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ApplicationBar click/tap event don't update input text/pasword boxes

Facts : phone:PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar don't change the focused element. TextBox/PasswordBox is changeing its binded content when losing focus So if a user is writing something in a ...
Wojciech Sobczyk's user avatar
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Windows phone disable application bar button

So, what is my problem ? I have a popup, and when i open it, i want to disable current page in my windows phone applications. so i make this this.IsEnabled = false; But my ApplicationBar is still ...
Swift Sharp's user avatar
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Add input box (e.g. AutoCompleteBox) to Application Bar

How can I add controls like the AutoCompleteBox from Silverlight Toolkit to the Application Bar? I would like to create an Application Bar similar to the one in Internet Explorer app.
qqilihq's user avatar
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Failed to assign to property when adding new ApplicationBarMenuItem icon

I've added a new ApplicationBarMenu button with icon to a page in my wp7 project. when trying to run the page i get : Failed to assign to property 'Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarIconButton....
Michael's user avatar
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How do I link/navigate a application bar icon to a new WP page?

Hello Stack Overflow community, I'm in the process of learning WP7 development, I'm struggling with one thing. How can I link an application bar icon to a new WP7 page in the same solution. I know ...
AlexPjanic's user avatar
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WP7 How to change the ellipses color in the application bar?

I have an app bar with custom colors to match the page color of our application. I have managed to get the images and app bar itself to the colors I want, but not the ellipses at the top right. I have ...
CACuzcatlan's user avatar
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