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Any better way to improve the code to keep the underlying memory blocks used by aiso::async_send remains valid

I once wrote the the code snippet below to asynchronously send tcp data. void Conversation::do_write(std::string str) { auto conversation_ptr(shared_from_this()); m_socket.async_send(asio::buffer(...
John's user avatar
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Suitable use of 'boost::asio::placeholders::error'

The code snippet below is seen at this page. #include <iostream> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp> using ...
John's user avatar
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How to use boost log in visual studio 2015 and build platform is v140

I have added all the dependencies but after adding it i am getting some linking error. I am using visual studio 2015 buildtool v140 , platform v8.1 and platform win32. I have added the necessary ...
Lalit Sharma's user avatar
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Boost Python C++ boost::python::list input Python argument types did not match C++ signature

Created a test function to test if Boost Python can pass a Python list to a C++ method. However, it results in the following error: Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in boost_cpp....
Romin Ebrahimi's user avatar
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boost pp repeat to forward declare classes

In short, I would like to accomplish the following: #define CLASS( C ) class C; #define CLASSES( ... ) CLASSES( Foo, Bar, Golf ) // Expand: class Foo; class Bar; class Golf; Is there any way to ...
Constantinos Glynos's user avatar
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Understanding Boost.Asio Strand Behavior with Multiple Threads

Win12, boost::asio 1.82.0, MSVC 2022 (I used different compilers, c++ 14 and c++ 20) I try to understand iocontext step by step. Now I want to use many threads (but I don't want to use thread pool yet,...
Valentyn Vovk's user avatar
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Replace boost::timed_wait() with std in c++17

I have a condition variable std::condition_variable my_cond; I want to be able to replace boost::timed_wait() with an std equivalent one. If the previously mentioned condition variable was a boost one,...
user1584421's user avatar
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Convert from boost time to std::chrono for C++11

I would like to replace some boost time lines with std::chrono. *boost::posix_time::ptime myTime( boost::gregorian::date(1960, 1, 1)) As far as I know, Gregorian time is available on C++20. So is ...
user1584421's user avatar
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boost coroutine doesn't resume after an async_write operation

I have a simple boost.coroutine that occasionally is suspended? and i don't know what happens with the coroutine. It's hard to reproduce but does happen. Now, from this answer (point.2) i know that a ...
NamasriAditya's user avatar
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C++ VSCode Ubuntu Terminal intercepting command line responses

I have a program in Linux C++ in VSCode that I am trying to debug. I am using Boost process::ipstream to send a command line command like "ip -a", then try to use std::getLine() to read the ...
Greg H's user avatar
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Catching a Diamond Of Death Exception (boost::system::system_error and std::system_error)

I have a library, and I wish to leverage the design of boost::system::system_error. C++ adopted this design in 2011 with std::system_error. I would like for client code to have the option of working ...
SumDood's user avatar
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Install C++ json boost on RHEL machine

I am trying to install json boost (boost_json) library on my linux RHEL machine. I got the latest tar file from i.e. boost_1_83_0.tar.gz. After untaring the file I ran the following commands....
JB90's user avatar
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How to do deep copy of graph property wrapped in std::shared_ptr<> in boost graph?

I have a boost graph with custom properties. I want to make a copy of it. I tried it by following way. using BGType = boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, ...
tushar's user avatar
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boost.test: compile errors when STL code is included within a test suite

My setup: windows 10 msys2 with g++ 12.2.0 boost.test 1.81.0 My test file: // test.cpp #define BOOST_TEST_MAIN #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE a_nice_testing_attempt #include <boost/test/included/...
deponovo's user avatar
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boost::to_lower_copy() too expensive as it extracts a facet from the passed locale

I've got std::use_facet<std::ctype<char>> showing up in a profiler. It is called indirectly from boost::to_lower_copy(). I remember fixing this for a comparison operator by storing the ...
Frank Puck's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I compile and generate libraries of boost version 1.82.0 in Aix?

