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Tagging releases in a monorepo, in trunk

We have a monorepo and are using trunk based development (single trunk branch) We have 2 environments dev and prods, and we want to tag the latest releases. Should we tag each release env commit? Like ...
Amjad Orfali's user avatar
2 votes
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Using simple CSS file with Trunk / Yew

I am attempting to use a simple CSS file, packaged with Trunk, to use CSS in Yew. I believe I've followed the documentation correctly, and it's almost working. The trunk build puts the hashed CSS ...
Daniel McMath's user avatar
-1 votes
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Ron file not detected by browser

I am trying to compile foxtrot app( with my modifications) to WASM. I have found most of the problems with Vulkan, OpenGl and WPU. Now I have another one. It seems that the browser doesn't see ron ...
Wiktor Kujawa's user avatar
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Can you merge into an eternal branch via a pull request without merging changes in the eternal branch back into your branch?

Currently the process is this. Dev opens feature branch off of develop Dev does their dev work in feature branch Dev merges into testing branch which deploys it to our dev server where it can be run ...
Fergus O'H's user avatar
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Tailwind CSS only generating some classes in Yew app

I've been trying include tailwind css into a simple Rust wasm frontend using the yew framework serving the app with trunk. I installed tailwind v3.4.1 using npm as per the instructions here. My ...
Stephen Adams's user avatar
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Retroactively update trunk in SVN while keeping all branch history and commits?

We are migrating some Java projects from a proprietary source control system to SVN (company is already using it and we haven't switched to git yet). Another goal we wanted to do as well was to take ...
David Poisson's user avatar
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how can I avoid validation of the caller id when I make a call to Twilio via trunk?

When I redirect a call to Twilio via trunk I want to know the callerId of the first number and Twilio tells me that I need to verify the number first. I call a phone number (phone1 to phone2) and the ...
Marc's user avatar
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Github private repository master branch protection

we had an incident one of our devs merged into master branch directly which shouldn't have happened. We use "feature" branch that goes in "rc" branch directly - which will be QA'ed ...
Damian Kim's user avatar
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2 answers

Release branch process - how to merge release branches

We are adapting to trunk-based development with release-candidate branches. (at the moment we are using trunk-based development, but without release candidate, which is not sufficient anymore) There ...
libik's user avatar
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How to git svn tag just some folders?

I've a standard svn repo: branches/ tags/ 0.1/ 0.2/ trunk/ devops/ code/ and i want to tag devops and code folders into tags/0.3 by git-svn. Use of git svn tag 0.3 instead creates a new tag with ...
turtei's user avatar
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4 answers

CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: 403 [closed]

I was testing my application which is written in flutter and suddenly I keep getting CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: 403 error. I am ...
SVG's user avatar
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Understanding SIP trunks [closed]

I've recently been loking into SIP trunks and VoIP tecnology. However, I don't fully understand what is the role of SIP trunks is. To my understanding, VoIP technology works by sending pakets over the ...
Juan Cruz Carrau's user avatar
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How to best organize my code in SVN repository(ies?)

I currently have 2 locations of code: codeA and codeB. CodeB is a copy of codeA, but multiple developers have access to codeB. There will be regular updates to codeA that will need to be integrated ...
Daniel Klisiewicz's user avatar
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Git Workflow short-lived feature branch with squash

I have a questions concerned about the following git workflow: - checkout master - pull -r origin master - checkout new_feature - rebase master - checkout master - merge --squash new_feature - ...
Jwf's user avatar
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Google's Trunk Based Development - Do you push code directly to release branch instead of trunk?

I am studying Google's trunk based development In trunk-based development, developers push code directly into trunk. Changes made in the release branches—snapshots of the code when it's ready to be ...
dman's user avatar
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Using Maven for Trunk based development

I'm on a project that uses Mulesofts Anypoint studio for API development. Anypoint studio uses Maven to build its projects and handle versioning. Currently we are using a Git-flow branching model ...
Herman's user avatar
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Replace SVN trunk with brand new version

I'm working on a branch of a mobile application where: The platform has changed from Windows Mobile 8.1 to UWP Libraries have been updated to UWP versions Various code changes related to the library ...
ClarenceG's user avatar
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Should we rollback release if integration tests fail?

