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Get count of element with value grater than quantile using boost accumulators

I'm using boost accumulators to calculate quantile probability. I have an accumulator_set acc, and I get the quantile using: auto q = boost::accumulators::quantile( acc, boost::accumulators::...
SNJ's user avatar
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How can I use boost accumulator quantile_probability inside a class member initialization?

Boost Accumulator has an unfortunate quirk in which the api interface behaves differently when used inside of a class. I am trying to use Boost Accumulator quantile_probability inside of a class but I ...
Nathan Doromal's user avatar
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how to create custom boost accumulator for financial ohlcv data

I've the following problem. I've a set of OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) data for a symbol, with the following structure: struct OHLCV { double Open{0.0}; double High{0.0}; double Low{0....
Jepessen's user avatar
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Reset Boost parameterized Accumulator

How can I reset an accumulator that was created using parameters? In other words, I want to clear out any and all values that were added to the accumulator. Here is an example of an accumulator that ...
J'e's user avatar
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Is there a limit on the number of values added to a boost::accumulator?

Is there a limit on how many values that can be added to a boost::accumulator? If a large number of entries were added, is there any point in which the accumulator would cease to work properly or is ...
J'e's user avatar
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Do boost accumulators support the calculation of minimum difference between adjacent values?

Assumption here is that I am receiving many values and I do not want to store them in the vector. So I would like to use something like boost accumulators. But in docs I can not find something like ...
NoSenseEtAl's user avatar
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How to initialize a boost rolling window accumulator?

I would like to initialize a boost rolling window accumulator without having to do an assignment inside a function call. This is what I see everyone do: boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<double, ...
Alex's user avatar
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Sliding window median in C++

I need some sliding window statistics and I am considering to use boost::accumulators for that, however, I couldn't find the sliding window median algorithm there. Does boost::accumulators provide an ...
Vahagn's user avatar
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Why do the accumulators from the C++ boost library have a function-like interface?

In the boost library, we use accumulators like this: acc(1); // push things into acc cout << max( acc ) << endl; // get its result Why can't we define its interface like this: acc.push(1);...
Home3's user avatar
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What is the advantage of droppable accumulator in boost library in c++?

I've recently read the User's Guide of Boost.Accumulator There is a chapter named "Droppable Accumulators" which illustrates how to use "accumulators that can be removed from the accumulator_set<&...
Home3's user avatar
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How to set rounding policy to an empirical distribution accumulator in the quantile function?

I'm trying to change the default rounding parameter value integer_round_outwards to integer_round_inwards for an accumulator which contains an empirical discrete distribution (Discrete Quantile ...
Fabian Mancilla's user avatar
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reset boost accumulator c++

Having not found a 'boost' way of resetting an accumulator in C++, I came across a piece of code that seems to reset a boost accumulator. But don't understand how it is achieving it. The code is as ...
badri's user avatar
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boost accumulators library - how to find "Mode" and "r-squared"?

I have vector of doubles and need to find "mode" and "r-squared" values using boost library. I can find mean, min/max, count, variance using boost::accumulators but can't find anything for "mode" or "...
Michael EstrinOne's user avatar
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boost accumulator_set: expect primary expression

I am a new to Boost library. I want a program that could compute the min, max, mean and variance of a distance vector (of type std::vector < double >) and I wrote the following code std::vector ...
Bojian Zheng's user avatar
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Boost::accumulator's percentile giving wrong values

I am using boost::accumulators::tag::extended_p_square_quantile for calculating percentile. In this, I also need to feed probabilities to the accumulator so I did this m_acc = AccumulatorType(boost::...
Kalpit Tiwari's user avatar
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boost accumulators example doesn't compile

I installed boost (1.60.0) on Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa and tried to compile the boost accumulator example ( with the gcc ...
Plamenk's user avatar
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Initialize a boost::accumulator_set at runtime

Is there a way to declare at runtime a boost::accumulator_set with features determined as runtime? Something like: accumulator_set *acc; if (SomeUserInput1) { acc = new accumulator_set< double, ...
0xFF's user avatar
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boost::accumulators::rolling_mean returning incorrect mean value

