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CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FirebaseFirestore"

I'm facing an issue when I run my app. The error message is: [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FirebaseFirestore": In Podfile: FirebaseFirestore (from `https://...
Mohammed Hamdan's user avatar
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Is cocoapods-keys is not support to macOS Ventura

I tried to run pod install, but it gives me the following error Cocoapods keys using deprecated syntax warning: 'SecKeychainOpen' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 12.0 - Custom keychain ...
Ron Gahlot's user avatar
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In iOS Can we add public dependency in private pod?

I'am working on private pod. everything is ok but I am unable to import my library inside the project.Its giving me error no module found. But I'am able to import the dependencies that I'am using in ...
Sarvesh Patel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

getting compile Errors after run Pod install

I had some libraries in my project, but after I run pod install I get some compile errors, those Libraries were already installed with their specific version and were working fine before. this is the ...
Safoine Moncef Amine's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does updating Cocoapods update in all app versions?

I am using Cocoapods to manage my Admob/Google ad-related frameworks. My pod file is as follows: target 'SKGameTest' do use_frameworks! pod 'Firebase/Core' pod 'Firebase/AdMob' pod '...
J.Treutlein's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I want to remove firebase from my Xcode project installed with cocoapods [duplicate]

I want to remove firebase from my Xcode project installed with cocoapods how to manage thanks for your answer
Michel Garlandat's user avatar
12 votes
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How long does it take for a new custom CocoaPod to get uploaded to the pod trunk?

I just uploaded a new CocoaPod but it does not show up when I search for it on How long would it take for it to show up on search?
Dido's user avatar
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The document “podfile” could not be opened in CococaPods client

Use CococaPods client to open the podfile meet the error below: The document “podfile” could not be opened I also token pictures to show detail: You see, I can not open the podfile and Podfile....
aircraft's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Retrieving image from asset folder - iOS

I'm writing a class to build a cocoapods and I want to get the image I placed in Assets.xcassets. The problem is always getting nil image. Are there anything I miss? Here is my podspec file : Here ...
Raditya Kurnianto's user avatar
1 vote
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pod "Setting up CocoaPods master repo" everytime I use "pod install"

I already have a Cocoapods master repo! But this is always happening. I already reinstalled this more than 10 times! By the way OS is EL Capitan 10.11.6 and my Cocoapods is 1.0.1. Please help. I ...
thelunes's user avatar