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How to define application specific config file in Biztalk and consume it in specific application?

Could you please help to define a define application specific config file in Biztalk and consume it in specific application? (We are using Biztalk 2016) In my scenario we have 3 applications. Two are ...
Tech_dopamine's user avatar
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Edi File Header is not convert into XML Using BizTalk

I have create BizTalk project that convert EDI into XML. It will convert all the transaction segment into XML but the Header segment n (eg. ISA) is not convert into XML format. Here is configuration ...
Hardik's user avatar
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EDI FILE Convert into XML Using Biztalk

I have multiple EDI files and I try to convert those EDI files into XML using BizTalk. Here is my EDI file: ISA*00* *00* *16*SENDER1 *1B*RECEIVER1 *071216*1406*U*00204*...
Hardik's user avatar
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How to deployment dll manually in resource Biztalk Server 2016?

Can anyone help to deploy Biztalk application on Biztalk server 2016 manually. My code has one .csproj and one .btproj file. Application was already deployed via Visual studio 2015 by installing ...
Tech_dopamine's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2019 (Professional) is compatible with BizTalk Server 2016?

Could anyone please confirm if Visual Studio 2019 (Professional) is compatible with BizTalk Server 2016? Earlier we were using Visual studio 2015 and Biztalk 2016 Server (earlier works fine). But now ...
Tech_dopamine's user avatar
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How to map values in destination schema based on the value of one field in source schema Biztalk 2016

I have close to 40 fields in source schema and same in destination schema and I have one element called NewProviderInd in source schema. I want to map these fields only if the value of NewProviderInd ...
temp-user's user avatar
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Map empty string in destination schema Biztalk 2016 to JSON

Sometimes some elements in the source schema does not have any data and these elements appear in a self closing tag like <element/> And in the destination schema the mapped element is present ...
temp-user's user avatar
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Need to map a default value when the source field element node is missing

I have a source and destination schema both with a field element node called as Speciality. It is a simple one to one mapping with a scripting functiod in between to remove white spaces from the ...
temp-user's user avatar
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BizTalk Mapping: How to show a parent record once only if there are 1 or more child records. Otherwise, do not show parent record

I would like to show a parent record only if one or more child records have values. Otherwise, I do not want the parent record to show up in the output at all. If this is the input <...
armysgt97's user avatar
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BizTalk mapping inline XSLT

Input schema have field <Partycode Value="Agent" />. Based on the this node I need to generate one destination node. Destination is single schema. If partycode is Agent I want ...
bigB's user avatar
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BizTalk LDAP request to flatfile. How to do this in map?

I am using a LDAP request to fetch AD data according to the requirement. The result from the request is the xml document (in lack of a schema for the results. The message containing the result/XMLDoc ...
Emperor 2052's user avatar
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How to map list of attributes to column-based schema with condition in BizTalk?

I have two schema one is for input xml file and second is for database table. Please look below for source data of above schema: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?...
Vijay Mandanka's user avatar
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Is it possible to insert 50 000 record in single statement in BIzTalk Server?

I have 1 flat file it will contains more than 100k rows. I need to entry in table (Dynamic table based on data). so it is possible to insert data in batch wise in BizTalk? Here is my Biztalk Mapping. ...
Hardik's user avatar
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BizTalk - create log file for pipeline fault (There was a failure executing the receive pipeline)

Starting with this version, BizTalk can route fault messages, and that's pretty good. Let's say I'm receiving a badly-formatted positional txt file and a receive pipeline can't let the message get ...
Hardik's user avatar
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Need to remove white space between words in BizTalk 2016

I need to remove spaces between words in BizTalk 2016. The source schema will contain a string with spaces in words, but before mapping it to the destination schema I need to remove spaces in between ...
Harsh Shelar's user avatar
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Extension function parameters or return values which have Clr type 'XmlQualifiedName' are not supported trying to use FILE.ReceivedFileName

I am creating import application using BizTalk. I have created File schema and Database tables schema and map those schemas as below: Also, I want Filename into the table so I created scripting ...
Vijay Mandanka's user avatar
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How to use XSLT2.0 in BizTalk?

