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Read Oracle AQ message from Java with RAW type

I was trying to read RAW type AQ message from java application. But I'm getting error. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.equalsIgnoreCase(String)" because "<...
NIDHEESH KRISHNA's user avatar
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Creating an array of SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE in PLSQL procedure

I want to be able to enqueue an array of SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE into a queue using the dbms_aq.enqueue_array. Can someone tell me how I can create the payload array which will be an array of AQ$...
Rajesh's user avatar
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Project doesn't get compiled with Java 17 after upgrading Oracle aqapi to aqapi-jakarta

Upgrade from Spring 5 to Spring 6 (Spring Boot v2 — v3) brings Jakarta EE 9+ with it. This makes to be incompatible because the ConnectionFactory class moved from ...
Ed Gomoliako's user avatar
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Any possibilities for asynchronous task execution on oracle database

I work with a piece of software (WMS) where Oracle PL/SQL packages are a huge part of the business logic. I would like to introduce a way to asynchronously do some calculations which are triggered by ...
Valsby's user avatar
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Event Based Oracle scheduler Job

I would like to create an event-based scheduled job. This job should stop whenever a scheduler generates an event of type JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR. I have written the following code, which currently only ...
Zurich's user avatar
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Oracle AdvancedQueuing: failing to broadcast (ORA-24033: no recipients for message, Python client)

I am referring to the following project on GitHub: poc-oracle-aq The code responsible for publishing messages is located in scripts/ def loop(connection, queue_high, queue_low, name): ...
Christophe's user avatar
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JMS template to publish and subscribe to Oracle AQ

I am trying to connect to Oracle AQ using JMS template to publish and subscribe. However, I am unable to get it working. I might be lacking basic understanding of connecting to Oracle AQ in general. ...
Average_programmer's user avatar
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Oracle AQ set message state to EXPIRED

Is is possible to set message state to DBMS_AQ.EXPIRED without reaching retry_count? From oracle documentation dbms_aq.message_properties_t.state: Specifies the state of the message at the time of ...
Simas.B's user avatar
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Message State of Oracle Advanced Queue not updating after Dequeue using

I am trying to Dequeue a Message from oracle AQ using ODP.NET by service Once the Service Dequeue the message , that record should not be available for other instances of services ,means it should ...
Sreenath Ganga's user avatar
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Dequeue Oracle AQ with ODP.NET With MSGID

I am trying to Dequeue a Message from oracle AQ using ODP.NET by service I have two conditions MessageID of the Of the Record in Queue table to be dequeued will be provided by the Service Once the ...
Sreenath Ganga's user avatar
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Oracle Advanced Queues - missing messages and best approach to debug

Env: Oracle 12c I currently have an Oracle Advanced Queue system setup as follows: NAME QUEUE_TABLE QID QUEUE_TYPE MAX_RETRIES RETRY_DELAY RETENTION --------------- ...
tonyf's user avatar
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Using Oracle Advanced Queues to monitor when a database table column is updated

Env: Oracle 12c I am new to Oracle Advanced Queues (AQ) and it looks like it's supposed to be the best approach to use instead of polling. Based on this, I want to utilise AQ to be used based on the ...
tonyf's user avatar
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Oracle AQ java implementation of enque/deque

I have been searching over the internet past few days for any running sample implementation of Oracle Adavanced Queue for enque/deque of messages, but haven't had any success. I was trying to follow ...
Samar's user avatar
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Cannot enqeue LOBs bigger than 2000 bytes as buffered message into Oracle AQ

I'm trying to enqueue a JMS-Bytes-Message (AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE) as buffered message into a Oracle AQ and reading it with Java JMS. To send messages, I'm using following PL/SQL code: declare ...
tafli's user avatar
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Oracle Advanced Queues versus a Small Oracle Database Table

I'm looking for a simple way to communicate between two databases, there currently exists a database link between both database. I want to process a job on database 1 for a batch of records (batch ...
Shaun Kinnair's user avatar
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Oracle Advance Queue Dequeue callback not working

I have 2 schemas: (A and B) In schema A i created advance queue and dequeue callback function. From schema A I granted schema B to execute enqueue procedure. When i enqueue data from schema A -> ...
Raivis Voitkuns's user avatar
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Dequeue the exception queue in ORACLE AQ