We are using trunk-based development, and I am confused wheater we should rollback our deployment if integration tests fail? P.S we are using microservices and if A microservice wants to interact with ...
Tayyab Shahbaz's user avatar
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How to merge changes from two branches and test before committing to trunk?

i've got work in two branches and one depends on changes in the other, i.e. I want to test both branches combined before I go ahead and commit trunk to the repository. what I tried is to --reintegrate ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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27 answers

Сocoapods trunk URL couldn't be downloaded

I am getting this error when I try to pod repo update and pod install CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded:, error: Failed to open TCP connection to ...
Nike Kov's user avatar
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Unable to Push Custom Framework on Cocoapods

I have a custom framework that is already pushed on cocoaPods by some other developer and his email id is removed now. But he didn't add anyone owner of it. Now I have some changes in that framework ...
Piyush Naredi's user avatar
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How to add SIP Trunk on Kamailio?

I have this case: My Kamailio ip is with domain I have create user account only 1 (ex: Anna). With SIP Client i have register and i want to call Anthony with same domain but ...
wanz's user avatar
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2 answers

Purpose of the master branch when branching by rule

From the article Source Control Done Right: With the “create branch” button just a click away, there are a plethora of ways to incorrectly branch your codebase. But there are only two correct ...
Géry Ogam's user avatar
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What to do in trunk-based development with feature flags and breaking changes in library

Trunk-based development pushes all commits to a single branch (e.g. master) and uses feature flags to disable features that are not yet ready for release. Let's say my current release uses a library (...
UNeverNo's user avatar
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Add Review option with Trunk based approach in GitLab

Our project is decided to use trunk based strategy for our GIT repository management. Due to some reason we decided to deviate slightly from the trunk based way. Instead of using original 'master' ...
akr's user avatar
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Trunking for VLANs

What are the commands which are used to configure a port into a trunk (for VLANs 20 and 30) I came up with 2 answers: 1) Switchport, Switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q, Switchport trunk allowed ...
Lauren.M's user avatar
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Best Approach to do decoupling of large & small code in existing trunk & create new trunk with current code

I have got a trunk with has got code of (release 2 + release 1), currently release 2 is in development phase. Unfortunately customer has decided not to take release 1 content/code. So some action ...
techmaster's user avatar
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How to check if the file from wc is in /trunk or /branch - TortoiseSVN

Let's say that I work in /trunk, and I switch only specified files to /branch, and not the whole wc. This allows me to make general changes in /trunk and I can get updates from other colleagues, while ...
stil_e's user avatar
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How linux use as a switch with 802.1Q

How can I use a Ubuntu server as a switch. I tested interface configured with vlan and ip address which work properly. But how can I make 2 different interface in a same vlan and the other device ...
Ali-MiaoMM's user avatar
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Excess tree conflicts after merge of TRUNK into branch

I'm running into dozens of excess tree conflicts trying to merge a subversion branch back into TRUNK after that branch had TRUNK merged into it. Here's what happened in chronological order. Branch ...
user1042300's user avatar
-2 votes
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Study- or research-paper on how to implement trunk-based/master-branch development?

Please could You share a study- or research-paper on how to implement “trunk-based”/master-branch development (as opposed to have long-lived sub branches) in a micro-service based environment ? ...
zombieboy's user avatar
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Opensips 2.1 SIP Trunk configuration

I'm ahmed and I'm working on opensips. Actually, I sow your questions on the forum and I have a problem that I think you have the answer. Actually, I did a simple senario to route calls between users ...
Ahmed Lamiri's user avatar
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Trunk long strings in format - Python

I'm printing this table in Python: NOMBRE POBLACIÓN ENFERMOS SANOS RATA Chile 17000000 0 17000000 0.00 Hanslandia 2000000 2000000 0 1.00 ...
idmdvan's user avatar
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for a Trunk port, does vlan id and tagging matter at all?

