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Gluon and JNA/JNR [duplicate]

I used JNA with GLUON before and had no problems. Everything worked. I tried replacing JNA with JNR. When I run mvn gluonfx:runagent , JNR runs successfully. However, after mvn clean gluonfx:build ...
Aleksey Timofeev's user avatar
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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: could not load FFI provider jnr.ffi.provider.jffi.Provider

I am using docker and colima setup to run automation tests locally and encountering this error, that does not seem to start docker. Error message: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: could not load FFI ...
Syed Hussain's user avatar
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JNR-FFI - Callback Pointer crash

I'm using the Win 32 library. I'm trying to call a callback with a pointer. But when called, the function does not complete, but causes an error. Example of DLL initialization: Csclink csc = ...
ordinal's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does Rust native library randomly crash when calling function?

In Rust, I have a function that compresses an array: fn create_bitvec(data: Box<[u8]>) -> [u8; 49152] { let mut bit_vector = [0u8; 49152]; for (index, &value) in data.iter()....
hello planet's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I call a function from JAVA/JNA if I only know the offset from another function?

I know that in there is an exported (the symbol is in the text/code section) function obj1() at address 0x12345 from the start of the library. CLibrary libaaa = (CLibrary)Native.load("...
Jerome Ibanes's user avatar
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How to graceful shutdown in java with jnr-posix?

Java doesn't seem to have any default way of catching process signals. I found out the jnr-posix module that I am willing to use, and this is what I wrote so far package org.projectsanatan.restsanatan;...
EkaSaffronGaruda's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to handle a SIGSEGV with jffi / jnr?

The Java VM crash with a SIGSEGV in a docker container. On all other systems it is working as expected. # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=...
Horcrux7's user avatar
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Could not load FFI provider when using

My Linux Java application uses bluetooth devices. I use this library in order to communicate with bluez stack : It worked very well until I added module-info....
VladRia's user avatar
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How to use defrecord in Clojure to extend a Java class?

From my research, the way to extend a Java class is basically with either gen-class in a namespace or with proxy. But looking at the Clojure type selection flowchart, it seems to suggest that I can ...
Kenny Ho's user avatar
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How to copy native memory to DirectByteBuffer

I know one way - using memcpy on C++ side: C++ method: void CopyData(void* buffer, int size) { memcpy(buffer, source, size); } JNR mapping: void CopyData(@Pinned @Out ByteBuffer byteBuffer, @...
sgnsajgon's user avatar
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How to return a struct by value using JNR?

I'm trying to work with the openh264 native library from Java code using JNR. The function I'm calling is defined in openh264's C header file to return a simple struct by value: typedef struct ...
zakgof's user avatar
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How to return by value from native function?

I have the following C++ method compiled using Visual Studio 2017: extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) Info* __stdcall GetInfo(InfoProvider* infoProvider) { static_assert(std::is_pod<Info>::...
sgnsajgon's user avatar
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how to specify a JNR Pointer like that of python ctypes

Using python's ctypes, it's possible to specify a pointer that takes a type: class METADATA(Structure): _fields_ = [("classes", c_int), ("names", POINTER(c_char_p))] With JNR, it ...
zcaudate's user avatar
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jnr-ffi Mapping to C Libray Crashes when calling c function

I have a key value database which is written in C with following functions to set and get values. typedef uint64_t ARK; #define ARC ARK int ark_set(ARK *ark, uint64_t klen, void *key, uint64_t vlen, ...
Riyaz's user avatar
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Read from unix socket file

I'm trying to read some lines (or just something) from /var/run/docker.sock. Basically I'm trying to convert the following into code. curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/events ...
user672009's user avatar
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Packet.dll get mac address (JNR-FFI)

How does one map the function below to java with jnr-ffi? BOOLEAN PacketRequest(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,BOOLEAN Set,PPACKET_OID_DATA OidData); Example (C):
Ardika Rommy Sanjaya's user avatar
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How can I force the usage of a class from a particular jar and exclude same class of another jar in build.sbt?