Compiling the boost C++ library 1.82.0 on AIX 7.2 using xlclang++ I am trying to build the b2 binary using xlclang++ but getting std errors class.cpp: warning: unknown warning option '-WL' [-Wunknown-...
Rintu's user avatar
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Bind boost::asio socket to new port

I haven’t yet successfully found a way to change the port of a boost asio udp socket at run time, after the initialization. Is this possible or would I have to close the socket and re-open with a ...
CaliopeDev's user avatar
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How to optimize boost heaps to outperform std multiset in heap operations? C++

I have worked on implementing the fast marching method. It's a computational method to solve a special type of differential equation. In particular, this code solves the equation $$|\nabla phi| = 1$$ ...
B0bby31's user avatar
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Resolving symlinks of a file path using boost c++11

I am trying to resolve any symlinks present in a file path even if the symlink is occurred to the parent directory of a file. So if for example I have a/b/d/file and a symlink is created for dir b ...
Mariam Fayed's user avatar
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How to fix undefined symbols for arm64 when using boost::filesystem on m1 macbook?

I'm trying to work with file paths in c++11. The overwhelming advice on the internet is to use the boost library where I should be able to do something like this. I installed boost(version 1.81.0_1) ...
fold4wrap5's user avatar
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Passing a function as function argument in Boost.Python

I have a C++ function ExecuteFunction that takes as input another function f. I would like to expose ExecuteFunction in Python with Boost.Python, and call it from Python with either Python functions ...
akerstjens's user avatar
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Boost Serialization: Serialize/Export derived class without default constructor

I need to serialize all the options on my CommunicationLayer, which is basically a wrapper around serial port, which I will use in an initialization file of sorts. This class doesn't have a default ...
Typhaon's user avatar
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cannot compile standalone asio with exceptions turned off

I'm trying to build project which uses standalone asio as dependency. Problem is that with exceptions turned off (-fno-exceptions), I have to define throw_exception function (link to boost ...
Bolderaysky's user avatar
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clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I am getting a linking error with my two C++ files as seen below. Compile error It compiles up to the point of two object files then fails on linking. Below is my code, I commented out most of main in ...
ant r's user avatar
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How to use the function `pj_geodetic_to_geocentric` in boost library?

In boost/geometry/srs/projections/impl/pj_transform.hpp, I found two functions pj_geodetic_to_geocentric and pj_geocentric_to_geodetic, the function declarations are below: template <typename T, ...
yuan's user avatar
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array of boost dynamic_bitset. If arr[0][0] bit is set, arr[1][0]test() is also set

I have initialized array of dynamic bitset as follows std::vector<boost::dynamic_bitset<>> v = std::vector<boost::dynamic_bitset<>>(8, boost::dynamic_bitset<>(2)); ...
HarishMallari's user avatar
2 votes
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Sharing std::string among the processes using Boost::Interprocess

I am following this Boost::Interprocess guide . I have structure which has std::string as member and I have created multimap of that structure with std::string as key values. I can access std::string ...
rushikesh kamble's user avatar
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undefined reference to `boost::filesystem...` with self-compiled boost [duplicate]

I'm trying to compile a c++ program with boost library that I compiled myself. Here is how I compiled boost in ~/libs/ tar -xvzf boost_1_80_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_80_0/ ./ --prefix=. ./b2 -...
Laurent Claessens's user avatar
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How can I use boost accumulator quantile_probability inside a class member initialization?

Boost Accumulator has an unfortunate quirk in which the api interface behaves differently when used inside of a class. I am trying to use Boost Accumulator quantile_probability inside of a class but I ...
Nathan Doromal's user avatar
3 votes
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Create boost::spsc queue in boost managed shared memory with a runtime size

Shared-memory IPC synchronization (lock-free) My use case aligns very closely with what has been described in the above question. But I wanted to go a step further in creating the spsc queue ...
Akash's user avatar
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How can I build the boost libraries 1_72_0 on a windows host for a linux target?

