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Problem with client and server operation on ZeroMQ pattern ROUTER-DEALER

I want to make a connection between the client and the server in my C++ application in Linux. On the client, I use a DEALER socket. On the server, I use proxies and workers to asynchronously process ...
Natal04ka's user avatar
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UNIX socket data exchange between client and server. Due to the message length, it stops

I'm trying to set up a UNIX socket communication for exchanging floats between a client and a server. The following tutorial did help a lot and I realized a very simple client python code which sends ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 answers

How to wait until multiprocessing.connection.Client is available in python?

I have a script: from multiprocessing.connection import Listener with Listener(('localhost', 6000)) as listener: with listener.accept() as connection: message = connection.recv(...
arthur.sw's user avatar
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why the code stop and i cant input any thing after selecting the sub-choice?

so the issue is that after i select the sub-choice, it only says enter category for example to search but i cant write any thing there. **here is the server code: ** import socket print("THE ...
D.N.L.T's user avatar
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Java socket TCP

I have to make a project of a multiplayer words game using TCP / sockets and swing GUI. I made the server class with threads (to handle multiple clients) and implemented runnable and I made the client ...
Joud's user avatar
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Why is this Kotlin Socket connection taking so long? What can I do to optimize it?

I am new to Socket programming and Kotlin. This code does respond but it takes about 8-10 minutes, but the same code in Python takes about 5 seconds. Where am I wrong, and what can I do to improve it? ...
SizzlyGrizzly's user avatar
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Socket Programming in C - How can I change my IP?

I would like to know how it is possible to change my IP address in C. Suppose I have a server that I want to connect to in C with the functions socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), receive() and send(...
SonOfSun666's user avatar
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socket pickle setup hangs during streaming

I am trying to stream a large numpy array from server to client multiple times (using while loop). But it would just sit hanging without doing anything. I am using python 3.11 with pickle protocol 5. ...
user_404's user avatar
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Java UDP client-server only works on one network

Today I was writing some code that handles UDP communication so I can use it as a black-box in some projects, but I ran into some issues. It only worked when I opened the client on my home Wi-Fi ...
melon_head5's user avatar
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Python server using the socket module not working over two devices over two different locations [duplicate]

This is my first project working with sockets and unfortunately, it's been quite painful. I'm trying to make a simple chatroom, however, it only ever works when the socket IP is local (e.g.
Lurker's user avatar
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Connecting different machines with common file system via UDS sockets

I am trying to connect 2 EC2 instances using UDS sockets and share some data between the 2. Now, it is known that UDS sockets cannot be used to establish a connection between 2 different machines(...
Cyborg's user avatar
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Unix Domain Sockets mismatch in the messages sent and received

I have created pretty basic client and server programs that use Unix-domain sockets to send messages from the server and the messages are captured by the client The problem that I am receiving is that ...
Cyborg's user avatar
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Traffic from raw C socket to UDP server shows up in tcpdump but server doesn't receive/print out data

I have been meaning to learn C raw sockets, so I have programmed a UDP server using DGRAM sockets and a client using raw sockets. My goal is to create a UDP packet from scratch and to send it over the ...
Fzeh's user avatar
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My read() is returning -1, but i cant see why?? TCP socket programming in C

I am doing an assignment where we code a server and client that use a TCP stream socket to transfer file name, file size, etc. I have the code for the server and client, and it currently sends the ...
juice's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Server socket accepting connection only once

I am learning to work with C sockets, and have created very basic client and server programs for the same Client Program #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h>...
Cyborg's user avatar
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Does Zig's HTTP client allow you to get access to the file descriptor for the socket?

It's not clear if Zig exposes the filehandle descriptor for the socket in client.request.reader()? Does it? And if so how do you get access to it?
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Socket programming client side

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <string.h> ...
RC5413's user avatar
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Why won't my client nor server send messages to each other?

For my networking course, I am tasked with turning a OneWayMesg (Client sends messages to Server) program to a TwoWayMesg (Client sends messages to Server and Server sends messages to Client). In ...
ali's user avatar
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How to avoid blocking connect() on unresponsive servers [duplicate]

I am trying to connect to 80 and 800 ports on I expect connect() to fail on, but instead it blocks my program completely. I tried using SOCK_NONBLOCK, but doing asynchronous ...
Hitsuki's user avatar
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65 views communication between server and client - not receveing messages from client

I have an application server and client with, and I'm trying to have a communication between them. Unfortunetely it's not working as expected. In general the process is like. 1 - Initiate ...
Bruno Pimenta's user avatar
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Eshop with sockets - file reading/writing problem

I have a question about package structure and reading and writing into files. I am coding an eshop to learn java and now implented data exchange via sockets. Since I am not using a data bank I am ...
Kaja S.'s user avatar
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Client doesn't receive message from server (Socket programming)

Every game tick, a server wishes to send each connected client a message, using the sendGameWorldSections() method. It does this in a new thread, so that the game ticker keeps running and doesn't ...
Andrew Kor's user avatar
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Target machine refusing connection with client [WinError 10061]

When i run my code on my own machine the client and server connect smoothly but when attempting connection to another machine (server hosted on my computer and another computer trying to connect) i ...
Rowan Gallagher's user avatar
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In Network programmation what happens if If the sender writes a byte and then does nothing else

I would like to answer this question empirically and theoretically : If the sender writes a byte and then does nothing else (neither reads nor writes to the socket), for one minute... . Will this ...
Nikie C's user avatar
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Why does my C# TCP/IP Socket Connection to a Print System crash after an hour?

C# Socket Communication Client to Print System I need to talk to a Print System via TCP/IP Socket connection. I used/modified a code snipped from MS to start a TCP/IP Socket connection and send data ...
macflirty's user avatar
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Haxe server socket stops and does not recive messages from client after connecting?

