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How is it possible that a command chain ending in `cat` prints nothing, but executing `cat again on the same file prints a line?

I run this command sequence: grep -Fxv "sudo: myname : 1 incorrect password attempt ; TTY=pts/3 ; PWD=/home/myname/workspace ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pip uninstall ansible" ~/.log-...
Stefanos Anagnostou's user avatar
2 votes
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Bash: Slower to use zcat versus cat+zcat or cat+pv+zcat [closed]

I'm processing some large zipped files and found something interesting that I don't understand where using cat+pv+zcat is faster than cat+zcat which is faster than zcat alone. For this, I'm using a ...
apprentice iron chef's user avatar
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Is there a way to save text in R without it actively implementing \n? [closed]

I'm trying to use a handful of smaller functions to generate input for R Markdown. Some of the input for R Markdown contains calls like: cat("\\centering\n") or cat(Obj1, Obj2, Obj3, "\...
Sergio Haab Texturace's user avatar
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Printing contents of several files after listing them with ls [duplicate]

Although it seems to be a simple task, I am struggling to print the contents of several files that have been filtered in this way: $ ls *_pattern_* a_pattern_a b_pattern_b c_pattern_c ...
Gery's user avatar
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How to rename the CSV file based upon the column name inside the file using shell script

Let's assume I have list of CSV files under the folder called /path/RAS, each CSV file is going to carry the information about each customer. Let's take one customer file as example: Customer_Name,...
Loganayaki mahalingam's user avatar
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copy from text file to other text file , but not owerwiting first 2 lines [duplicate]

I would like to copy the contents of a text file has another text file but do not crush the first 2 lines of the other file, or copy and add the 2 lines to the new file Exemple: user1.txt: Phill Johne ...
Allan Tori's user avatar
2 votes
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How to cat text string and file in bash in way to preserve literal \newpage in output?

I have multiple markdown files that I am trying to concatenate into one markdown file in bash. I can concatenate markdown files and preserve “\newpage” lines, but when trying to add a group title via ...
ThinkRat's user avatar
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The newline (\n) is not working in END block in bash [duplicate]

I need to define the "\n" in END block as it will be passed to other bash script as an argument. I have added an empty newline at the begin and at the end. But only the begin empty line (\n) ...
stackbiz's user avatar
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Different character using vim, cat and pbcopy

I have a file sample containing the following string when reading it with vim (in german language, converted from html using munpack): benützt daÿs if I cat that file, I get the following (correct) ...
ecjb's user avatar
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How to open a split zip archive with more than 99 parts?

I think the problem is that when I concatenate the zip files before unzipping they are not in order because zip only uses one leading zero. For fewer than 100 files, the following works. cat myzip.z* &...
Neuromancer's user avatar
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cat and curl large JSON value from gitlab ci

There are many questions on how to post JSON via curl. And I am able to send one word as json but not the whole text. My requirement is to comment a merge request when one job fail in our GitLab CI. # ...
gervais.b's user avatar
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SwiftUI How can I get the correct font size for CATextLayer

I am using SWiftUI and have a video editing application . A person selects a video and we display it along with the date the video was taken . The initial overlay is size 14 and if the person saves ...
user1591668's user avatar
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exec: "cat": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.'

Failed to run image . Error: docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: run c ...
ahmed mohamed's user avatar
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Display a blowfish encrypted file without vi(m)

I have a file I have encrypted in vi (vi -x myfile) with blowfish2 encryption (:setlocal cm=blowfish2). I can supply the password and edit the file with no problem. If all I want to do is view the ...
shepster's user avatar
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How to read an open file through a file descriptor from proc?

I'm trying to learn how to work with proc and file descriptors. I want to start a process that opens a file, read the same file in parallel through a file descriptor from proc. I tried to do this: #!/...
Иван Мориков's user avatar
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Trying to categorize some columns and exclude others. Getting this error Cannot perform 'ror_' with a dtyped [object] array and scalar of type [bool]

I would like to exclude ratings column and correctYear column from getting categorized. I would like to categorize every other object type field but leave out these two because they are numeric values....
Rybin Mathalikunnel's user avatar
-1 votes
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If I execute a task from terminal it works, but within a script it don't...Why? [closed]

