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Call All User API with angular

I have problem calling API to HTML. The log is show up but the data is not show up on the html. How to call this type API properly? I'm using fuse Angular for the layout and data stuff This is the ...
Jansen Su's user avatar
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Observable data on Angular not displaying

I'm trying to pass the data of an Observable retrieved by API request to a component variable in order to display it but I just can't make it work. Please help, here is my code. Regards, TypeScript ...
p3terson's user avatar
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2 answers

Send Angular API GET request value to a variable

I am trying to display the data of an object on Angular like so {{myCharactere && myCharactere.statistics && myCharactere.statistics[stat.key] || ''}}. The object is issue from an API ...
zeeterson7's user avatar
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1 answer

The link carrying data from api call with subscribe is binding only after refreshing the URL

I have created in Angular with component,a url link which takes data from api from backend with subscribe method. When I use the url in browser it should be bind (display) the data in the browser ...
vishnu praba's user avatar
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I have an error saying 'Property 'strCategory' does not exist on type 'never'. i don't inderstand

I have an error saying 'Property 'strCategory' does not exist on type 'never'. i don't inderstand
Cyrine ch's user avatar
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sending data to api with all data from form using angular

I am new so don't mistake me if i asked small questions or wrong questions <form > <label for="fname">First name:</label> <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><...
jonsnow69's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Don't print employee who id start with special characters

My api in c# send all the employees informations from the database to my web app (angular). I want to don't print in (angular) the employees whose id begins with '#'. Employee = Collaborateur Here is ...
Kylian19's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Unable to show blob url in "pdf-viewer" => "ng2-pdf-viewer" in Angular 10

I have an API which is returning uploaded file as blob. When I try to bind src with blob URL then it does not show anything, however, when I try to bind direct URL then it can show PDF file. Here is ...
ILYSNA2021's user avatar
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Angular12 get API making table data not showing

So I'm trying to make a table that use ngFor for every data in the API. I tried a tutorial in Youtube video and it is working fine. Now I'm trying it with the API given to me, but the problem is the ...
Dragonarc's user avatar
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1 answer

How to setup multiple components in angular including login?

I am working on an Angular project and stuck on this bug for a very long time. Not able to find anything on the web and couldn't find any solution to it by myself. Description : I have an HTML ...
Abhey Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

HighCharts Angular - data from API not showing in chart

I am trying to show the data from the bgpie API in my chart. The data property of the chart accepts this format: chartOptions: Options = { ... series: [{ ... data: [[1,...
Rodolfo's user avatar
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Angular - How to put one single object<T> in a BehaviorSubject<T[]>

I have a data table populated by a BehaviorSubject<Sequence[]>, here's how it works: //sequencesService findSequences(pageIndex: number, pageSize: number, rrc: string, datiForm: FormComponent): ...
Rodolfo's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular: Display file names of uploaded files in HTML

I have created an application that submits a post request to upload files into an API. Service file: onFileSelected(event){ this.selectedFile = <File>[0]; } onUpload() { ...
Andrew Ozeki's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamically add script tag and execute $(document).ready, without using iframe or document.write

I have a string which comes from api response. Now i want to integrate this script and style tag in my application and execute script. const styleScriptText = '<style type="text/css">...
Vicky Kumar's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Type 'FormGroup | null' is not assignable to type 'FormGroup'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'FormGroup'. Angular 11

I am new to Angular, I use version 11. And I have a problem with the formGroup attribute in my html file. Error : 'FormGroup | null' is not assignable to type 'FormGroup'. Type 'null' is not ...
MAIGA Mohamed's user avatar
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1 answer

Having Issues Rendering api data in Material Angular Table

Good Afternoon, I am trying to render the api data in a material table, but I am having issues connecting my NasaApiService to the dataSource array. As of right now I am getting a "Type '...
augdog97's user avatar
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Get specific data from API (angular)

Intro I am trying to connect my website to GitHub API to get the most starred repos for the past 30 days, it then sends a response of a json file containing 100 repos, this part is okay in my ...
yousif fayed's user avatar
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1 answer

I can use an interface in the html component but not in the typescript

I'm using the Google Books Api in Angular. For that reason I created the following interface export interface DateBooks { kind:string, totalItems:number, items:Book[] } export ...
Listopia 's user avatar
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How do I fetch my config API on my admin website to be use in my Signin Page?

I have my own config that I set up on my admin website, so every change that I made there, will be reflected on my website. I'm referring to API, but I don't want to hardcode the base URL, I want to ...
hycarlDev_'s user avatar
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2 answers

Make condition with *ngFor

I've got a connexion to an API media. Sometimes, some of objects are empty and i don't know how to exclude them. html <div class="container-fluid" style="background-color: #212529; ...
jumn7's user avatar
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Can't render data from api call from one component to another in Angular 8

I am new to Angular and I am facing issue in rendering data in UI from an api call. I want to show the data received as response in the parent and show it in a component called webex-uptime-chart. The ...
pranami's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying Image from JSON in HTML Angular

sorry for the noob question. I created an http request and retrieved some pokemon data and put it in an object called pokemon, like so: export class AppComponent implements OnInit{ title = 'Pokedex';...
Andrew Ozeki's user avatar
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1 answer

Calling data from api and not display on fronted table but Its on the console in angular

Data fetched from API is not getting displayed on the screen but I am getting the data in the console. Here is the .ts file. export class VisibilityComponent implements OnInit { check = ...
user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to show backend response in drop down

Currently I'm hardcoding my drop down list options since the backend is not ready and I did it like this <mat-option *ngFor="let notificationType of notificationTypes" [value]="...
user avatar
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3 answers

Angular unable to display API results in html

In Angular, why am I unable to display the results from an API call? The JSON returned from the API call. I want to display the value attribute. { "data": [ { "type": &...
t13878's user avatar
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2 answers