I am new to the Oracle AQ process and have a few questions about the exception queue. Here's my scenario: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release Create Table and Queue: BEGIN ...
B Red's user avatar
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Sorting an Queue based on Services Set (Service A, Service B, Service B,Service C )

i have a problem of sorting a Queue with aspect to service set , Queue contains elements types of 3 different Services (Service A, Service B, Service C), now i need to sort the Queue in the form of ...
Tahir Rehman's user avatar
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Error while moving weblogic JMS to Oracle Advanced Queuing

I'm trying to use Oracle Advanced Queuing instead of a running JMS implementation in weblogic. In theory I have everything configured as it should (as per documentation) in Weblogic but, when trying ...
epsilonmajorquezero's user avatar
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in Oracle, how can we dequeue data conditionally in dbms_aq.dequeue

Oracle DB is 11g. My question is related to Oracle APPS ERP. We are using dbms_aq.dequeue to dequeue Sales Orders. The problem is, all the Sales Orders Lines are dequeued. We want to put a condition ...
Shabuddin Shaikh's user avatar
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How to make Oracle execute callback procedure not by SYS but by the owner of the procedure

I'm new at Oracle Advanced Queueing. I have a process that enqueues, and a callback procedure that subscried and registred for items in that queue. All these objects where created in user schema. But ...
DiTer's user avatar
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The Message-Driven EJB unable to connect JMS Destination stating Error creating the db_connection

we have Oracle OSB 11g which is connecting to Oracle 12C DB in remote location or a different LAN. THE WebLogic EJBs connecting to Oracle AQs via JMS/JDBC and currently we are having issues with them....
Sanjib Behera's user avatar
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Oracle Advanced Queue behavior when database restarts

What will happen to the Oracle Queue if the database crashes and restarts? Do we have to manually restart the queue again? Will there be inconsistent transactions or is oracle database server ...
Isuru's user avatar
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Should dbms_aq.dequeue loop forever?

Here my first steps with Oracle Advanced Queueing... Szenario: I have a running application where many, many multiple independ processes report back to a central controller to handle the next steps. ...
evilive's user avatar
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Listen to Advanced Oracle Queue (AQ)

I'm checking Go ability to migrate an existing C++ application. One of the main task is to listen actively (no polling) an Advanced Oracle Queue. In Java and C++ there are existing libraries ...
Arnaud Opalvens's user avatar
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Oracle Advance Queue

I need to create xml payload and send that to oracle advance queue. I knew to create xmlpayload using pl/sql. but no idea about oracle AQ's. Could somebody please help me how to achieve this. how to ...
pratheeba's user avatar
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ORA-25226 Trying to dequeue from an exception queue

When I try to dequeue a message from exception queue I got the following error: ORA-25226: dequeue failed, queue string.string is not enabled for dequeue Queue is created, I have the exception queue ...
Eduardo Meneses's user avatar
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Can't DELETE message from Oracle Advanced exception Queue

I have an exception advanced queue with 3 messages, for example. If I try to dequeue them it works fine, but in my application, I need to delete some of them by MSGID. I tried it using SQL commands, ...
Eduardo Meneses's user avatar
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How to determine the status of an AQjmsDestination?

We are using JMS to process messages in a Java 1.8 SE environment, using an underlying Oracle (12) Advanced Queue. On can start a queue, specifying whether enqueueing and dequeuing are allowed using: ...
kc2001's user avatar
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Is it possible to dequeue from ANYDATA Synchronous Capture queue using JDBC?

What I'm trying to do is subscribe to all changes in Oracle table using Synchronous Capture, from Java process. ANYDATA queue is created with BEGIN DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.SET_UP_QUEUE( queue_table =...
alamar's user avatar
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How to use AQDequeueOption?

I've seen a small number of posts that included code that used AQDequeueOption while dequeueing from an Oracle Advanced Queue, and I've seen some scanty JavaDoc about it. I haven't seen any general ...
kc2001's user avatar
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Is our simultaneous completion of database and JMS processing smart or lucky?

