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Derived class member function not implicitly converted to base class member function

In the following code, there are generic classes reg and regmap and a user-defined class mymap which is derived from the regmap class. In the mymap class, the user creates instances of reg and ...
KPathak's user avatar
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Unity 2D: new input system issue with JUMP Action via CallbackContext canceled

This is my code for Jump Action using the new input system: /// JUMP action callback public void Jump(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (context.performed) { //hold down button:...
Mr.T's user avatar
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How do Payment Gateways POST to my return URL in a way that the output shows up in my Browser and not their code that is POSTing

A common method that Payment Gateways work is this: I post the amount and other secure details to the Gateway URL The Gateway then claims to POST to my return/callback URL with the transaction ...
Gurunandan Bhat's user avatar
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How to capture clicked legends in Plotly?

I created a radar chart that displays data called zones. I am not able to make a callback function that returns the legends visible currently by user's action on the legend. When user deselects legend ...
Sree's user avatar
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Get the BuildContext from within a callback function at the place it is called

I have made a Widget (MyComplexWidget) consisting of 2 other widgets A and B. On construction of MyComplexWidget, I pass it a callback function for one of its children widget's (A, B) onTap/onPressed ...
bliako's user avatar
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Intercept key events as fallback in app accessibility service

I'm trying to implement accessibility service to handle the keyevents(onKeyDown/onKeyUp) of a Device HW key(ex: Volume key/Power key), which can process certain operations. But I want handle this ...
Prasad Raju's user avatar
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Get SMILES from Jsme-component through callback

I am trying to get the SMILES from a JSME component through a callback within a python dash app. I have been trying this example: import dash from dash import dcc, html, Input, Output from dash_bio ...
Yasin El Abiead's user avatar
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Facing the error throw new MongooseError('Model.find() no longer accepts a callback'); [duplicate]

router.get('/list',(req,res) =\>{ Student.find((err , docs) =\>{ if(!err){ res.render('student/list', { list: docs, }) }else{ console.log('Error in retrieval: '+ ...
Monali Patil's user avatar
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Javascript - How to recursively call a method as a callback? [duplicate]

As a learning exercise, I'm making a Javascript browser game where when the user presses a button, it simulates rolling several 6-sided dice and then shows images that correspond to the random value ...
Always a Newb at Something's user avatar
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Ansible callback plugin prints metacharacters when playbook trace is redirected to file

I'm writing an Ansible playbook with an ad-hoc df -h command: --- - name: execute df -h hosts: all gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Execute df -h command: df -h register: ...
axelle's user avatar
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In FastAPI, how to properly handle asynchronous external APIs which may never callback?

I am using FastAPI to build an API service. My service needs to call an external API through the network, let's call it ex_api. The documentation of ex_api states that it accepts tasks submitted by ...
Isuxiz Slidder's user avatar
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Add lazy constraints not linked to current solution candidate in CPLEX callback

I need to add some lazy constraints within a CPLEX generic callback (version 22.1.1). Those lazy constraints do not exclude the current solution candidate, but they nevertheless exclude other integer ...
Sirion's user avatar
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NUCLEO F401RE and multiple reading with HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA

I'm doing a project involving STM32 and an accelerometer sensor (LIS2DE) I have to read every second the register from the sensor and send it via UART to arduino IDE but, idk why, the other two ...
Rob99's user avatar
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How do you type the refObject of a dynamic tag element in React Typescript?

This issue keeps reoccurring and I always seem to code around it so I'm hoping someone out there can help me shed some light on the correct way to type this. function MyComponent({ isCondition }): ...
Nicholas Rice's user avatar
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Keycloak infinite redirect loop on iframe callback when logging in

This issue started after noticing chrome blocking third party cookies and iframes. From my understanding, keycloak injects an iframe into the dom which is used to do a silent check, login, then return ...
mikeint's user avatar
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Backup active storage document to track the changes

#<UserDocument:0x00007dd24a338ae8 id: 697, file: nil, ...
Ajit Dhanje's user avatar
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figure from clickData in callback (python, dash) won't show in app.layout - data for fig comes from sqlite db

after hours of R&D I don't know what to do anymore - help please. I feed a sqlite db with mqtt values from 700 meteorological stations. In my dash app I see the stations on an open-street-map. The ...
Johann's user avatar
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How should I handle errors in Wayland event handler callbacks in C?