I'm trying to using XSLT 2.0 in BizTalk 2020. But I'm getting this below error. 'current-dateTime()' is an unknown XSLT function. How to get rid of this? Do I need Saxon Engine to use 2.0?
iamramanavenkat's user avatar
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BizTalk - Concatenation of repetitive node with output to json array

I have something like below as input xml. As you can see, the node MIF can come multiple times (one or two times). <Transactions> <Events> <Properties> <...
Emperor 2052's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mapping xml string to any type as xml element in BizTalk map

I have a BizTalk map that look like this: The string concat look like this: when I test this map I get this output: output what I need is this output: enter image description here Can anyone tell me ...
Bala's user avatar
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code to get DATE in which output should be generated with the DATE which is exactly 2 days later [duplicate]

if user sends a current date(24-09-2021) as input , but when generating the output the date should that we should get will be 2 days later. which is 26-09-2021. Kindly help how to code in Xslt.
sameena's user avatar
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Biztalk/XSLT - map belonging segments without any correlating

I have the following xml (HL7) message. `<OBR>One</OBR>` `<ZCT>Two</ZCT>` `<OBR>Three</OBR>` `<ZCT>Four</ZCT>` I need to map these to another XML like ...
navi's user avatar
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BizTalk XSLT Map - Execution of scripts was prohibited

I'm programming with BizTalk Server 2020 (Visual Studio 2019). I have this xsl code (simplified), that is in an external xsl file of a btm map: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16&...
lorenzo's user avatar
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Passing parameters to BizTalk xslt map

Is it possible to pass some parameters to xslt map? Let's say I have the usual btm and xslt maps and going to use it with usual receive/send ports. And I want my xslt map to depend on some external ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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Copy-of to copy root and all children to an xml database column

In BizTalk, I'm trying an XSLT with the pattern below. I have calling a SQL stored procedure, and there are some fields before and after the XML column, but the XML column needs to contain the entire ...
NealWalters's user avatar
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Biztalk mapping: sequence of maps at one receive port

I'm stuck with the question: is it possible to assign sequence of maps to one receive port? I understand that I can assign a lot of receive locations and inbound maps to one port and BizTalk will ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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Map Flatfile schema with repeating nodes input to one XML schema with repeating nodes output BizTalk

I'm trying to map a Flat file schema with multiple lines to an XML file with same multiple lines. Input file example: Username,"Certification ID","Certification Name","Date ...
Davon's user avatar
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BizTalk core format: redundant but all according to standard or "keep it simply stupid"?

I'm quite new in BizTalk mapping and my question now is: Let's say that I need to receive UBL document, convert it to my Biztalk Core and send out same UBL. Of course I can perform 1:1 UBL->UBL ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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How to map a 4 loops schema to a 3 loops schema in Biztalk

Now I have a source schema which having 3 loops, "OrderHeader", "OrderLine" and "OrderSchedule", like the following picture. Source schema Now I want to map it to the ...
Jack Chang's user avatar
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BizTalk mapping: how to extract single row from looping but, possibly, to extend it to few destination fields?

I have the following issue. In BizTalk core (XML) I have a tag which may be replicated few times. It's cardinality is n, let's say - in theory 0 ≤ n ≤ 99. Let's call it Note[n]. In outgoing file (it's ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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BizTalk mapping: how to extract single row from looping

I have the following issue. In BizTalk core (XML) I have a tag which may be replicated few times. It's cardinality is n, let's say - in theory 0 ≤ n ≤ 99. Let's call it Note[n]. In outgoing file (it's ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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Is there a way to set value template in BizTalk schema/mapping?

I have the following problem. In BizTalk mapper I'm converting BizTalk core (XML) into flat file. One of fields in this flat file must contain 13 chars in special format - if incoming value is less ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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XSLT muenchian grouping by value in child node

I'm trying to convert an sap iDoc to another xml file with a BizTalk map written in xslt. The problem is I need to group nodes based on a value that we can find in a specific subnode. Muenchian ...
Gosfly's user avatar
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Set default value for a segment

I have for example 3 lines for DTM (EDIFACT schema) segment: DTM+2:20200619:102' DTM+137:20200617:102' DTM+11:20200619:102 If the first value is not 361 I have to set a default value but in the ...
Anca Muresan's user avatar
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Inline XSLT 1.0 Count on Repeating Record BizTalk Map

I have a problem in writing a Inline XSLT 1.0 in my BizTalk Project , I am trying to get the count for a field Status if its equal to INactive , below is the Input xml , Expected xml and XSLT what i ...
sukra's user avatar
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Mapping multiple source structures to a single looping destination structure in BizTalk

I am trying to map parts of the following source structure that has two sets of properties - one flat and one looped: Source Document <root> <flat> <prop1>foo</prop1> ...
Jens Ehrich's user avatar
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How to map a delimited string to a loop in BizTalk 2013 R2?

