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-3 votes
2 answers

Card Layout with different classes [closed]

I need help with an applet that I am making for my coursework. I am using card layout and I want the content of each card to be taken from different classes. Then in each card I want buttons to ...
darijus's user avatar
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Navigating through an applet with Card Layout (Need some guidance and code fixing)

First of all I would like to say that in terms of my java knowledge I am a total beginner. So, I am developing an applet which would have different pages using Card Layout. I managed to gather some ...
darijus's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

CardLayout, how to let it work?

When I run this program, there is nothing in the applet. No labels, no buttons, no anything. I don't know how to use CardLayout but it seems that this is the only way to work my program, so help ...
JKCM's user avatar
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Java: JPanels not displaying properly in CardLayout

My JPanel startPan is supposed to display when the applet starts but right now, only the JButton setupGameBut displays. But if I click setupGameBut and then cancelBut to return to startPan, it ...
DagdA's user avatar
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Java: How to display card JPanel fully when using CardLayout

I'm having trouble with this JApplet. At the moment I have a CardLayout JPanel which contains two BorderLayout JPanels. Whenever I run it, the components added to each 'card' (a JButton to go back to ...
DagdA's user avatar
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Advance to next card object with different elements while using java's cardlayout

I am very new to this site and a novice programmer so I'm hoping someone here can help me with the problem I'm facing. I am making a simple program that uses a card layout to select/enter several user-...
jmalatras's user avatar
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CardLayout in Applet not showing

I'm trying to write an applet that switches between cards using CardLayout, but the app is not showing anything at all and I can't figure out what's wrong. A little help would be much appreciated :) ...
user3569886's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How do I handle null pointer exception in java applet?

I am running a simple applet in my machine.Note that when executing applet "Null pointer exception" error occurs when the applet is trying to run. The below code is shown import java.awt.*; import ...
user3046211's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

panels do not show in applet viewer, yet there are no errors

I have written this simple JApplet (yes I am a beginner). It has 4 buttons on the left and the a cardLayout in center. each button on the left should open a different panel in center. my program ...
AshkanMil's user avatar
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Simplest process for switching displayed classes that extend JPanel in JApplet

I have several classes which extend jpanel, many of which have parameters in their constructors. Each already contains components, and they need to handle information and pass this information ...
user2333288's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Java Applet Web deployment problems

I am having trouble deploying a JApplet using netbeans into a working web server. What happens is that it appears to load up the applet, but then upon loading I am simply left with a blank screen and ...
Matthew Pigram's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

adding custom panels to an Applet with a CardLayout

I cannot figure out the JavaDocs for the CardLayout. I have an Applet, and from this Applet I have 5 classes I created that extend JPanel. Inside these classes all that has been done so far is the ...
codeMasterFiveThousand's user avatar