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EmrResponseError: 505 HTTP Version Not Supported

I got the following error when I ran the python file from ec2 machine. Hadoop version: 2.4.0 ami version : 3.5.0 Boto Version : 2.32.0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ec2-user/...
Brisi's user avatar
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ElasticMapReduce streaming compressed output

I'm running streaming jobs, with python scripts for the map and reduce. The job flow I create with the boto library. I'm using gzip input files. How can I create gzip output files, though?
eran's user avatar
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Map Reduce multiple outputs in python boto

I am trying to partition an input file using AWS EMR. I use a streaming step to read from stdin. I want to split this file into 2 files based on the values of specific fields from each line of stdin ...
Zihs's user avatar
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What is wrong with my boto elastic mapreduce jar jobflow parameters?

I am using the boto library to create a job flow in Amazons Elastic MapReduce Webservice (EMR). The following code should create a step: step2 = JarStep(name='Find similiar items', jar='...
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