I need to map an incoming EDI document which contains some data in an unusual format. I would like to convert some concatenated data back to the original key-value pairs in the destination document. ...
Jens Ehrich's user avatar
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Concatenating values from the repeating nodes under repeating nodes in BizTalk Maps

I have something like this in an input XML <Root> <OrderText> <item>item1</item> <item>item2</item> </OrderText> <OrderText> <item&...
Gaurav Rawat's user avatar
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How to generate XSLT from BTM within pipeline?

We have some BizTalk-style maps - BTM files. In order to generate XSLT from a BTM, we can simply do this in visual studio: How do we perform this same functionality within the Azure DevOps release ...
Alex Gordon's user avatar
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MSBuild error using Microsoft Azure Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Tools

I have a solution set up consisting of multiple BizTalk btproj projects. I also have the Microsoft Azure Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Tools for Visual Studio 2015 2.0 installed. When I build ...
RizJa's user avatar
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BizTalk Mapping Fields to a Sequence

I am getting my hands on BizTalk and VS. My input schema looks something similar to this. <root> <order> <orderid> <orderdate> ... ... and the output schema ...
sabkaraja's user avatar
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Is it possible to use multiple Table Looping Functoids in a BizTalk 2016 Mapping?

Is it possible to use multiple Table Looping Functoids in a BizTalk 2016 Mapping? I trying to build a Mapping in BizTalk 2016. In my source schema I have multiple records with multiple elements. What ...
Ne0n's user avatar
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How to Concatenate multiple repetitive nodes into a single node - BizTalk

I have something like this in an input XML <OrderText> <text_type>0012</text_type> <text_content>Text1</text_content> </OrderText> <OrderText> ...
Gaurav Rawat's user avatar
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JSON encoder generating JSON message adding empty quotes characters in BizTalk 2016

My XML message <ns0:rootNode xmlns:ns0="http://project.Schemas.rootNode"> <bitmap></bitmap> </ns0:rootNode> after json encoder converting, below is the { "bitmap":...
FullStack-.NetMVC-BizMule-Dev's user avatar
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How to fix 'The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' error in BizTalk Test map?

I'm working on a BizTalk orchestrations with a map which contains an XSLT script. When I launch the orchestration I got this error Error encountered while executing the transform. Error: Unable to ...
Davon's user avatar
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Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Guid' in BizTalk map

I have an SQL stored procedure to insert data in database that take two parameter where the first is an int and the second is an UniqueIdentifier. I have consumed the SQL schemas in my BizTalk ...
Balatharan's user avatar
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How to map only my include list but not on my exclude list in BizTalk Mapping? But they share the same first input?

I would like to block certain message to not go through via mapping & scriptoid. But I would also like to only let in certain messages. For instance, I would like to block someone with a First ...
123testing123's user avatar
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Biztalk mapping looping

I have an input message with three segments like this <DDT> <NumeroDDT>PS-1713445</NumeroDDT> <Date>2017-10-19</Date> <NumeroLinea>2</NumeroLinea> </...
Rolf's user avatar
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How to map from same source node to different destination elements based on qualifiers using BizTalk functoids

I need to map: when C51601 =64 map C51602 to FreightCost when C51601 = 9 map C51602 to InvoiceTotalAmount. But only FreightCost or InvoiceTotalAmount is getting mapped. I want both FreightCost ...
Manu's user avatar
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Add additional node to destination based on source existence

Is there any way to add an additional node to destination based on source field existence using normal BizTalk functoids or xslt should be used? For example : If source field exists then add new ...
Manu's user avatar
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BizTalk Mapping -- Translate only for specific Ship To

I need to convert an input XML into EDI 850, only for a particular ship From ( SHIPPINGWAREHOUSEID or SHIPPINGSITEID ) . Please let me know how we can achieve this. Attached the input XML . enter ...
Selvaraj Munusamy's user avatar