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Ron file not detected by browser

I am trying to compile foxtrot app( with my modifications) to WASM. I have found most of the problems with Vulkan, OpenGl and WPU. Now I have another one. It seems that the browser doesn't see ron ...
Wiktor Kujawa's user avatar
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2 answers

Request data from webserver at runtime Rust/Bevy/Wasm

I have a small game on my website and im trying to implement a leaderboard. For this to work, I need to fetch the high scores to compare the current score to and then post back the updated list when I’...
shakesbeare's user avatar
0 votes
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Error running a Bevy game in browser: "WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #0 module="wbindgen_placeholder" error: module is not an object or function"

I am trying to run a game I built with Bevy and Rust in the browser. Bevy started supporting WebGL2 from version 0.11.0, and I am using this version. I have compiled my Rust code to WebAssembly using ...
jjreedv's user avatar
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2 votes
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Render WASM Graphics to Custom HTML Canvas

I have setup a WASM project using Rust and a game engine called Bevy to create graphics within a Svelte app. However, when I run the init() function generated by wasm-pack, it creates a canvas element ...
szammyboi's user avatar
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Is there a way to configure "exit_on_all_closed" for browser tabs?

I'm currently working on understanding building Rust apps using Bevy in WebAssembly. Under normal circumstances, the exit_all_on_closed variable in the following code allows for the app to close when ...
tangoti84's user avatar