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Having trouble understanding Linked List in C

#define SIZE 100000 // 1. hash_function() is a function that return an int // 2. snowflake_node typedef struct snowflake_node { int snowflake[6]; struct snowflake_node *next; } snowflake_node; ...
arifnone's user avatar
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BGI application: Deleted node not being deleted entirely, raising error while printing out

Greeting everyone. I am developing a library management application for my DSA class. We use the Borland graphics.h library to draw the user interface (as can be seen from this image here). As from ...
B1ueDev's user avatar
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1 answer

Error in using call by reference with function to change the head of a singly linked list

I'm learning linked lists in C, and have come across an error when trying to add a value at beginning of a linked list using functions #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node{ ...
Cap_Void's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

how to make a linked list with template

i have problems with distributing template. i tried with different syntax, but not a successful way with the error text: error C2512: 'node': no appropriate default constructor available for the code ...
Mohamed Elhaware's user avatar
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2 answers

Alternate linked list merge

I wanted to merge 2 linked list’s elements alternatively. I counted the length of these 2 linked lists manually, then created a dummy-headed node to use for the merge. I am getting the errors "...
RIN's user avatar
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5 answers

a heap-use-after-free wrong in the question--Design MyLinkList (LeetCode No.707)

Below is my C code for LeetCode no. 707 "Design Linked List": typedef struct MyLinkedList{ int val; struct MyLinkedList *next; } MyLinkedList, *LinkList; MyLinkedList* ...
Clay_Han's user avatar
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1 answer

Linked List Replacement Function with Head, Tail, and Size Management

I'm working on a SinglyLinkedList class in C++, where I maintain pointers to both the head and tail of the list, as well as an integer size to track the number of nodes. My goal is to implement a ...
Math Student's user avatar
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1 answer

Why the structure pointer "p" in the following code is not updating with the "temp" value assigned to it? [duplicate]

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *link; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct node *p; p = NULL; Append(&...
AVINASH BHARTI's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Which of these implementations is canonical: storing the head and size variables, or storing the head, tail, and size? [closed]

For a singly linked list, should I store the head and size variables, or the head, tail, and size?
Vivyen's user avatar
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2 answers

Is using free(p->next) acceptable in C?

I'm working on solving a simple algorithm problem, and here's the question. In a singly linked list L with a head node, delete all nodes with the value x and free their space. Assume that nodes with ...
CN.hitori's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

Merge sort for Linked List

The merge sort code on Leetcode giving stack-overflow error. ListNode *findMiddle(ListNode *head){ if (!head) return nullptr; ListNode *slow=head; ListNode *fast=head; while (fast!=...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get rows of a csv file into a linkedlist iteratively?

I am asked to extract rows of a csv file into a linkedlist, every node of the linkedlist will store one row of the data, where the "data" pointer inside the linkedlist points towards a ...
MZGhibli's user avatar
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I don't understand how this function works, which is reverse() function in implementation of a linked list

Here is code for implementing a singly-linked list: class LinkedList { constructor(value) { this.head = { value: value, next: null, }; this.tail = this.head; this.length =...
AbdelrahmanMurad's user avatar
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2 answers

Shift method in a singly linked list

I have this singly linked list: class Node{ constructor(val){ this.val = val; = null; } } class SinglyLinkedList{ constructor(){ this.head = null; ...
fBpv's user avatar
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Mergesort for singly-linked lists gives correct results but leaks memory

I'm working on an assignment to implement mergesort for singly-linked lists in C++. The merge function needs to merge two sorted lists in-place without creating new nodes. The mergesort function ...
Milad Khazani's user avatar
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Reverse singly linked list in C and return new head

Please, what am I missing? I am trying to reverse a singly linked list (in-place), but all I get returned is the one node (pointer to the head of the list). I've tried using a void function (as a ...
AbuAminu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Segmentation fault in my code SLL Natural Merge Sort in C++

This is my code SLL Natural Merge Sort in C++: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct Node{ int data; Node* link; }NODE; typedef struct List{ NODE* first; ...
Huy Trần Ngọc's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does this Linked List C function not work properly if previousNode->next is not set to NULL?

