ...
Mates's user avatar
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Data streaming between two processes

I have two java processes and I have to write data generated from one process as an input to the other java process. The data stream generated will be of the size of 5GB . How can I do that. Do I ...
ssD's user avatar
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