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BizTalk Flat File Schema with optional last child record

I am trying to create a delimited flat file schema that takes care of the following file format: "ID","Surname","FirstName"{CR}{LF} "FINAL","123",&...
A94's user avatar
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BizTalk Mapping Fields to a Sequence

I am getting my hands on BizTalk and VS. My input schema looks something similar to this. <root> <order> <orderid> <orderdate> ... ... and the output schema ...
sabkaraja's user avatar
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Extended elements in a schema (using xs:redefine) have the wrong namespace when imported into a third schema

Here is the scenario. I am in the process of implementing an ESB using BizTalk, I have a schema that I am using as a Process Header for messages going through BizTalk. The header schema is imported ...
Rob B's user avatar
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the service instance will remain suspended until administratively resumed or terminated following error exception type initializer

I am getting the above error, exception type initializer. Could please give what type of take an action to resolved this issue. I got following error when am trying to drop a file in receive location ...
Naidu's user avatar
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BizTalk Design patterns

I am very new to BizTalk. I have been asked to create a application in BizTalk. I am facing some design level challenges. Following are some of them: Best approach in creating a project How to crate ...
Biswabid's user avatar
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Visual Studio Redeploy feature for BizTalk solution does not work

My BizTalk solution has 10 BizTalk projects that are referenced between each other. In each project's properties I have set redeploy feature to 'true' (it's by default). But when I try to redeploy ...
valsador's user avatar
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Will/Does Visual Studio 2013 support BizTalk 2013 projects?

In my limited experience with BizTalk it seems that BizTalk projects and Visual Studio version are somewhat locked to each other. For example, you can't open a BizTalk 2010 project in Visual Studio ...
Bensonius's user avatar
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Error saving map. Stored procedure returned non-zero result

When manually deploying a simple application from Visual Studio 2012 to BizTalk Server 2013 (i.e. right-click -> deploy) I receive the error: Error 63 Failed to deploy map "<fully qualified ...
John Ginn's user avatar