Node* deleteAtTail(Node* head) { if (head == NULL) /* If List is empty... */ { return NULL; } else /* ...
BMAGS's user avatar
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Reversing a linked list-Find error in existing logic

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {} * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {} * ...
Prakritish Ghosh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Singly linked list returning an error even though I have already checked it [closed]

When using a singly-linked list, I've been suggested to use "if x != nullptr" but I don't understand why this works. In my example code, the first and second print statements work, but as ...
Tenacity's user avatar
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I'm having a problem with insertion in a singly Linked List on python

So, I was coding a linked list in python using classes and after succesfullly defining and running all of the methods I setted up for the class, I decided to create an "insert" method, where ...
Pedddrym's user avatar
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Issue in carryovers while adding two numbers in a linked list

I'm solving the leetcode question for adding two numbers in a linked list. The following is my code: /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *...
Marut Kashyap's user avatar
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How to Query a Table of Linked Lists with no List ID?

I have a postgres table that's effectively stores linked lists, but none of the rows have a list identifier. So it's hard to pick out lists from table, other than to "hop" to each node. ...
a693673's user avatar
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Why I'm hitting time limit!? LeetCode Linked List Cycle (Solved but explanation needed!)

I'm working on solving LeetCode problem 141. Linked List Cycle: Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it. There is a cycle in a linked list if there is ...
Simone Anthony's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Incompatible pointer types when declaring a struct [duplicate]

list.h: In function ‘CreateNewLinks’: list.h:29:20: warning: assignment to ‘numbers *’ from incompatible pointer type ‘struct numbers *’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 29 | linked = ...
Ahdm's user avatar
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1 answer

Can we reverse the elements in a Singly Circular Linked List using only two pointers? Is that possible, efficient and what is the time complexity?

I need to know about only one thing clearly, as I had tried the singly circular linked list reversal using the C language. In that I can't find the correct way and I have no idea regarding this one. ...
SRIRAM M's user avatar
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Stuck on the Case 3 of Leetcode "Add two Sums"

Currently I'm doing a daily Leetcode streak and I have no idea why my code couldn't pass the case 3. (I have done modifying and tracing the code, but maybe I'm a bit dumb and couldn't spot the error.) ...
Kosumi's user avatar
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1 answer

Shuffle merging two linked lists with the same number of nodes

I have two functions for merging two linked lists assuming they have the same number of elements The first one: def shuffle_merge(self, l1,l2): node1 = l1.head node2 = l2.head ...
notsoanonperson's user avatar
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1 answer

What happens to the lost part of a singly Linked list when I am introducing a loop at the middle?

I have created a singly linked list, and this is how it looks after displaying it: 19-->85-->50-->20-->33-->9-->1-->7-->null I have created a method that can add a node to a ...
NV basnayaka's user avatar
-1 votes
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Leetcode 234. Palindrome Linked List, String solution gives time exceeded error, can anyone explain why?

This is the solution i have given. class Solution { public boolean isPalindrome(ListNode head) { String s= ""; String p= ""; while(head != null){ ...
ARPAN NANDI's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a linked list in a list node?

Java linked list API not allowed. Is it possible to have a linked list inside a list node? If yes, how do I insert data into the linked list that is in the list node? List Node class (I tried to add a ...
Blueyu's user avatar
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How do I free a returned string value that is dynamically allocated in C?

This is my first post on StackOverFlow, I was writing the code for a linked list in C, when suddently stumble upon a situation i have no solution for (located in dupstring function). This is my ...
José Gomes's user avatar
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Failed to skip duplicated data in a sorted linked list in toString method [duplicate]

First things first, I am not allowed to use the Java API for linked list, the Linked List and List Node codes are given by my teacher, so it may or may not be the same as the stuff you see in the API. ...
Blueyu's user avatar
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How can I pass information from one html page to another with simply linked lists?

