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What solutions are available to dynamically load native libraries on Android while following the native library namespace restrictions?

TLDR: I need to be able to dynamically create and load copies of a native library at runtime into some kind of temp or cache directory, but because of Android's native library namespace restrictions ...
MlLearner's user avatar
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PJsip onFrameRecieved function giving lots of noise in audiostream

``Hi all, We are using PJSIP for calling purposes on Android. When we use the onFrameReceived method to receive audio frames, we are encountering a lot of noise. We then pass these frames into a ...
user28119246's user avatar
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How to avoid crashing android native code debugging

we have an android application that has via JNI some of our c++ multithreaded(pthreads) code running beside java android application. The problem we are facing is debugging this code. Debugging stops ...
Lonko's user avatar
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Getting wrong source ip address for time-to-live exceeded icmp packets on Android

below is the native ICMP utility code I use in my Android app for 'ping' purposes. I decided adding trace route functionality and tried to use the same code with ttl=1, ttl=2 and so on. However, on my ...
ievgen's user avatar
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React Native with Android Native: Splash Screen Closes Automatically Despite `setKeepOnScreenCondition { true }`

Description To avoid Google Play's warning about double Splash Screen, I implemented the Android native Splash Screen API in my project react-native as described in the official documentation. I ...
Zukuan JING's user avatar
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No jniLibs extraction on android (Flutter)

I used flutter to create android app which uses jniLibs, I don't use ffi, instead I am directly call .so lib with from nativeLibDirectory. It works fine in debug mode, in release mode I am ...
Beer_belly 665's user avatar
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Symbolicate NDK crash log in Android

I've got my hands on an android native crash log that looks like this: 0x7829abbf20 0x7829a73000 + 298784 ( 0x7829abc8a8 0x7829a73000 + 301224 ( 0x7829abcda4 0x7829a73000 + 302500 (...
Joan P.S's user avatar
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7 votes
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Jetpack DataStore native lib is added to bundle: - what is that?

Recently I noticed that in new projects where I use Jetpack Datastore I have a new native lib added to apps' bundle:\base\lib\arm64-v8a\ What is that exactly? ...
user924's user avatar
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Paging 3 Library with Jetpack Compose Not calling the load method after initial load

I am trying to use jetpack compose paging 3 library with start and limit, it loads the first items, but when I scroll trough the list it doesn't call the load method again. I placed multiple logs, and ...
Krisxxx's user avatar
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Lock an AhardwareBuffer with multiple layers

I am creating an AHardwareBuffer from raw pixel data. For which i simply follow below steps. Create AHardwareBuffer_Desc object. Call AHardwareBuffer_allocate() Lock hardware buffer using ...
bit-shashank's user avatar
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Accessing native libraries files

In our application, we check the hashes of native library files. I assume this is done to avoid spoofing these files (this code appeared before I came to the project). We access the native code files ...
beet's user avatar
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"Android Resource Linking Failure: Style Not Found in .aar Library"

I'm facing an Android resource linking issue while compiling the parent application after converting an Android native application into a .aar library. The specific error message I'm encountering is: ...
Sathish Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
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Android App bundle install not placing native libs in the lib/$ABI folder

In order to try and understand how Android App Bundles deploy native .so I created a simple test app using android studio. The test setup: I added some test .so's. Also added the necessary line to ...
Tom's user avatar
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Flutter plugin as a binary or library

Is it possible to make flutter plugin as a library,so that it can be used and add as a dependency to another flutter app? I have created a flutter plugin,that plugin uses jar file as a dependency,and ...
Santosh Korada's user avatar
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Is native library being built into incorrect folder? Android

I use Realm sdk , which internally uses the native lib I am noticing some crashes at Google Play reports, indicating that the lib is not found for some architectures: Exception java....
htafoya's user avatar
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2 answers

Android app crashes on load library, cannot find entry point getThreadLocalsEv, how to fix? [example added]

My code is crashing on System.loadLibrary("hypoboleus"); with an error that it cannot find an entry point. I have created a so file and included it in the app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/ ...
Martin Ellison's user avatar
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Native Library working correctly for install-time module but doesn't work as expected for on-demand module

I'm trying to localize an app that uses Native C++. Most of the codes written in C++ and all strings/text was in certain build flag. E.g LANG_JP // For japanese I've created an on-demand dynamic ...
pleasebugmenot.mrg's user avatar
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How to acquire Wake lock in Android native service in AAOS?

