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How can I locate the source file for a React modal in BigBlueButton for external video sharing?

I'm working on a development environment for BigBlueButton (BBB) and need to modify a modal that allows users to share external videos (from sources like YouTube or Vimeo) in a BBB meeting. Here’s ...
agustrodmar's user avatar
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get error after finish bigbluebutton installation

I Installed Bigbluebutton on Ubuntu 20.4 Server, After Finish installation when I checked the domain get this error : 500 Internal Server Error If you are the administrator of this website, then ...
Ali Majidi's user avatar
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How do I change the BigBlueButton Favicon on a Greenlight v3 build?

So we have a standard BigBlueButton/GreenlightDocker container. And I'm customising the title, description, logos ... for my company. But I can'...
Markus's user avatar
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Creating batch classes on BigBlueButton using greenlight V3

I've been using greenlight v2 until very recently, and since I'm dealing with large number of classes every semester I came up with this code to create batch classes in greenlight using Ruby on rails: ...
Kian Ashoory's user avatar
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BigBlueButton hidden public_chat for meeting layout

How I can hidden public_chat from meeting layout? I am try solve that by using this steps: commend: sudo bbb-conf --setuserdata userdata-bbb_show_public_chat_on_login=false And I open this file /usr/...
malik kat's user avatar
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Integrating BigBlueButton Webhook: Troubleshooting IncompleteRead

I'm trying to integrate a webhook with BigBlueButton (BBB) after successfully creating a meeting via the BBB API. However, when attempting to register the webhook, I encounter an IncompleteRead(0 ...
Deeksha Agrawal's user avatar
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How to customize theme in BigBlueButton for Login, Register and HomePage

I'm using BigBlueButton on Ubuntu 22.04 and I want to customize the theme used for Login, Register, and Homepage (I will add a new interface). Editing the existing template would be sufficient for me. ...
emrtnm's user avatar
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2 answers

BigBlueButton/Greenlight: 502 Bad Gateway Error

I have running Bugbluebutton with Greenlight in my private VPS. By the installation everything worked perfectly with no errors while the installation. After an Update I get permamently the Error Code ...
Technofox's user avatar
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Remote video rendering is only depend on SDP answer?

I am creating meeting app using Flutter(flutter_webrtc). The local and remote video is stream and display in Android, Web and Windows. In iOS and macOS the remote video is not stream and display. Here ...
Mac Wyane's user avatar
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BigBlueButton HTML5 client shows error in iFrame

I want to show BBB HTML5 client inside of my page. As far as I know, the only way, how to do this, is using iframe. Following this guide - - I declare iframe ...
user3523426's user avatar
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How to remove Below Highlighted Box

I have self managed BBB(2.7) with greenlight(v3) server. I have changed text to null for in box by changing bigbluebutton configuration? But I want to Remove that highlighted box. [reference image](...
Kaushal Patel's user avatar
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Bigbluebutton cant record notes at pdf presentation

I installed a bigbluebutton server in version 2.7 and was able to both broadcast and record it. However, during the recording, it was not possible to see the notes made in the presentation pdf. Is it ...
David Dutra's user avatar
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WebCam present problem in recorded video in BigBlueButton

I need assistance in integrating BBB into my LMS system. I configured the layout to build the recorded video as follows when the screen and webCam (1) are shared at the same time during the recording ...
RedGhost's user avatar
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BigBlueButton Api - Uncaught TypeError: stream_get_meta_data(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given

I was trying to connect my website with my BBB Server over the PHP Api. I checked the secret and the url with and it works. But when i run the code on my Server I ...
Technofox's user avatar
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bigblue button join API generating link not working

Post: localhost:3000/bx_block_classes/meetings/join Body: { "meeting_id": "class-4-gg-135",#generated by create API "first_name": "Student", "...
Sid's user avatar
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Problem with the meeting createtime for the BBB plugin

Each time someone join a meeting the program go through a condition which test if the meeting has a create date "createtime". So each time a request is send to create a new record. But I don'...
davidCnam's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to run BigBlueButton with custom ssl certificate due to invalid configuration of nginx

I am trying to install BigBlueButton on my home server running under Ubuntu 20.04 with the following command: $ sudo ./ -w -v focal-270 -s I have ...
ezze's user avatar
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BBB Recording is not showing in my Moodle Site