Trying to build the boost libraries, I followed the steps: open cmd in boost_1_72_0 folder bootstrap.bat gcc set cfalgs, cxxflags and linker flags to use the sysroot folder that came with the ...
Vulsan Bianca's user avatar
2 votes
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format string is not a string literal in a variadic template function (C++)

I have this simple function, in which I get an error: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Werror,-Wformat-security] I know that I can make a C-style variadic function and ...
Paweł Richert's user avatar
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Build boost from source with manually built gcc compiler in cluster

I am trying to compile Boost 1.79.0 in a cluster using the GCC compiler version 12.1.0 that I have compiled manually since the GCC version of the cluster is very old. After compiling GCC, I have ...
K. Mountris's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to pass std::index_sequence param to an nested-template struct according to function traits

Here is my simple code and it did work (I passed single integer to argument): #include <iostream> #include <tuple> #include <string> #include "boost/variant.hpp" using ...
Yvettre's user avatar
3 votes
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Double free or corruption when using asio

I made some modifications to this code snippet which is used to send\recieve ICMP packets through ASIO APIs. Here are the modifications that I made(full code snippet is seen below): using the ...
John's user avatar
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Boost Asio Timeout Approach

I have situation where I need to collect data from more than 100 clients in 100 ms. After that time I need to process collected data. When process is done, need to restart step where I am collecting ...
Furch Radeon's user avatar
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Android C++ network module with boost asio (ssl), infinite loop

I am using boost 1.70.0 in android native for network module. The AsioClient is singleton for accept http request from all instances(Image, Video, HTML, JS source URI and so on). And this is not on ...
Chris Redwood's user avatar
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"TBB library cannot be found" CMake on MacOS

I'm trying to build PrusaSlicer from source on Mac. I don't have any experience with CMake. I'm following the instructions given here. Every time I try to build dependencies. This command cmake .....
Vipul Rajan's user avatar
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openssl/conf.h file not found error on MacOS

When trying to compile code (using cmake), I keep getting this error : In file included from /usr/local/include/cpprest/http_client.h:68: In file included from /usr/local/include/boost/asio/ssl.hpp:18:...
Vineet Dwivedi's user avatar
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BOOST request sending JSON data

I want to transfer json data into request of json boost in cpp. If i take json in boost int outer=2; value data = { {"dia",outer}, {"sleep_time_in_s",0.1} }; ...
Amarnath Reddy Surapureddy's user avatar
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How to iterate over boost graph and find neighbor's neighbor also?

The following figure shows bi-directional graph. I have represented following graph using boost-graph. I have iterated from v1 --> v2 and v1 --> v3 but I am not able to visit from v3 --> v4....
tushar's user avatar
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Cleanly exit Boost thread member of class

I have a class that has a boost::thread member variable. I have a private member function that is run in that thread (see code below). class Human { public: Human() : m_thinkThread(&...
simplename's user avatar
2 votes
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How to iterate over boost graph to get incoming and outgoing edges of vertex?

I am trying to iterate over boost graph. While iterating, I am trying to find incoming edges and outgoing edges from that vertex. But I am getting segmentaion fault. I tried to debug and found the ...
tushar's user avatar
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can boost::process::system support bash commands separated by a semicolon?

Code: #include <boost/system/process.hpp> int main() { boost::process::system bp("echo foo; echo bar"); } Output: foo; echo bar Desired output: foo bar I am receiving a ...
user3472's user avatar
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boost::asio::bind_executor does not execute in strand

The following example completes with no assertions: #include <cassert> #include <functional> #include <future> #include <thread> #include <boost/asio.hpp> class example1 ...
evoskuil's user avatar
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vk api on boost c++ doesn't work correctly

I wrote a some code that should send GET request and get response. It works for and returns me json file. But for it returns html as that: <html> <head><title&...
user12311231's user avatar
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how to cast from intrusive_ptr<parent> to intrusive_ptr<child>?

I have to get a child class pointer that is wrapped in boost's intrusive_ptr from intrusive_ptr<parent_class> returned by a class function. class parent{...} class child: public parent{...} ...
jojo_Aero_smith_the_dummy's user avatar
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Trouble building Boost Log example using Bazel

I am using Bazel as my build system and have had no problems with Boost up until I started trying to use Boost Log, I was even able to use some of the compiled libraries without issue however when ...
OpticalMagician's user avatar
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Boost Serialization Library in MEX

I am trying to convert my MEX/MATLAB/C++ program into solely C++. And the first big step is getting rid of saving files as mat file. I am saving various structs so from my understanding serialization ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Boost transformed conversion to vector error

I am new to using boost adapters, I am using the following code for conversion of a vector one class to transformed version. The return type of boost::transformed is not as per expectation. Can ...
Daniyal Yasin's user avatar

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