We are using JMS to process messages in a Java 1.8 SE environment. The messages originate from an Oracle (12) Advanced Queue. We would like to read a message from a JMS queue, do some work based on ...
kc2001's user avatar
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Handling JMS transactions and redelivery with multi-threaded listeners

I am using JMS to process messages in a Java 1.8 SE environment. The messages originate from an Oracle Advanced Queue. Because it may take a while to process a message, I decided to have a pool of 5 ...
kc2001's user avatar
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How to publish a message to a topic on an Oracle AQ message queue from PL/SQL

I know I can publish messages to a given topic using a JMS TopicPublisher from java code to an Oracle AQ queue ( there is a load of doc and samples ) but I really need to also publish messages to a ...
Jan vd Klok's user avatar
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Distribute amount monthly with respect to start date and end date

I have table as Project_ID Start_Date End_Date BUDGET_Amount For example: I Need to Return with SQL 12 Row Each Row Represent the Month-Year between the Two Date and the Value of Budget = 1200 / ...
Mohamed Fouad's user avatar
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Oracle Advanced Queues - Dequeueing Commit/Rollback

We're attempting to use Oracle AQ to build a queueing system for our app in .NET 4.7. Basically, our problem is that we would like to wrap the dequeueing process in an upper level transaction ...
Mounir Dridi's user avatar
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Exception on creating a jms map message on the Oracle database

I'm trying to create and enqueue a JMS message of type map. But when doing so I receive the following error ORA-29516: Aurora assertion failure: Assertion failure at eox.c:359 Uncaught exception Root ...
Robin Hermans's user avatar
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Programmatically check if Oracle AQ Queue exists

We have a messaging system based on Oracle AQ - it works very well, enqueing and dequeing without any problems. Now we got a request to add some sanity checks before startup and during runtime, for ...
Scorpio's user avatar
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How to implement an Oracle AQ queue in Spring Boot?

I already found out how to create an Oracle database with AQ (Streams?) packages. I also created some queue's in Oracle (by hand). (Using PL/SQL and SQL). However, I'm having a hard time setting up a ...
codesmith's user avatar
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How to migrate Spring Boot JMS from ActiveMQ to Oracle Advanced Queueing

I'm studying the Spring Boot and JMS example and yes, I'm rather new on this Since we work with Oracle, I would like to migrate the Spring Boot & JMS example from ActiveMQ to Oracle Advanced ...
dhmc's user avatar
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How to use Oracle advanced to notify on XML changes

We have an Oracle 12c AQ with a UDT payload containing an XMLType attribute. Can we create a notifier that fires when the XMLType attribute matches some criteria? I have not seen any examples of ...
shindigo's user avatar
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Oracle Advanced QUEUE does not exist is other schema

I have the same problem that is described in this issue: Grant permission to queues to another schema in oracle. But given permissions to the other user doesn't work at all. My queue: DBMS_AQADM....
milheiros's user avatar
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Propagating message's through multiple queues

Is it possible to propagate messages through couple of queues? f.e. I have two databases remote and local, in remote i have one aq table AQ1, in local i have two aq tables AQ2 and AQ3. Is it possible ...
Simas.B's user avatar
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Is it possible to specify transformation in remote database upon propagation?

F.e. in one database i have payload type(varchar2, number). Upon propagation i added transformation, specifying that this payload needs to be transformed to sys.xmlType, because i have different ...
Simas.B's user avatar
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Setting Oracle AQ of type SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE from OCCI / C++

I have an application written in C++ that needs to populate a queue of type SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE. I am using OCCI, a C++ API to manipulate Oracle database and I have successfully populated queues ...
ZeroCool's user avatar
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Oracle Advanced Queuing - ORA-38818 - illegal reference to editioned object

Seems like need some help on this one. I'm trying to build some queue table based on an object type as per the below script; 0. ... GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO sch_utl / GRANT EXECUTE ON ...
RafalK's user avatar
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AQ propagation between databases with different NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS

Is it possible to propagate AQ messages between two databases which have different NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, i.e. LOCAL database have BYTE(nls_database_parameters view) and REMOTE database have CHAR(...
Simas.B's user avatar
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Oracle aq propagation, ORA-25215: user_data type and queue type do not match

I am working on AQ propagation from one database to another, however when i scheduled a propagation and enqueued first message to LOCAL AQ table i've got an error in DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES.LAST_ERROR_MSG,...
Simas.B's user avatar
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How to read Oracle OAQ queue from Camel

I am writing a Camel app that reads LCR's from an Oracle oaq ("ANYDATA") queue. We are not using Weblogic, and are running under Spring Boot. Right now I'm trying to create a minimal app that reads ...
hbhow's user avatar
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Kafka : Does Kafka provide support for application level state transition?

Suppose, I have one topic with 6 partitions and 2 consumers where P1, P2, P3 processed by C1 and P4, P5, P6 processed by C2. Let us say user data U1 always goes to P1, U2 to P2 and so on. So, C1 ...
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