Hi how are things? Good evening, I hope you are well. I have a question about Simple Linked Lists. How can I make it so that on an HTML page (worker.html) through the registration of a car, a button ...
Juanchito Torres nilo's user avatar
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Which is the correct approach to delete LinkedList Node?

I have created a Linked List in C. Now I want to delete node from any position for example the first node or last node or any nth node. I wrote a code that worked fine. But problem is that someone ...
below_heaven's user avatar
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Deletion of node from linkedlist

I have created a linkedlist class with deletion method. I have written the code to delete the node no matter what situation it is, like if deleting node is self.head if only one node present in ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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Printing a linked list in a reversed spiral manner

Given a Linked list, the task is to print a singly linked list in a spiral fashion. Starting from the first node then the last node followed by the second node and then the second last node, ...
techieadi4703's user avatar
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Linked-List nth insertion fails

I have wrote a code to insert data in LinkedList. But there is problem outputting the data. Here is the code. #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <...
below_heaven's user avatar
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Lost Data in the final node while create Singly Linked List in Java

Hi there. Thank you all for your comments. The problem solved and I also learn something new about editing and formatting. I want to thumb up every comment and close the post but I did not figure out ...
30yearsOldNewbie's user avatar
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Java: Inserting node at the end of a LinkedList

I am currently learning Java and data structures, and I am trying to use insertion to insert the values in a double array to a LinkedList by only inserting each element at the end of the list. I've ...
rzan1's user avatar
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Why does a segmentation fault appear with this data structure?

Given the datastructure #define DATASTRUCTURE_H #define MAXINDEX 307 typedef enum {So, Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa} eDayofTheWeek; typedef struct{ int Day; int Month; int Year; ...
Angargedon's user avatar
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Difference in these Linked List Pointer declarations

What is the difference between struct LinkedList *current = malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedList)); and struct LinkedList *current; where struct LinkedList{ int data; struct LinkedList *next; } When I ...
Data Scientist to be's user avatar
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valid Parenthese using stack in c

I was solving the problem 20. Valid Parentheses in Leetcode using c and when they check this input s ="{[]}" the code returns false instead of true but I don't see any problem with the code:...
roger_hai's user avatar
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Writing code for Flattening of a Linked List but unable to accomplish the task

You are given a linked list containing 'n' 'head' nodes, where every node in the linked list contains two pointers: (1) ‘next’ which points to the next node in the list (2) ‘child’ pointer to a linked ...
Great412's user avatar
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Conceptualizing a linked-list post reversal

I'm seeking clarification on how to properly understand a singly linked list once it has been reversed. Typically, the first element of the list should always be stored at the head of the linked list....
Sina Heidari's user avatar
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CompareTo Method: Return Type: GREATER, EQUAL, LESS

I'm receiving these 4 errors: character expected errors character expected errors I'm doing a LinkedList java project that requires the implementation of the CompareTo method. I am rusty on Java and ...
mmccoy411's user avatar
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linked list, swap nodes

I am trying to solve swap node in pairs (linked list). I have the correct code, but I am stucked while interpreting swapping step. here is the code: def swapPairs(head): pre = ListNode(0) pre....
Taelung's user avatar
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Created function that pops the last value entered in the stack fails after second popping

struct n { int data; struct n* next; }; typedef struct n node; node* push(node* s, int x) { node* temp;// temporary element temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); if (temp == NULL) {...
trgtulas's user avatar
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Don't understand the error in appending a new item to a Linked List (At Beginning and End)

As mentioned I don't seem to be able to understand the error in my code, what is it that I'm doing wrong in this particular piece of code: The Node is written as such: struct Node { int data; ...
RichardKing's user avatar
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Tuple unpacking issue in reversing a linked list using tuple unpacking in Python [duplicate]

Reversing Linked List Leetcode-206 Initial Approach: class ListNode: def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): self.val = val = next def reverseList(self, head: Optional[...
Saketh's user avatar
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