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How to use grep with curl for lots of urls and return $url

After a lot of cutting and filtering i got a list of urls, in a text file.. i want to pass these urls to a curl command to curl all the urls in the text file and at the same time, grep the output of ...
cherryblossom's user avatar
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Executing cat|grep|grep using 2 pipes

Title is self-explanatory on what I want to do so here is my current code: #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/wait.h> int main() { ...
Sergio's user avatar
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3 answers

Piping into grep using cat returns error: no such file or directory

I am practicing on bash. When I try this command, I get an error: "grep: where: No such file or directory". cat file2.txt | tr " " "\n" | grep –i where | wc -l Content of file2.txt = 1 2 3 4 where 5 ...
prony's user avatar
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Pipe cat/grep/arguments into variable in bash script

#!/bin/bash DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` HOUR=`date +%H` ORDERS_THIS_HOUR=`cat cli.log | grep $DATE $HOUR | grep -o "generated for Production" | wc -l` OUTPUT="$DATE $HOUR : $ORDERS_THIS_HOUR" echo "$OUTPUT"...
pcgben's user avatar
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How would I go about creating a flow chart representing a linux grep command?

I am currently using the Linux terminal and command: cat [filename] | grep [searchword] To search a file contents for a specific word/string, but how would i represent this command within a flow ...
Evie Stevens's user avatar
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view content of files from grep -L

I use grep -L to get a list of files that do not contain a certain string. How can I see the content of those files? Just like: grep -L "pattern" | cat
aldorado's user avatar
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View content of all files modified on certain date

I would like to print out the content of files in one directory. I want to see only the content of files that have been modified today. I tried this approach: ls -lt | grep '6. Dez' | cat Since it ...
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