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WCF-Custom oracleDBBinding: ORA-22062: invalid input string [40,7] at Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleDecimal

I have a BizTalk 2016 server and in my solution, I'm sending a "40,7" string to insert in a Oracle Database through WCF-Custom oracleDBBinding. "40,7" is because the Host Instance user has the locale ...
felixmondelo's user avatar
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BizTalk send port returns ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

I have an application that inserts many rows into an Oracle database. The send port returns "ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation" The send port is "WCF-Custom" using OracleDbBinding ...
Jay's user avatar
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BizTalk WCF-Custom" raised an error ORA-29275: partial multibyte character

I have an interface which is a simple receiveport mapping sendport. The receiveport is the result of an add generated items query. The query just fetches some adres data from the database. This data ...
Andy's user avatar
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BizTalk ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I am having issue with the new TNS connection. I have added the below code in to the tnsnames.ora file. I can verify the connection using the SQL Oracle developer, it is perfect. c0xlxx = (...
trx's user avatar
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BizTalk Oracle WCF Adapter OS Authentication

I'm trying to get OS authentication setup for a WCF-Custom Oracle send port in BizTalk 2013 R2. I can connect to the Oracle db using OS Auth in SQL Developer (When logged in as my BizTalk service ...
Mike Crummel's user avatar
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Consuming Oracle advanced queues from BizTalk

I am in a situation where I need to consume messages from an Oracle AQ into my BizTalk server. A third party will en-queue the messages and the BizTalk server is supposed to de-queue and consume them. ...
Muhammad Salman's user avatar
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BizTalk Oracle WCF adapter insert or update

I'd like to fire a message with multiple rows at Oracle and let the adapter either insert or, if the key field value already exists, update. Does anyone know if it's possible to achieve this without ...
Rob Bowman's user avatar
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How to not loose data between polled data avaible and post poll statement in WCF custom oracle

note, not sure if the title is the best title We have a BizTalk receive port that collects data with the standard polled data avaible, polling statement and post poll statement. now we have the ...
Andy's user avatar
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BizTalk WCF Oracle Adapter: Sending DateTime values

I'm trying to use the WCF Oracle adapter to insert data in an Oracle table. The table has a DateTime field. I set the field's value in an orchestration, using a distinguished field, then send the ...
ckarras's user avatar
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How to call a Biztalk net.TCP service from Raw TCP request?

I have written a net.tcp based service in Biztalk 2006 R2 and it listens at a location, http://localhost:5060/WCFTcpService I need to call this service by using Raw TCP request. i.e. I don't want to ...
Burhan's user avatar
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WCF Oracle adaptor and UDT

Is there any way to work with Oracle UDT's with current WCF adaptor?
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