I'm just getting started with Wayland and I think I understand the basics, but I'm wondering how to handle errors that occur within event handler callbacks. Is there a standard way of doing this? I ...
A. Bear's user avatar
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Printing out coordinates of clicked points while user draws polyline in Matlab App Designer

In Matlab AppDesigner I want to let the user draw a polyline on a plot. After each click I want to print out the point's coordinate on the command line. However I can't get the callback or event ...
Matthias La's user avatar
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Rails callback, create a record after creating or updating an associated record

Can I, or should I, use a callback to create an associated record in Rails? Also, if either record creation or update fails will both records not be saved in the database? The idea behind this ...
atw's user avatar
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Calling a C# delegate and then handling a callback in powershell

Let us say I have a BankBalance class in C# that defines a function DebitTransaction. DebitTransaction performs following operation. If balance > amount to be debited, it debits the amount and ...
Gajanana D S's user avatar
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HTTP GET Callback Requests Delayed or Not Reaching AWS ECS from Third-Party Service

I’m running an application on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) with a backend server that exposes a GET endpoint to receive callbacks from a third-party service (outside of our VPC). The third ...
hallucinateAlongside's user avatar
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How to Execute a Javascript Callback based on a Variable or Parameter

I have an array that is passed to React from a Laravel back end, representing columns in a database. I iterate over this array to construct headings for a table. For each column, I want to run a ...
Les's user avatar
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Cannot Find Fragment that implements Listener

I have been trying to call a callback of Fragment A from Fragment B but I can seem to find an the appropriate Fragment A when I call onAttach of Fragment B. More specifically, Fragment A file: class ...
user7327149's user avatar
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Using callback functions

I am following a tutorial series and there's a lesson about callback functions featuring a simple calculator. I am inept at programming, but I do understand pointers and functions. The tutorial ...
MarvelousMishap's user avatar
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Bokeh Colour Sliders Example Rework

Overview of Problem I'm trying to adapt the Bokeh Colour Slider example found here: . The idea is to have two ...
Rarooranya's user avatar
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How JS Engine knows whether there is a callback waiting to get executed?

From what I know, When there is an setTimeout, timer webAPI is called and once the timer finishes, the callback will be pushed to callback queue. once the call stack is empty, event loop picks up the ...
ak_96's user avatar
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Can I set both DAG level and task level on_failure_callbacks in Airflow?

I would like to set both task-level and DAG-level on_failure_callbacks and have them perform two different actions. Would the DAG level failure callbacks and task level callbacks both trigger if ...
Deshana Desai's user avatar
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Can you detect when content has finished transferring to the clipboard?

TL;DR: I want to detect when content has finished transferring to the system clipboard. Scenario I am using a FlavorListener to toggle a button when the clipboard content type changes. The listener ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
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How to know what graph are you referring with multiple eCharts graphs in one page with `renderItem` callback

If there are more then one charts in a single page and you got some functions like this to change the graph type function setGraph_chartName1_to_customType(e){ //there are multiple functions like this ...
user27160653's user avatar
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Multiple eCharts graphs in one page and data mapping / [ECharts] `setOption` should not be called during main process

I'm trying to put multiple charts of eCharts in one page of only one type with series like (type: 'line') but datas should be formatted according to different parameters for each graph. For a single ...
user27160653's user avatar
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Why is the callback provided to `XRSession.requestAnimationFrame()` not getting called?