Is there a way to acquire wake lock in Android native service in Android automotive, I need to hold the device from not going to suspend to Ram mode until my service done with certain tasks. I tried ...
Smokingkills's user avatar
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Native Android code executes even if I don't package

I have pre-built, third-party shared library from Qualcomm that has a dependency on . Even if I don't copy the to the Android phone, my programs execute ...
Umar Karim's user avatar
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Line Chart Using MPChartAandroid

How to display chart like below ? Only display XAxis lable XAxis lable is in string value with multiline show value only on first and last plotted value Please see the screen shot. enter image ...
Ganpat Kaliya's user avatar
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One Plus Nord - MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT - not working., Unable to set the time limit

MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT not working val takePictureIntent = Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE) takePictureIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT, 30) takePictureIntent.addFlags(...
Francis.X's user avatar
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Android app Crash OnActivityResult, Unable to read captured image

Unable to read captured image from "path /external_files/Android/data/com.test.testt/files/test_CAM_20230328_172047.jpg" **Existing code ** Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore....
komal Mane's user avatar
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2 answers

Problem calling SendUnityMessage after Importing Unity project in Android Native Project

So we have an android native project, mostly in Kotlin. Separately we also have a small scene in Unity that we wanted to import. We've been able to export the Unity project as an Android project, ...
ObjectNameDisplay's user avatar
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Dependencies between Android native modules (prefab) fail to build

Our Android application consists of 40-some Android Library Modules (ALMs), each of which also builds a C++ shared library with externalNativeBuild and CMake. So far we had the dependencies between ...
marczellm's user avatar
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About Kotlin Multiplatform AndroidNative who can help me. I searched kotlinlang, stackoverflow, google, but there was no specific way to use it

I want to implement the library generated by Android calling AndroidNativeArm64 in the Kotlin Mulitplatform project. I've gone through almost all the documentation at and still don't ...
dxy's user avatar
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Android Accessibility

Android Accessibility - How can I customize Accessibility talk back while using Native calendar component? Even Though I tried setting Accessibility manually by triggering calendar ID in both XML and ...
Praveen Kumar's user avatar
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Easypermission, the permission native dialog is coming by itself, I didn't execute any function

The easypermission is implemented in my app. The behaviour of showing the permission native dialog is on click. In Android 11 and greater the flow is working as it's implemented. But in Android 10 or ...
Fahad Ammar's user avatar
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I tried to run the App, But Gradle is throwing this error

` FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Build file '/Users/theroushan/Documents/NextSchool/android/app/build.gradle' line: 32 What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. ...
anon00978's user avatar
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Android Studio no Console output with Dual debug type?

Recently started using C++ in a Java Android app with CMake and Gradle on Windows (based on It works great, but now Java ...
cj-'s user avatar
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Change Zlib version in android project

Recently I found that archive-patcher library isn't working in android 12, and then I found that android 12 used the new version of Zlib that is changed a little and the problem is for that. Is it ...
hamid Mahmoodi's user avatar
3 votes
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Report in Google Play Console with crash in

I see crash report with native stack like this in the Google Play Console: **#00 pc 0x0000000000142eb0 /vendor/lib/egl/ #00 pc 0x000000000008560f /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_enter ...
PUBG MOBILE's user avatar
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Gradle plugin for Android that generates native library

I'm trying to create a gradle plugin for Android that generates code. I want the gradle plugin to generate code that will be compiled to a native library at application build time. Generating the code ...
timemanx's user avatar
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Unable to get a jstring from R.string.* via JNI in a native C application

I'm working on a native c/c++ app, that uses string resources via the strings.xml file. Attempting to use AAssetManager to load the "strings.xml" file, has no effect. Returns the same error ...
avetharun's user avatar
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apkanalizer - What can increase the raw file size of the native libs?