I have a problem. My problem is related bigbluebutton. When I start recording a lesson, the lesson is recorded, but it is not uploaded to the system. For example; enter image description here I'm ...
kardelen kamsız's user avatar
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Recorded Big Blue Button video sessions coming out not showing the document presented

I have installed Moodle 4.0 and it came with BBB plugin pre-installed freely hosted by Blindside networks. When I do live session on Big Blue Button I record and when I view recordings it does not ...
Lesy Reeds's user avatar
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How to give Permission to Moodle 4.0 to view BBB recorded sessions [closed]

**Hi, I recently installed Moodle 4.0 on my Ubuntu server 20.04 and It came with Big Blue Button Plugin integrated offered by Blindside Networks. The BBB works perfectly fine and records. The problem ...
Lesy Reeds's user avatar
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Greenlight V3 Get Bigbluebutton MeetingId

I am try to edit Greenlight V3 I want to get the MeetingId(BigBlueButton MeetingId) instead of the FriendlyId I try to edit RoomCard.jsx bu I can not receive Meeting_id in this jsx. When user copy the ...
zetros's user avatar
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(FreeSWITCH) [ERR] mod_event_socket.c:2992 Socket Error! Could not listen on

I'm getting following error in freeswitch.log file while connecting microphone in BigBlueButton 2.4.9 meeting. [ERR] mod_event_socket.c:2992 Socket Error! Could not listen on I'm not ...
Raj's user avatar
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FreeSWITCH may not be responding to requests on port 8021

I'm getting below error while restarting the BigBlueButton server: Starting BigBlueButton Job for freeswitch.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl ...
Raj's user avatar
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How to install the latest version of BigBlueButton (2.5)?

I'm trying to figure out how to install bigbluebutton in a private network. Is it possible to install bigbluebutton 2.5 using openssl instead of letsencrypt certbot?
AthmaneDZ's user avatar
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bigbluebutton Unauthorized Session not found. 401

hello I am trying to use bigbluebutton I installed it and I am trying to join a meeting but I get the error Unauthorized Session not found. 401 I am not using any code yet just API <response> &...
Ezaldeen Ezaldeen's user avatar
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Integrate BigBlueButton for video conference in Angular App

I am working on an elearning Angular app and I want to integrate a video call using Big Blue Button. Is there any one who can help me with that?
asma_khoualdia's user avatar
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Unauthorized Session, not found, is the BigBlueButton frontend is server from localhost

the following architecture is working Working Use Case: FrontEnd: React ( Server: Node.js ( BBB Server ( Note: The BBB is loaded in an iframe in ...
Tomonso Ejang's user avatar
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3 answers

install and setup 2.4 or 2.3 Bigbluebutton without Docker

i have tried to install BigBlueButton many times and i failed each time, most of my problems comes from mongodb,docker and anything that blocked access from ip of my country ( iran ) i have found ...
MeowMeowKhan's user avatar
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How to open bigbluebutton development environment running locally on linux in android phone browser

I have installed bigbluebutton development environment on my Linux and it is running locally, now i want to open the local app on my phone (android) so that i can detect the type of phone etc. Does ...
Syed Saad Ullah Shah's user avatar
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How can we see the BigBlueButton's meeting's attendees joined date and time from BBB's API web service?

I could not find any answer to my question in the document below. Maybe an experienced developer can find an alternative way or already know ...
Masoud's user avatar
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System.InvalidOperationException error reason?

I am using BigBlueButtonAPI.NET Package in .Net6. in my appsetting I declared these variables: "BigBlueButtonAPISettings": { "ServerAPIUrl": "
Masoud's user avatar
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BigBlueButton fails to upload presentation

I'm using BBB version 1:2.2.0-5 on Ubuntu version 16.04, and from one day to another it suddenly fails to upload a presentation. I already tried doing sudo bbb-conf --restart but nothing. I also tried ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Bigbluebutton - Default Presentation/Uploaded Presentation not working

I'm using BBB version 2.2.15 on Ubuntu 16.04. I'm facing issue with default presentation is not working. I have default.pdf in /var/www/bigbluebutton-default/default.pdf as well. I could also see PDF ...
Satish Ravipati's user avatar
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How can I save recordings and change appearance in bigbluebutton in wordpress