Tried every step from terminal, one by one. And they work, but when I execute cat $dj_name | grep -Eo "(https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*.mp3*" | sort -u > $dj_name-tracks in a script, the ...
Roberto Gonzalez's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can i use any bash command in bash function

I am trying to use ls , cat etc commands inside a bash function Report() { ls $1 | sort -u } Report() I am getting ls: command not found error when I run the function Is it not possible to use ...
pratheeksha lp's user avatar
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rewrite shell script so that cat does not evade the check

Currently, I use #!/bin/sh while [ -e "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" ]; do cat ${FIFO} ; done | my_program to create a fifo for my_program, which reads from stdin. The problem is that cat breaks out ...
jj_p's user avatar
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How do I loop through files and combine them based on a species designation? - Bash

I'm trying to merge fastq.gz files together based on species, and I'm trying to figure out how to do that without explicitly naming the species I'm using so that I can use the same bash script for ...
tbiewerh's user avatar
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multi-line json files to ndjson

Is there a linux/mac command to copy multiple multi-line json files to a single ndjson file? item1.json { "type": "Feature", "version": "1.0.0", "id&...
Nikko's user avatar
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How to print ENV VAR name to file, NOT VALUE from linux cli

I have this: cat > ~/ <<EOF #!/bin/bash ... echo $MY_ENV_VAR EOF MY_ENV_VAR is not set when this file is made. So it makes it "" in the file. I want the file ...
meh's user avatar
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How to subtitute the cat command in a bash file?

I'm working in testing my smt model using different solvers. In this moment I have the file .smt2 which contains the instruction of a model converted in smtlib. I have created a file .sh which ...
Lorenzo Cassano's user avatar
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How to store multiple commands in a bash variable (similar to cat [duplicate]

For work I'm needing to connect to test nodes and establish a vnc connection so you can see the desktop remotely. It's a manual process with a bunch of commands that need to be executed in order. ...
TomOnderwater's user avatar
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chnaging a specific column in a specific row with for loop

I have a file with following content ### beginning of executable commands ### load the necessary module files module load GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4 CP2K/9.1 ### your program goes here (a.out is an ...
Chintu 's user avatar
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Escaping a dollar sign in bash -c cat command [duplicate]

This example not work in my case. This example is about bash -c but there is no cat example. How Escaping a dollar sign using bash -c ? This is my code. It is not work correct. I get empty file. But I ...
Андрей Тернити's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Merge files, reverse order and replace text

I have a data file (*.js) per day with the following content: m[mi++]="26.03.23 23:55:00|0;0;0;2720;0;0;0|488;0;3270" m[mi++]="26.03.23 23:50:00|0;0;0;2720;0;0;0|1360;0;3220" m[mi+...
SNWBRDR's user avatar
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How to make cat command to view file content with syntax highlights in terminal

In the following screenshot, on executing the cat command it display the horizontal line then file info with name and then file content. Is this feature from cat or any external lib? I have found one ...
Ankanna's user avatar
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Is cat files slower if run through bash file and screen?

I am doing cat this_files_* > output.txt # reads approx 20 mio. files and cats them into output.txt When doing it through command-line last week on another dataset, it was significantly faster ...
Ranger's user avatar
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bash script that receives any sequence of nucleotides and print all positions of the T nucleotides

I need to write a bash script that receives any sequence of nucleotides and print all positions of the T nucleotides. I did the following: 'vim' inside the script #!/bin/bash $@ cat $@ | ...
Eman's user avatar
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Need to iterate over all the items in my current directory and print their names along with other operations

I need to create a loop that will iterate over all the items in my current directory to check whether this item is file, then print the name of the file and the 1st 10 lines of the file. I did the ...
Eman's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I get and format the contents of a bunch of text files (md5sums) in Linux?

I have a bunch of md5 files, which have a hash and a path/filename. I want to output the hash and filename, but not the path. Example file contents: d7b7494a0602d91b391848dfaebec7ac /home/develop/...
Ben Holness's user avatar
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Python web crawler download pic , pic format not be supported

I was using same code to try to get cat's photo , the picture address is not different. But why does one can get picture , other one can't be got? #pic download successfully. import requests ...
Wade Lin's user avatar
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cat: 'd'$'\303''ata.txt': No such file or directory

I'm a newbie learning docker and have followed the instructions on docker homepage. I'm following this tutorial at this link. After, I have dragged the image to docker desktop completed as shown below:...
Phạm Minh Hiếu's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why does cat < /dev/ttyS0 send output to ttyS0? [closed]

When I use cat < /dev/ttyS0 and data is received, it doesn't display on the terminal that I typed the command into but instead gets sent back to to ttyS0 where it came from. How can I make it not ...
user1318499's user avatar
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Why pipes not working for cat | cat | ls?