I have two asm dependencies that have exactly the same class names and project structures included by different dependencies. Although these libraries have the same project structure, they have ...
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Cannsandra Driver & jnr-Unixsocket - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: could not load FFI provider jnr.ffi.provider.jffi.Provider

I am using cassandra and jnr-unix socket in my project and both uses jnr-ffi. Not getting any error in my local, but getting error in test env. The versions are, Cassandra version - 3.3.2 jnr-...
user1578872's user avatar
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JNR-FFI how to read array of structs from pointer to pointer

I am trying to interface with a C library libzbc using jnr-ffi. There is a function: int zbc_list_zones ( struct zbc_device * dev, uint64_t sector, enum zbc_reporting_options ro, ...
Sidias-Korrado's user avatar
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JNR-FFI crash after calling c function copying struct

I am trying to interface with a C library libzbc using jnr-ffi. The first function call zbc_open works and returns a pointer to a open device. Then the next call to zbc_get_device_info causes a JVM ...
Sidias-Korrado's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between JNA and JNR

According to the image from here both libraries work according to the same principle. But I believe that there is a difference between them. What is this difference?
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JNR UnsatisfiedLinkError

This question might be related to this and a ton other UnsatisfiedLinkError questions. I'm trying to run the following code. import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader; import jnr.ffi.types.pid_t; /** * Gets ...
Vasantha Ganesh's user avatar
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How to get UID and GID in jnrfuse

I am implementing filesytem using fuse and jnrfuse.Can someone tell me how to get the UID and GID info in jnrfuse?
Praveen's user avatar
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jnr-ffi: Is there a generation tool from header files to java code

Is there a tool that generates java code from header files for the project jnr-ffi. I what to offer an API for a C-project with approx. 1200 functions.
notes-jj's user avatar
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How to use a struct with a struct in jnr ffi

I have the following c code: #include <stdio.h> struct Second { int a_number; }; struct Top { struct Second second; }; void lets_go(struct Top *top) { printf("The number is %d\n",...
kmp's user avatar
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__stdcall with JNR

I'm using JNR and trying to call to __stdcall function. I've already tried to load library with stdcall() convention: mTemplateApi = LibraryLoader.create(FPTemplateAPI.class).stdcall().load("...
goto1134's user avatar
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UnsatisifedLinkedError : Could not locate stub library in jar file

I am trying to use this jnr-jffi library. It appears to have a dependency on jffi so I have also built that and included in my libs folder. My code to load the native code is as follows: MATH_LIB = ...
jim's user avatar
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Fuse filesystem in java - JVM error double free or corruption

I'm writing a Fuse-Filesystem in java using the jnr-fuse library ( which internally uses JNR for native access. The filesystem works as a frontend to an Amazon S3 ...
Michael Langowski's user avatar
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App running under SBT doesn't find a class from Classpath jar

I have a Scala project using sbt. It runs perfectly well under Eclipse, however, trying to run it under sbt (sbt 'run mount 1440' — including the parameters I need) leads to a ...
Ilia Ershov's user avatar
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Extract process environment before exit from java-initiated command line command or shell script

I would like to read/dump the environment variables of a process (.sh file, command line invocation, etc) that I initiate from inside java. For example, I have a shell script that runs and sets an ...
Constance Eustace's user avatar
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How to map a C-struct with bitfields in JNR?

I have the following struct that i want to map using JNR-FFI. Note that this struct contains bitfields. Unfortunatly there is no JavaDoc or any other kind of doc available. typedef struct _DCB { ...
Chriss's user avatar
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JNA equivalent of JNR's ObjectReferenceManager?

JNR has this thing called the ObjectReferenceManager that makes keeping track of references really convenient. An object is passed to it and a unique id (a Pointer, but it's really just an id afaik) ...
user's user avatar
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Callback/closure with JNR taking a pointer argument

I'm using JNR and trying to pass a callback function with the following C-equivalent signature: int fn(void const*, void const**, void**) into some C function. I have declared the callback nested in ...
user's user avatar
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how to use java jnr to infer a clib struct

Is there a way for jnr to construct a struct for me in order to access a returned call using jnr. for example, if I wanted to use int statvfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *buf); where struct ...
zcaudate's user avatar
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