Here is a minimal example which reproduces a problem I have encountered in a more complex situation: let session; const dummyRenderLoop = (time, frame) => { if (!session) return; ...
user19642323's user avatar
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Dash app client-side callback not passing value to server-side callback

I'm working on a Dash app integrated with a Django template, and I'm encountering an issue where a client-side callback is not passing a value to a server-side callback. The value is correctly logged ...
malilka's user avatar
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How to bind a pick event callback directly to an artisti in matplotlib

I'm drawing 2 lines into a figure and I want to draw a vertical line when clicking the lines. What I want is the callback "on_pick_line1" being called when clicking on line "y1" ...
user27243451's user avatar
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callback function not call in flutter

I have a widget with callback function, but callback function is not called. My code is as follow: DetailsRow( title: "APP", value: 'MYTEXT', link: '', linkTap: () { print("...
nick's user avatar
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Callback in python ctypes

I'm trying to wrap a C library in Python using ctypes. A function call requires a callback function which I implemented using the programming manual.The problem is that I'm unable get the return value ...
SABARI SARAVANAN M's user avatar
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Taipy callback function with parameters

in the following taipy code, the intended functionality is that when the image is clicked a paramter cat should be passed to select_category function, but i couldn't get it to work without error: --- ...
Yaqoub Al-Harthi's user avatar
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Dash: A nonexistent object was used in an Input of a callback when dynamically loading components

I'm developing a multi-page Dash application where I dynamically switch between different views, such as a login page and a script selection page, using a placeholder div to load the content ...
Gabriel Passos's user avatar
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PHP - Argument #3 ($modifier) must be of type callable, string given

I am trying to store a callable/closure as a class field/property. My initial attempt was this: class MyClass { protected callable $modifier; public function __construct(callable $modifier) { ...
user2173353's user avatar
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R shiny + google map: Pin (marker) doesn't load when using googleway::google_map_update()

I have an app that uses googleway to work with google maps api. It uses a callback javascript function to handle the autocompletion functionality from google maps api (see reprex below). At start it ...
cwillig's user avatar
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How to dynamically route traffic to different databases?

dsn := "user:pass@tcp(" db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{}) if err != nil { panic("...
user27121282's user avatar
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How to Pass Extra Data to Callback Functions in Python C API?

I'm working on integrating C code with Python using the Python C API, and I need to register callback functions with additional data. Specifically, I want to pass extra data to my callback function so ...
Սոկրատ Գալստյան's user avatar
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Mongoose error: lodash bind no longer accepts a callback function

The upgrade to MongoDB 7 dropped function callbacks, as has been discussed on other threads. Most times it is fairly easy to replace the callback by .then asyn/await etc, as documented at ...
peter's user avatar
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implementing a Tcl "atreturn" feature?

I'm using a Tcl-based framework for building packages (MacPorts) and would like to implement an atexit-like feature where I can print some information in case a build fails and the framework aborts. A ...
RJVB's user avatar
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How do I handle a static callback from a impl method in Rust

I am using the rdev library to get the keyboard input of the user. I have created a class called InputManager which has a listen method like this use rdev; struct InputManager {} impl InputManager { ...
fenhax's user avatar
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How to combine async functions with callbacks in python?

If I have an async view in Django, can I have it await a callback? Pseudocode: async def my_view(request): # Use external services that eventually send data to /callback/ do_something() # ...
allo's user avatar
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Why does TypeScript give a "possibly undefined" error when using a conditional and ``? [duplicate]

Consider this minimal example: const an_array: Array<number> = new Array(100).fill(3.5); // init some array let a: [number, number, number] | undefined; // and declare a ...
user19642323's user avatar
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PyMongo query function with multiple args and passing results to Dash app

Ok, I have a MongoDB database, using a Python module to perform CRUD functions, and passing the resulting info into a Dash app. Here is the relevant Python method: def read(self, query): ...
Chelaine Echols's user avatar
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Bokeh: AutocompleteInput and slider widgets to both trigger the same callback

I am trying to set up a callback in Bokeh where I have an AutocompleteInput and Slider that both trigger the same callback that updates the CDS data based on whatever the combination of inputs are. So ...
Matthew's user avatar
2 votes
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TableView with a custom ComboBox randomly selects CheckBoxes when scrolling

I have a TableView which shows in a column in each TableCell a ComboBox with inside a Pane with each a CheckBox and a Label. When I check e.g. the first CheckBox or any other and scroll down a bit ...
RobRoy's user avatar
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