I really need help and any suggestions will be very welcomed. Me and a mate have coded a mini version of the Shell and I did parsing and executing parts. All is working properly except for some cases ...
bl000m's user avatar
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Why I get empty file after sed -e?

given the following file file: my name is: @NAME@ I ran this script: name="Alin" full_file="$(mktemp)" cat file | \ sed -e "s:@NAME@:${name}:g" | \ >> &...
user123454321's user avatar
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4 answers

Bash script to merge two files if they start with the same 4 characters

When I tested the code on a directory that only had 100 files everything executed quickly. But the actual directory has 20k files and everything slows to a halt. Example files are 0001.txt 0001.doc ...
user21392912's user avatar
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How to search a file in linux containing a particular string and then printing all contents of that file?

Requirement : Searching a file in linux containing a string and then printing all contents of that file. Approach I used: grep -ri "<string_name>" | cut -d : -f1 Using this command I ...
Anshuman Madhav's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to split a file into lines using foreach in linux? [closed]

File.txt has numerous lines with paths to different files I want each line of File.txt to become an argument to sed command Ex : File.txt has following lines dir1/sub1/a.txt dir2/sub2/b.txt dir3/sub3/...
Aishwarya Aishu's user avatar
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How to create repaginating sequences for booklet printing as output for pdftk?

I'm creating a workflow for booklet printing with 2 pages on an open spread: Use R to create the page sequence Use pdftk to repaginate the pdf Use lp to print the 2-up booklet I've written a loop ...
Rain's user avatar
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Get multiple file contents to one Ansible variable

On Ubuntu 18 server in directory /home/adminuser/keys are 5 files that contain key parts: /home/adminuser/key/ |- unseal_key_0 |- unseal_key_1 |- unseal_key_2 |- unseal_key_3 |- unseal_key_4 ...
Zhaba_BUN's user avatar
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Should I handle multiple instances of cin / stdin?

Below is a little program in C++ which is supposed to act as the cat linux binutil: it gets one or several inputs as detailed in the command line arguments (possibly specifying stdin via '-') and copy ...
J-Ro's user avatar
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grep a word from a list of file as a result of grep before

I have a command to grep a file with fullpath that contain a "TypeId: 0", here is the command grep -rnw /home/username/app/data/store/0/part/.mv -e "TypeId: 0" | awk -F ":&...
Yudha Restu's user avatar
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In R, how do I save the dataframe which is one of the outputs from a function which uses print() and cat()?

I am using a summary() function from an R package. It prints out multiple results by using cat() and print() functions interweavingly (I checked its source code by getAnywhere()). It uses cat() to ...
huajun's user avatar
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How use cat and grep with gsutil and filter with a subdirectory name?

Currently, for getting a string (here: 123456789) into some files in all my buckets I do the following: gsutil cat -h gs://AAAA/** | grep '123456789' > 20221109.txt And I get the name of my path ...
Cass's user avatar
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Copy Files Contained in a Text File (MacOS)

I have a text file containing .M4B filenames (including source path). The file names contain spaces and quotes like: /file/source/Ender's Game.m4b /file/source/Ender's Shadow.m4b /file/source/Speaker ...
Saro's user avatar
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Escaping the ${APACHE_LOG_DIR} variable in the cat command of a bash script [duplicate]

I'm coding a BASH script to automatically configure virtual hosts of an apache server. To create the virtual host configuration file I use the cat command. The problem is that I don't know how to ...
Ellion's user avatar
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Gnuplot: assign the resulted grep in log file to a variable

my logfile is as: ******************************************************************** maximum disp: 3.2580e-05, at node: 3, of total: 6 maximum disp: 4.2876e-05, at node: 6, of total: 6 *************...
ben's user avatar
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Why a string starting with 'cat....' outputs with a different color in Programiz?

I can't figure out why when I print a string starting with 'cat..' (like category, cathedral, catch, ...) in the Programiz Online Python Compiler it appears in green (or gray and italic in dark mode) ...
Arnau Torrent's user avatar

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