I use bigbluebutton on a separate server and my website on another. So I used bigbluebutton plugin for wordpress and connected the bigbluebutton and my website together. I have 2 problems. There is ...
Jack Forest's user avatar
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Bigbluebutton - Invalid BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret

My BBB secret is valid and is the same for Greenlight .env file. All of a sudden, I got the error Server Error - Invalid BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret and when I run: docker run --rm --env-file ....
tuxbud's user avatar
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Skip echo test in big blue button BBB

I wanted to unmute mic or skip echo test on create or join meeting. I have tried several way and made changes in the settings.yml file and passed parameter bbb_skip_check_audio = true in create ...
PramodA's user avatar
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Bigblue-Greenlight Docker Rebuild is not reflecting changes added to files in app

Let say i have in my bigblue-greenlight installation following files: drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 May 6 19:04 . drwx------ 10 root root 4096 May 6 18:47 .. drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 May 6 17:45 ...
Manifest Man's user avatar
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Integrate BigBlueButton in Django

i installed BigBlueButton in my Django project and i create a meeting using the admin page. That's the meeting model showed in admin page. Meeting Name Created at Is running Actions Metting 2 Aug. ...
Gritli Nadjat's user avatar
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How i can integrate BigBlueButton into my Django website

I'm trying to use an API called BigBLueButton in my website, and after a little researches, i figured how to install it in my project using the command pip install django-bigbluebutton. I add it to my ...
Gritli Nadjat's user avatar
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Pre-upload Slides in bigbluebutton

how can I Pre-upload Slides with bigbluebutton-js npm package? let meetingCreateUrl = await api.administration.create(roomName, roomId, { attendeePW: attendeepassword, moderatorPW: ...
mohsen rahnavardi's user avatar
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Build BigBlueButton from dockerfile

I want to build BigBlueButton system from the Dockerfiles. I have tried some times with exist Dockerfiles in source code, but it have not succeeded. I found many BigBlueButton components in source ...
ThanhLam112358's user avatar
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BigBlueButton internal audio controls

I am trying to integrate BBB with existing ui elements. I could find the basic api list on the website but am unable to find other internal requests, like how does the mute/unmute functionality works ...
Aditya Acharya's user avatar
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Disable end meeting option in BigBlueButton

I have searched for a day almost and couldn't find anything helpful from both the official BBB docs and google. I have some recurring calendar events setup and I am using bigbluebutton for the video ...
Aravind Reddy's user avatar
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Return Value from XML Response

I am using 'bigbluebutton_api_python' and it returns response like: {'xml': XMLDictNode(xml_attrs=OrderedDict(), value=OrderedDict([('returncode', XMLCDATANode(xml_attrs=OrderedDict(), value='SUCCESS')...
Samer Adnan's user avatar
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BigBlueButton 2-3-dev html5client showing “404 not found”

I'm having the same issue after upgrading to 2.3 on Ubuntu 18. Everything loads, bbb-conf --status all active, no errors on bbb but I keep getting the "404 Not found" error when trying to ...
Mr Foxx's user avatar
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How to create a BigBlueButton user from another app (straight to Redis?)

We're building an e-school where we want to create a BigBlueButton user with different rights depending on if a student or teacher signs up. Can't find an API call nor webhook to create a user so ...
Kaspar L. Palgi's user avatar
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Used object tag in Angular but not found camera

I am trying to display Angular website inside another website using object tag.I used bigbluebutton in object tag.I need to use camera on website in the object tag but camera not found.Bigbluebuttom ...
Adnan Cindioglu's user avatar
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BigBlueButton Checksum Bypass?

There this VC site which uses the BBB Api and sends over variables and checksum to BBB to join a conversation. I wanted to know how I could change the fullName property without alerting the checksum. ...
Kazabite Boltiz's user avatar
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Big Blue Button HTML5Client not showing all features

I have a brand new BBB server and doing some tests right now. My call for a user to join a meeting is like this:
Billy Billy's user avatar
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BigBlueButton 2-3-dev html5client showing "404 not found" nginx error

Lately I have installed bbb 2.3 on my Ubuntu 18.04 VPN server. After a few road-bumps it installed and bbb-conf --status shows no error/warning. <pre> root@mydomain:~# bbb-conf --status default ...
Asif Aziz's user avatar