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Why can't I use value = = setjmp(env); [duplicate]

Recently while reading csapp, I find in nonlocal jump, I can't use int value; value = setjmp(env); but I can use this if(setjmp(env)){ // code } Why? int value; value = setjmp(env);
Musicminion's user avatar
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c++ stream init and c library initialization

I've written a C library for AmigaOS4. Everything is working correctly except when I try to use the and Basically the problem is that libstdc++ calls stream Init (https://en....
Andrea Palmate''s user avatar
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How to add C-Libraries in macOS Big Sur?

I want to add a C-Library in order to include it in Code simply by typing: #include <libname> It works when I'm using the full path like so: #include "path/to/lib.h" Is there a way ...
sahu's user avatar
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Using C math functions with more than one argument in JQ

How do I use C math functions in JQ that take more than one argument? There are no examples in the manual. All it says is: C math functions that take a single input argument (e.g., sin()) are ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
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How to convert RFC 3339 date-time to IST?

I was working with Google drive rest APIs to list my Google drive files. I was fetching below metadata of the file in my drive. In that, I am getting the "Created Time" in RFC 3339 format. Can you ...
Kirubakaran's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to run minimad.c in libmad(what is command and params)?

Could please some explain how to run minimad.c in libmad( I followed instructions in INSTALL file. But I am not good in C and I don't know what parameters need ...
Guseyn Ismayylov's user avatar
6 votes
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Difference among open(), _open(), and fopen() with regard to MSVC compiler?

I see these 3 functions are all related to opening a file. open: This POSIX function is deprecated. Use the ISO C++ conformant _open instead. _open: Opens a file. These functions are ...
smwikipedia's user avatar
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Implement StrCat in x86_64 assembly

So here is the problem : I'm actually trying to recode some of the clib functions in assembly language (this is a school project to help start with assembly). The function I am currently working on is ...
Michel's user avatar
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Windows programmer moving to linux - Coding conventions [closed]

I have been developing for Windows for a long time, mainly WinApi (and .Net). I'v started learning basic Linux, and I have some questions regarding the differences: In Windows I have barely used the ...
Michael's user avatar
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how to use java jnr to infer a clib struct

Is there a way for jnr to construct a struct for me in order to access a returned call using jnr. for example, if I wanted to use int statvfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *buf); where struct ...
zcaudate's user avatar
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