How to render backend data in Angular

I have backend data displaying but I'm trying to render the data using expansion panel but not sure how to do so I would be really appreciated If I can get any recommendation or help. TS ...
user avatar
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1 answer

I want to send my form data to an api in angular9 .I have written api using

I want to send my form data to web api when user clicks the submit button.I saw some demos and I tried this code.I just know basics.someone help me to do this and also If possible please say how to do ...
DIMPLE PANDA's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove data and change flag on button click Angular 8

I have a button on whose click get API is being called. I have a condition that if (res) { this.array = res; this.flag = true; } i.e. if I have a response it will store it into an array. In HTML I ...
Bitly's user avatar
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1 answer

Saving and displaying "nested" JSON data from API

I have the following format of JSON data fetched from an API and stored in IntentList { "id": 22, "name": "IntentName", "fk_app": 3, ...
Johnny Am's user avatar
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3 answers

Length operator on array of objects inside object

I have a response from API res it has type: {"plan":[{"name":"ABC"},{"name":"DEF"}]}. I am trying to store the res in my typescript as below: this....
user avatar
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How to call the API with dynamic url parameters based on number of id's using angular

I have the API from the backend and I need to call the API with id's changing dynamically. ex API: http://13.567.544/api/meters/start?id=m1 (for id 'm1') and for m2 http://13.567.544/api/meters/start?...
Bhargavi V's user avatar
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how to print only error message in Angular

I'm trying to find out a way to print only the "message" part from my api call error but not sure how to get only that part so I would be really appreciated if I can get any suggestion or ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Data from mockAPI not showing correctly in Angular 8 UI

I have a mockAPI and it is fetching the data correctly. The json response is complicated and is of type: [ { "planList": [ { "memberCost": { "...
user avatar
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Angular : Unable to upload file on web API using FormData

When I step through the code my formData is Empty and when it hits the API side the paramter pFileToUpload has a value of null Step 1: HTML <div class="form-group"> <input type=&...
BuR's user avatar
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Trouble while fetching data from API in Angular

I am trying to get data from an API, when I console.log() it , I am getting the data in console, but when I try to get it in my table , I am getting following error: ERROR Error: Error trying to diff '...
Rupam 's user avatar
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1 answer

fetching and displaying the backend json in an Angular/Ionic project

Iam working in an ionic project with angualar framework, where my requirement is to get the backend json data through an api call and read the JSON data in an HTML page. Below is the code i tried ...
Shaik's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple APIs are called with (change) in angular

On selecting any date and hitting enter an API call should be made. And there's a x icon in the input on clicking it, it should call the API with date 01/01/12 Also this has feature like if you type 2/...
Naman Jain's user avatar
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How can i access nested raw data services call json API data in angular

I made a project to pull data from web service API. But the web service has nested arrays that needs to be displayed too, how can i access the data from nested JSON arrays?, what is the right way to ...
Pushpendra Tripathi's user avatar
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I want to add a form to my Angular 8 app that takes a zip code and uses it to format a URL, which is used for an API call

An issue has been that when I click submit, the page reloads without using the zip code to format the URL. Basically, I want to take the zip code in the form, format a URL, make an API call on that ...
lifelonglearner's user avatar
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How to take data from an API and create a chart on that using Chart.js and Angular 8?

I'm new to Angular 8 and I'm currently working on a personal project to create a chart on a weather API using Chart.js. I have created a new component called weather. This is the API link https://...
Abhishek Satyavolu's user avatar
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using angular, once a selection is made how would you pass the ID using output and then call it in the footer with input

What I'm trying to do is make a dropdown that calls on the API and once an item is selected it will display the information in the footer component. I'm really new to angular and ...
Mason Golla's user avatar
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Print an HTML document with content coming from server

I received an array of objects describing the content of each page from the back-end. I got an object that contains URLs of an unknown number of images. I want to print 2 images by page. Since the ...
Dhia's user avatar
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Can't send data to API server 'Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed'

I want to send and receive data from an API server , when I send data from Postman it shows in the app put if I input from the app it doesn't show up, I'm getting the following error Error trying to ...
Malik Shafi's user avatar
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4 answers

HTML table not automatically updating after executing HTTP post

I created a dummy website for a 'game library' just to teach myself the http POST, GET, PUT and DELETE methods, I have a separate file for my api with 3 'games' in. The post does work when I enter a ...
sammyleighg's user avatar
-1 votes
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Api request not showing results *ngFor *ngIf

I need to show the data I'm fetching, but none is showing, I tried ngIf and ngFor I'm using angular 6, and trying to display data from movies in the Html, but data seems to be empty, I tried a lot of ...
Karma00's user avatar
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Angular 6: create my own database while using a database from public api?

I am working on an angular 6 project and I need to know if I can get a database from a public api but also from an in-memory database? Which means for example show movies from a public api but also be ...
Ava Sahal's user avatar
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Add a new object to my page using angular showing in the *ngFor?

I want to add a new movie object to my page showing like the others I already got from an api (with text and button like picture below) and be able to not see them it anymore when I reload the page. ...
Ava Sahal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Not able to get the correct index for the array in Ionic [duplicate]

I am fetching product categories from the API made in Laravel but when I am fetching the categories in HTML, it is showing error but In console, it is showing the categories values. This is my ...
user avatar
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Using ngModel within an option select

I would like to pass in an attribute from an api call to a submit function and not sure why it isn't working. I am thinking it has something to do with an option select or reformatting the input. ...
Prozak's user avatar
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Getting 'matches' array data within a 'query' from an API and displaying the information

I am having trouble displaying data from querying an API endpoint. The error message is ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined. I understand that I have to jump to display the "...
Prozak's user avatar
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