In normal conditions (multiple tagged traffic is expected on a trunk port, we shouldn't plug an untagged traffic into a trunk port), why does trunk need a vlan id of itself, and what's the point of ...
eliu's user avatar
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PJSIP - Freepbx - Trunk Registration Rejected

I'm trying to register a SIP account to my provider. Actually on my FreePBX I have other 4 accounts on different servers registered without problems. I cannot figure out because this specific account ...
Diego Aguiari's user avatar
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SIPAddHeader not work in sip or iax2 trunk

... exten => In,n,SIPAddHeader(X-myname:tabesh) exten => In,n,Dial(SIP/to133/109) ... SIPAddHeader in internal extension to extension worked but it not work in sip or iax2 trunk.
AliReza Tabesh's user avatar
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Where work with Git (Branches or Trunks)

I use SVN and have 3 environments Development environment Preproduction environment Production environment Actually, all the team work with the trunk. We want to migrate to Git. Where we should ...
user1911's user avatar
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linux Centos multi VLAN tagging,same eth card with cisco switch trunk port

I'm trying to use two VLANs (VLAN 43 & VLAN 44) in same eth card in linux Centos 7 and Cisco switch trunk for the eth port. My configuration is: [root@rdo1 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth2 ...
Hossam Mutir's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How long does it take for a new custom CocoaPod to get uploaded to the pod trunk?

I just uploaded a new CocoaPod but it does not show up when I search for it on How long would it take for it to show up on search?
Dido's user avatar
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Trunk Based Development suggestion required

I was looking up good resources on branching strategies after doing feature branching for quite a few years and struggling with lots of branches and merge nightmares. Feature branches did give us a ...
Rajarshi's user avatar
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My very small company has reached the point of needing a VCS. I'm trying to plan our actual version control strategy first

First and foremost, please excuse my writing: I'm a programmer fresh out of college with minimal professional experience. If anything is unclear, please bring it up and I'll do my best to clarify. I'...
mirrislegend's user avatar
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What is the origin of 'trunk'?

I've always been curious where the name "trunk" for the development branch came from. This is common with svn repositories, for example.
Jesse Johns's user avatar
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Renaming trunk folder after SVN to Git Migration

I have 30 some projects which I migrated to Git, from SVN. However, when I browse the folder structure, I still see the trunk folder there in each project. Is there a way to remove this quickly and ...
user avatar
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SVN - Merge working copy into another branch

I started doing a bunch of changes in a branch that should have happened in trunk. I have not committed those changes yet, so my branch has a bunch of uncommitted files. Trunk shares a same revision ...
CompEng88's user avatar
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Branch Based Development working with our Jenkins Automated Testing Pipeline

Trying to progress test automation in the team. The development team have started trunk based development. They are worried the new automated smoke tests will fail all the time (due to their feature ...
mattceb's user avatar
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SIP trunk returns "SIP2/0 513 Message to big". sipjs and oversip

I'm building a webapp where the user can call a cell phone (GSM) directly. I use sipjs in the browser, connected through Oversip as a sip proxy. I'm using a sip trunk delivered by a GSM service ...
Kriss's user avatar
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how to change the trunk name of cocoapods after pod trunk register?

When I use cocoapods trunk register, I used a random name, but now I want make it more readable. But there is no way to change it... Event I use "pod trunk register email 'new name'" again. it doesn't ...
Haihan Wang's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there is any additional settings in asterisk to get calls consistently from sonetel?

I have a sonetel trunk in asterisk. When I make a call, sometimes it is not reaching asterisk correctly. Is there is any additional settings in asterisk to get calls consistently?
Sibin John Mattappallil's user avatar
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SVN merge or switch?

One issue i am facing we have one branch and trunk now i have to merge or update trunk from the branch code but i do not want to override the changes done in trunk code. Now we can do merge but what ...
Subodh Joshi's user avatar
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How do I change where in the SVN repository my project gets saved (KEEP IT EASY TO UNDERSTAND)

How do I change where in the SVN repository my project gets saved? At the moment, my project is supposed to save in ProjectName111, but is instead saving in trunk/Project112. How do I change it to ...
Rodney Johnson's user avatar