Environment: VS 2013, Boost 1.58 I've written something that presents a more friendly interface to Boost's accumulator, which can be used to project a sum over a window, and calculate the actual ...
iamtheddrman's user avatar
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Boost::accumulators initialization failing on mac OSX Yosemite

I am currently trying to use Boost::accumulators, but getting compilation error while initializing in the constructor. Please check the class details below. Environment: Mac OSX Yosemite G++ version: ...
user5232024's user avatar
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Using empty boost::accumulators

How to check an empty boost::accumulators acc or not? For example: if (acc.isEmpty())//I don't know what function here return 0; else return boost::accumulators::mean(acc). Because if it's ...
ekaterina's user avatar
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boost::accumulator: std::vector does not work with rolling_mean

I'm following some thread (this, this and this) in order to calculate the rolling mean using std::vector as sample. I've included headers of numeric::functional sublibrary in order to work with ...
Jepessen's user avatar
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boost::accumulator: which operators for sample_type?

I want to use a boost::accumulator for defining a moving average of my custom class: boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<MySample, boost::accumulators::stats<boost::accumulators::tag::...
Jepessen's user avatar
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Two boost::accumulators::accumulator_set interfere with each other

I have created a class Histogram in my code which is intended as a wrapper for boost::accumulators::accumulator_set from Boost 1.54. The things that seem important to my problem are those lines from ...
Martin Ueding's user avatar
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boost accumulator rolling count non zero

I am trying to use accumulators to find out statistics for a given activity per sec. Below are the two stats I would like to compute Number of times activity has been triggered Sum of the total ...
Shanky's user avatar
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Finding values over (µ + 3 sigma) with Boost::accumulators

here is my problem: I have a 2D matrix of doubles containing data. The data is gaussian and and i need to find out which datapoints are the extrem ones. As a first estimation, values > (µ + 3 sigma) ...
user2003965's user avatar
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rolling min and rolling max for C++ boost?

I have some code that uses a Boost accumulator to track a mean across a rolling window -- "rolling mean". In addition to the rolling mean, I would like to track the minimum and maximum across this ...
tony_tiger's user avatar
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What is the purpose of boost accumulator error_of<mean>?

The documentation of the error_of< mean > feature for boost accumulators states that it calculates the error of a mean value by the formula: sqrt(variance / (count - 1)), where the variance is ...
user2381588's user avatar
5 votes
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Can boost accumulators be used as class members

I'm trying to use a boost accumulator to calculate a rolling mean. When I declare the variable inline like this: #include <iostream> #include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp> #...
Zefira's user avatar
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How does the mean tag affect the boost variance accumulator?

Including the mean tag returns an incorrect variance. I have tried this with both weighted and straight variances with similar results. I have included my code below. Am I doing something wrong? ...
Colm's user avatar
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13 votes
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Summing two boost::accumulator_set instances

I have recently discovered the excellent library boost::accumulators, and I would like to use it to replace some of my code that accumulates statistics. One thing I cannot find in the documentation ...
killogre's user avatar
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Boost skewness c++ example

Any one have an example of using the boost skewness and weighted skewness accumulators? All I found was the source code, and any examples of using this would be great. any one know how to get these ...
pyCthon's user avatar
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Using Boost Accumulators with Eigen::Vector types

I am having some problems combining Eigen::VectorXd types with the Boost accumulator library: #include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Core> #include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>...
Freddie Witherden's user avatar
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Using empty Boost accumulators

I am curious, what average is obtained from this code snippet? The accumulator is intended to be empty. boost::accumulators::accumulator_set< int, boost::accumulators::features<boost::...
Dylan Klomparens's user avatar
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How do I use/access a user argument in a boost accumulator?

I have the gist of a custom accumulator. I want to know how to get an integer argument from the "argument pack", or if this is even possible: namespace boost { namespace accumulators { namespace impl ...
Matt Chambers's user avatar