I have my server written in haxe using, and clients connect to server succesfully, however after starting a thread for client, it stops at the line where it should recive the message, ...
feweks's user avatar
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IMAP responds with LOGIN BAD invalid command

I'm trying to write an IMAP client in C#. I'm able to connect to the host but unable to get expected responses after that (when using, for example, commands like LOGIN or CAPABILITY). Here is my code: ...
flowing's user avatar
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TCP sockets: string sent by Client can't be analyzed correctly by Server in if-query

In a simple TCP server written in C, I have a function that reads a string from a client, and then checks in a if-query if it matches "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n". However, when a Client ...
Kinematikk's user avatar
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Why can I not have two clients connected to the server?

Client.Java package connection; import*; import*; public class Client extends Connection { private Socket clientSocket; private BufferedReader socketInput; private ...
user21729171's user avatar
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How to resolve ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] when trying to connect to Tic Tac Toe game using socket programming from a different machine?

I have built a Tic Tac Toe game using socket programming in Python, with a server and a client. The server is running on one machine and the client is running on a different machine. When trying to ...
Anne's user avatar
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How to keep connection and get correct data from client in Socket?

I tried to connect between server and client via Socket. So, I want to keep this connection of them, and then listening data from client. If data is correct condition, then the server will reply with ...
Headshot's user avatar
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Python Client Isn't Outputting Anything from Server

I am just learning about networking and can't figure out why my computer isn't outputting what I expect. I have created a simple server: import socket host = "" port = 5000 s = ...
CUbuffs150's user avatar
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Python socket programming: Sending a list with 200000 integers without splitting the list [duplicate]

I have a client-server code. On the client side, I want to send a list with = 200000 such as: my_list = [1] * 200000 by socket programming. However, I do not want to split the list. All the lists ...
user avatar
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How can I run an algorithm that produces a message in one client and send that message to another client through server in Python?

I'm doing a project in which I have a webcam that's recording and an algorithm that detects an object in the webcam feed, tracks it and when the object reaches an area of interest in the frame, a ...
Asker56743's user avatar
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Python: Send list of multidimensional numPy arrays over socket

i wish to send a list consisting of multi-dimensional NumPy arrays over the socket to my server and restore its format right after. The List of arrays (variable aggregated_ndarrays) looks like the ...
kyro121's user avatar
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Is it possible to replicate the net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error at the client-side when making an API call or using a WebSocket?

I developed a live view application using Elixir, specifically a Phoenix application, and have been running it in the browser for an extended period of time. Occasionally, I encounter an error, such ...
AungMyoOo's user avatar
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What are possible causes of my python script ending prematurely?

I have a python script that communicates with other software through TCP/IP protocol. It receives data in XML format from the software. This worked fine. However, since it is part of a larger project ...
Dorus's user avatar
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Send data from server to client using UDP channels in java

It's my first time working with UDP channels and I am trying to send back data from the server to the client, but I am getting the following error Cannot assign requested ...
Omar Daniel González Trejo's user avatar
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Can't run client-server socket on port 5000

I have a school assignment to create a server client socket and run it specifically on port 5000. When I do, I get the error "OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use". I ran sudo lsof -i:...
Brianna's user avatar
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Python sockets cant connect to the server

I cant connect to the server with client over the internet both on different windows machines. here is the server's side code: import socket def getPublicIP(): import requests response = ...
Farhang Amaji's user avatar
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I'm misunderstanding something on how to set up sockets, but I'm not suer if it's client side, server side, or both

I'm setting up a simple program to test starting a server, and I'm getting a silent failure state. My client seems to think it has sent, while my server doesn't think it's recieving. The two are ...
Nehemiah Newell's user avatar
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Server not receiving messages from client

Hi This is my first post here. I am making a chatroom in Python using sockets and I have written the code for the server and client side. I am successful in establishing a connection between the ...
Vedant Amin's user avatar
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Java SocketException after trying to send and receive data on the same socket connection

I am working on a project in Java and I am trying to send an object from the client to the server and then waiting for a String response, but I get SocketException with the message "Socket is ...
Adrian Sârbu's user avatar
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How to send a chatlog of all written chats to a newly joined client using socket programming in Python?

I have written a simple server and client py using UDP. The base is working, however I want that every time a user (client) joins, he would receive a chatlog of everything that has been said. This is ...
fil_prog's user avatar
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Why cant I write to a socket's input stream java

So I Have two Similar classes to test Sockets that are the same from the lines down. public class Server { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ...
user avatar
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How can I send clients IP address with data from server to another client?

I have developed a program which works like client-server-client model. I have achieved everything and successfully have a running code for me to: send information from one client to another with ...
karan ugale's user avatar
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socket python library. client crashes

I start the server, then the client, the server gets the data and the client does not get a response, crashes server import pygame, socket, time pygame.init() main_socket = socket.socket(socket....
MrBelor's user avatar
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Error 10038 (Socket operation on invalid socket) when trying to send a string from Winsock2 C program

I'm trying to make a C library that mimics Python socket library. When i run my main function, an error occurs on simplesend(sucket, "foo"); the whole main function: int main(){ struct ...
Patientes's user avatar
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Server dont send photo to all clients

Hi i develop chat gui with socket. I want to send text and photo message. Photo messages came to server but server don't send to clients. i wrote for send photo code inside '''. When I write ...
azoss's user avatar
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Server only sending one message to client

My Server is only able to send one message to the client (HELLO), the client then sends a WORD message and after the server had received the WORD message it's supposed to send a word. For some reason ...
gabekl22's user avatar

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