I have a project that used to weight around 140MB. Then, something changed and new version of the app is increasing by 100MB the apk size, even when the download size remains mostly the same. We did ...
htafoya's user avatar
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How can I load private native libraries from another app

I have two apps A and B. App A uses DexClassLoader to load a custom view class from app B. This works fine. However if the custom view in app B loads private native libraries bundled with apk B via ...
tir38's user avatar
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Android Hal is not registered at runtime in Android R(11)

I added my hal interface in manifest.xml, vendor_compatibilityMatrix.xml, and also in And also I have created hal.rc file as well for my hal. but at boot time i am getting below error.... ...
Rajeev's user avatar
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Can i use .so file from Apk and use in a python / Java Script

I have an apk. one .so file is being used in this apk. There is a function in the .so file. APK is invoking that function by passing 4 inputs as a parameter and getting output. Now I have to call that ...
Nirbhay Jain's user avatar
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Android: How to include mlpack c++ library into android project? [duplicate]

I trying to include mlpack c++ library into my android project but getting an error when using some function of mlpack like: NeighborSearch<NearestNeighborSort, ManhattanDistance> nn(data); ...
Monir Zzaman's user avatar
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ReactNative: Exception in native GuidedStepSupportFragment call (Android LeanBack)

When I try to render native guided step fragment in react native, I am getting the below error. ReactNative: Exception in native call android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #32 in com....
wilson's user avatar
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Load android native libraries (JNI) in a native c program

I'm gonna write a c program that loads a native android library (.so) this is my code: #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef void (*target_func)(JNIEnv* ...
op123d's user avatar
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How to deal with lib/arm/<.so file> file or folder missing?

I'm facing a challenge with my app from playstore. My app has the .so files which are in jniLibs folder for different ABIs. My app works well during testing but when I download from play store, logs ...
Elian's user avatar
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Why do I receive "Error: cannot find symbol import com.wa.delxott.R"? [duplicate]

Error: cannot find symbol import com.wa.delxott.R Symbol: class R Location: package com.wa.delxott After I change package name, during app resking. I try to check clear and ...
Wasim Aftab's user avatar
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JNI_OnUnload never called?

I'm trying to understand the lifecycle stages of an Android app with a native lib. The native library is loaded like this in the MainActivity: static { System.loadLibrary("lifecycleevents&...
NightFuryLxD's user avatar
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Does getMinBufferSize always return the same value for AudioTrack and AudioRecord?

In Android, when using the classes AudioTrack, and AudioRecord, you can find the minimum buffer size (for a given sample rate, channel config, and audio format) for the user's device with the static ...
User45i6h45ih3455's user avatar
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Attribute value must be constant in retrofit Header

I I tried to call the API key that I created with nativeLib, but when it is called in the retrofit header it can't be executed and there is a message "Attribute value must be constant" ...
Robby Ramadhan's user avatar
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Android studio native code navigation is not working

When I click on usage of any function it shows me a dialog like below: This makes my code navigation in native very slow. I'm using Android Studio Arctic Fox. I have NDK(SideBySide) and CMAKE ...
Navinpd's user avatar
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Minimal Android app with Google Play Services SDK (Passes API) not work

I have bare Android application created in Android Studio to which I added this Google Services API dependency: implementation '' Now I am trying to ...
Baterka's user avatar
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Flutter app stuck on black screen after integrating native android sdk

I have a Flutter app on version 2.2.3 into which I recently integrated a native SDK using the Platform channel method. For some reason after doing this, my Flutter app started showing a black screen ...
WeSay Solutions's user avatar
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Android - Debugging native crashes

I have application which uses native library, but also threading and various Bluetooth features. It mostly works fine, but at some unknown situation, the application crashes (it's really hard to ...
GAMELASTER's user avatar
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Is it possible to programatically preload a shared library?

Im building a project that needs to modify the behavior of some bionic methods (e.g getaddrinfo, __android_print). I've been able to create the hooked library both using a standalone compiler or ...
Gustavo Lagos's user avatar